Treat Opinions as Forum Threads

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Post by SQ » Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:03 pm

godix wrote:I think an easier idea that would do basically the same thing is to include a Private Message button on the video opinion page. I know I personally have started leaving one line comments thanking people for ops (assuming I've reply at all, I need to catch up on that) just because I notice almost no one ever replies back so I assume they probably don't check to see if I replied. Being able to PM the person makes it more likely they'll actually see it and as an added bonus, it's a private one on one communication rather than the kinda sorta 'only people who left ops can read this' privacy we have currently.
Insinuating your idea.

But I also agree with the mini-discussion thing. I really don't think there'd be much flaming. It'd be just like a regular op. It'd go like this:
1st post: Review gives opinion.
2nd Post: Creator in pink box
3rd Post: reviewer in small white box
and so on.

Personally, I think this would be a great idea, considering the number one rule of all humanity: People are Stupid.

I have, in big bold, oversize, capital letters, top AND the bottom, of most of my video info pages that, because of an encoding error, you can only play the video in DivX Player for it to playback correctly.

And still, I get opinions about a video that goes on for a minute or so after the music - unsyncronized crap, that wasn't played in DivX player - and then I go back and reply, "You should play this in DivX player", and the reviewers never, EVER re-view or re-op the video.
It's kind of depressing, really.

So having this "discussion" thing would allow for, not only creators to reply back, but for the reviewers to actually get a notification that they've gotten a reply that is easier to see. (Instead of the "My opinions given" page with the pink highlight).

So I guess it's the notification rather than the discussion itself that I'm for.
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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:17 pm

I'm in favor of this idea.
Arigatomina wrote:Most of the reviewers who "reply to my reply" are people I already talk to on the forums. None of the strangers, not a one, do so. If we turn the review system into another forum, it'll be one more forum for those people to avoid.
Or it could be that those people just don't check to see your reply. It's very possible that those strangers aren't well accustomed to giving reviews, so they aren't quick to check back and maybe don't even consider that they can/should edit the review again.
Arigatomina wrote:Regulating that will just be another forum for the mods, you'll have all sorts of forum perks like bbcode (no one's asked for that for reviews, but it's only a matter of time).
Yeah, it's another forum for the mods to look over. I don't think they need/want more work. And just imagine how cluttered that forum would get without constant and vigilant maintenance. With Beo's idea it's confined to the creator and viewers, beyond mod control.
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Post by donone » Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:04 pm

Kalium wrote:In terms of the Org codebase, there are quite a few other things I'd like to see done before any major feature overhauls. For one thing, getting the Super Search to where it can't crash Yuri would be nice. For another, there's a whole slew of security issues.
Sure. I didn't mean to argue that this feature is the most important to-do on the org or anything like that, I'm sure fixing existing features is a top priority. All I meant to express was I think its pretty clear this idea would encourage better feedback than the current '1-shot' based system - and hence better anime music videos (which really should be one of the cardinal goals of this site), and as such should be worth looking at once impending fixes and etcetera have been completed. Image

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Post by staces » Fri Mar 25, 2005 12:01 am

I think that there are much larger problems with the opinon process on this site than the format. Quite frankly, I think that the biggest problem would be the hypocritical wish to get more reviews when people hardly leave any themselves. Only nineteen people on this entire site have left more than 200 opinions. People who have only left 141 make it onto the "top 50 most opinions list."

Personally, I have downloaded 396 and left 304, which is still only 76% of the total. That is pathetic, yet still more than most give. I think the the majority of creators have downloaded at least 250 vids, yet hardly give anywhere near that much feedback. It's completely pathetic. How many of the people who'd like to get thorough, in depth feedback in the form of a dialogue would, in all honestly, want to do it for another creator? Really, I highly doubt that they would. I wouldn't.

By now, most people know what generally "looks good" and what "looks bad" in AMVs. Opinions really aren't that necessary either for improvement or for seeing what's wrong with a vid, because most creators already know what they're doing wrong. Time, practice, and watching other AMVs make you better, I don't think that opinions, though nice and sometimes helpful, really make any significant difference. It's nice to hear what people think of your AMVs, but I doubt that any new system implimented would bear any substantial improvement in the overall quality of AMVs.

The best way to get reviews that are indepth? Give them yourself! Honestly, the policy of giving to the people that you get from earns you a lot! If people want dialogue on their AMVs just e-mail the reviewer. Same principle, and the site doesn't have to be hassled with it.

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Post by Scintilla » Fri Mar 25, 2005 12:08 am

staces wrote:By now, most people know what generally "looks good" and what "looks bad" in AMVs. Opinions really aren't that necessary either for improvement or for seeing what's wrong with a vid, because most creators already know what they're doing wrong.
I wouldn't underestimate the "clueless newb" (meant in the politest way possible) proportion of the population, those who are just getting into vidding and/or really <i>haven't</i> seen very many videos, those who think that theirs are all that even if they actually suck.
staces wrote:It's nice to hear what people think of your AMVs, but I doubt that any new system implemented would bear any substantial improvement in the overall quality of AMVs.
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Post by madbunny » Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:41 am

Other than something like an email notification of a reply to your review, or a PM button in the reply portion itself, I don't really see a need for an overhaul. As it is, it's not all that hard to just PM a person if you have a question. I do it all the time and generally have no issues with it.

It's actually pretty rare that I need to 'reply to the reply' anyway now that I think about it, unless there are questions placed there.
staces wrote:Only nineteen people on this entire site have left more than 200 opinions. People who have only left 141 make it onto the "top 50 most opinions list."
I don't see how this really matters. Try seeing how many of those are also on the 'most useful' list as well. Turns out that I was 'bumped' off that list, but I'm still thinking that most of my reviews are reasonably well received.

I think that ultimately, instead of complicating the whole review issue, we should just simplify it. A big thumbs up or thumbs down icon is really about at informative as a two line review. No amount of dialog is going to fix that. On the other hand, we don't all need to be rocket scientists either. While nice to get, I've seen 8 page reviews for videos that are less than a minute long.

It's just an opinion guys, appreciate it for what it is.
Staces wrote:The best way to get reviews that are indepth? Give them yourself! Honestly, the policy of giving to the people that you get from earns you a lot!
Now THAT, I'll agree with!
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Post by pen-pen2002 » Fri Mar 25, 2005 12:53 pm

godix wrote:I think an easier idea that would do basically the same thing is to include a Private Message button on the video opinion page.
That's a good idea.

I think the idea of a forum thread is to complicated. Would it be possible to make the oppinions non editable and just add a box below it whenever someone wanted to say something new, maybe with a timestamp?

I don't know how the oppinion dateabase is set up so I don't know how easy this would be to implement.

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Post by SQ » Fri Mar 25, 2005 12:55 pm

pen-pen2002 wrote:
godix wrote:I think an easier idea that would do basically the same thing is to include a Private Message button on the video opinion page.
That's a good idea.

I think the idea of a forum thread is to complicated. Would it be possible to make the oppinions non editable and just add a box below it whenever someone wanted to say something new, maybe with a timestamp?

I don't know how the oppinion dateabase is set up so I don't know how easy this would be to implement.
That's what I thought the OP was saying?
Oh well. I agree with you, pen-pen.
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Post by Beowulf » Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:07 pm

So glad everyones taking interest :up:

Lets put this into action.

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Post by donone » Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:40 am

Scintilla wrote:
staces wrote:It's nice to hear what people think of your AMVs, but I doubt that any new system implemented would bear any substantial improvement in the overall quality of AMVs.
I think its pretty much a constant in anything that better quality feedback improves the product. Thats why companies pay marketing students millions of dollars to find effective means of getting good, useful information from the people they're selling their product to. IF something improves the overall quality of feedback in the amv community, I think its pretty intuitive that it will improve the overall standard of the product. And I think more toward a 'conversation' style of review rather than basically a 'grade and explanation' would almost certainly do so.
pen-pen2002 wrote:
godix wrote:I think an easier idea that would do basically the same thing is to include a Private Message button on the video opinion page.
That's a good idea.
I think one of the main benefits to the system would be the benefit to the community of being able to see for a particular amv why the creator made the decisions to do things the way he or she did. The creators response to criticism and then explainion of why they chose to do things the particular way they did should be made public rather than it would be with simply a forum PM. And furthermore I'm sure not every single amvc visits the forums at all. I certainly dont.


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