ayanefan wrote:That is more of a pet peeve.Cornwiggle wrote: But you don't need to chat when you have personal messages or instant messangers. And I hate seeing journals "I'm bored" "Wow, I'm hungry"
They're used as chat rooms too much. I think limiting it so you have to a certain number of words, at least it would eliminate stuff like above, and they'd be foreced to say a bit more and hopefully make it a bit more...useful.
Answer my question, what do you want to use the journals for. Not: what do you not want to use the journals for.
A pet peeve? Maybe, but it's freaking annoying. We don't need to know you're hungry, eat something. Wow, you're bored, I don't care, go outside or do something productive than just wasting everyone's time in journals.
And what I would like journals to be used for (most of the time):
To announce your progress with your editing, or if you've gotten an idea, something like that. Think of it as if you went on vaction to another country and you kept a journal, something like that, just mapping out your expierences. Take a look at either Dj_Ultima or Arigatomina's journal.
And asking for help from someone on journals I guess could be okay if it's something that won't be answered on the forums like "where can I get a song?" On the forum you'll just get "buy the CD".
The fact that all the junkies make about 11 posts in a journal a day is annoying because all they're doing is just either whoring themselves out (you), or talking with their friends (Yeiweh, Kikai, Wurpress), or pimping their friend's vid like crazy (everyone who is Jubjub's friend).
And it gets really really annoying after awhile.