A Database Cull: Down With Junk Entries!

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Sir Gaijin Smash
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A Database Cull: Down With Junk Entries!

Post by dokool » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:08 pm

Browsing through the New Videos list, I get frustrated on a daily basis. Here are a couple examples I can come up with the current New Video list:

XxaznprncexX: blah (2003-07-24) [hits: ] [ops: 0]
ashieyu: blah (2003-07-24) [hits: ] [ops: 0]

bigred: last love (2003-07-22) [hits: ] [ops: 0]
bigred: last love from lovehina (2003-07-22) [hits: ] [ops: 0]

And so on and so forth. Editors posting multiple listings for videos that they say they're "going to do." Newbies who obviously have no idea what they're doing. And it never ends. The database suffers as a result, since there are so many junk/mistyped/etc entries.

So, I propose a cull. Select some editors to go through the database and weed out all the junk. If a dozen editors put in an hour a day on this, a-m-v.org would load faster and the database would be half as big in less than a week.

You know you wanna =)


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Post by Phade » Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:40 pm


One of the things we are going to do (once the programmers group is going) is to make a system to report bad information, like junk video entries, anime, music, etc. So many things to do, so little time...


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double entries and how to correct them....

Post by grimmer » Fri Aug 01, 2003 6:56 am

Great if there is a way to let the users tell you where bad video's are, and where double entries are made, I will gladly fill in the forms....

Snif even the great video 10% list (my shrine) has double entries... We will fight these double entries bravely :) I think it's a waste, when opinions are distributed among these double entries, and subsequently other great works are pushed out of these lists....

Can I ask a rude question? what happens to a link that receives a lot of prob from the users?

Still I feel sympathy for all those who have to deal with all these "double entries..."

last and least of course.... (sorry I'm such a newbee with a double entry) I wanted to fix this that's why I'm here on this forum. I've entered the wrong studio name. How can I delete the old one. In the studio table is the creator of a studio linked to the name of the studio (then, maybe that's the one who can delete it when there are no other references to this name)

Old!! robotech-generation fan


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