My Instructor always says; Never complain about a problem unless you have a viable solution to suggest, otherwise you're blowing air and contributing to the problem.This forum is for suggestion on how to make this a better web site.
Brief Introduction: I've been a part of these forums for two years now, Seen changes, good and bad. I've done stupid and ignorant things, Other times I feel I’ve made a valid contribution.
The Problem: (as I see it) There's a fair amount of Old topic reposting (again, i give examples: Evangelion, the Vs. Threads (I know that they're gone, thank god) and the incessant need to mindlessly spam.)
The Solution: My Instructor also says "When you find someone or something that is successful, Copy them"; and I defer to him in this case. The forums of have aggressive and proactive moderators that continuously browse the threads on and off during the day, locking threads, tempbanning where necessary. Each area of the forums is proactively moderated by an average of two to four mods, which dispense consistent behavior. Accidents are forgivable, Ignorance and stupidity are not. In that 'heavy handed' environment, repetition is discouraged, rational discussion encouraged, and the medium of anime and everything else is carefully cultivated. I've been there for several months now, and wholeheartedly vaunt their methods as a valid solution to this problem! Proactive moderation is far, far more effective then reactive moderation.
If the current site administrators are incapable of taking on such a daunting task, You can recruit from the ranks of those established. (I nominate Flint The Dwarf, for one.)
Opinion: This problem of wading through incessant drivel just to find certain things has reached a point of actual frustration within me, to the point where I would request a full termination of my account if something isn’t done!
Rather than posting this in the Moderator drop box, I post it in the Site Suggestions box in the hopes that the forum Administrators and Moderators and the rest of us peons will have a rational and healthy discourse on how we can clear out the dead wood, as it were.