Guide me in the ways of pyromaniacism.

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Post by jonmartensen » Sun Dec 08, 2002 11:29 pm

Freeze a can of shaving cream with LN2 and cut it open. Put it in someones car on a hot day and it should fill up quite a bit of the car. If you get 10 or 12 cans you can fill the whole car with shaving cream.

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Post by Eurononymous » Sun Dec 08, 2002 11:31 pm

put a small CO2 cartridge in the middle of a files, get FAR away, and shoot it. Or do what I did, set up a time fuse to a larger tank of CO2, put it under a trash can, light the fuse (which btw: at the end of the fuse was a very SMALL amount of C4 that may friend had got from who knows where), hug the ground of a hill a good 70 yds. away, and watch it go!
It doesnt launch up, it just blew up and shrapnel flew EVERYWHERE!!!
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Post by jonmartensen » Sun Dec 08, 2002 11:49 pm

Shoot a full tank of propane (the kind used in gas grills) with a rifle, from really fscking far away.

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Post by Eurononymous » Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:01 am

Far? One propane tank is enough to take out your WHOLE house and your neighbors house as well! Dont do that unless your in the Arizona desert with no one around a NOTHING better to do.
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Post by jonmartensen » Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:03 am

or do it inside your house, your choice :P

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Post by jacheatamobits » Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:46 am


you guys are friggin insane!
well, i guess its better than the trial and error accidents that unsupervised-pyromania causes.

heres some i know of:

TAKE COFFEE CREAMER, OR FLOWER, AND TOSS IT UP IN THE AIR, or, like someones ashes, 'drop' it into the air off a building or somethin. then simply ignite it. the mixture will burn like gas fumes. you can usualy find free creamer at gas stations, and it isnt hard to collect alot of it. just be sure you have a good 'primer', like an M-80, or a small fire built below where you are going to drop it.

pound the 'gunpowder'of model-rocket-engines (separating the clay from the black powder) with a hammer. (dont worry, it wont explode, its not that potent) after doing a few packages of the larger"D" size engines, you can yeild almost a pound of gunpowder.

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Post by jacheatamobits » Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:48 am

TIRES are fun to burn. if you are lucky enough to live in a large city, you can fingd PILES of old tires. now, dont just go starting it on fire with kindling, use gas. they burn for hours, and you cant put them out. if possible, roll a tire down the street that is on fire. is teh fun!

road flares are on of my favorite creations. you can use them as a torch, cutting through lots of stuff. try setting one up against a full can of "deep woods OFF", or andy insect repellant. starting fluid works better. and remember, if you have any doubt on if a substance is flammable, read the label. the bigger the warning, the more flammable it is.

if you are a true pyro-maniac (which i doubt many of you are) always carry around a BIC, and randomly start things such as trees, and dry brush on fire

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Post by jacheatamobits » Mon Dec 09, 2002 1:05 am

the full container of propane is teh good idea, i was gonna do that a couple years ago, but i dont have teh ballz. if someone does do it, take pics, i would love to see!

now, in case you are unfamiliar with the maltof-cacktail, here is a breif guide. take a glass container, and fill it with a highly flammable liquid. (you can use starting fluid, but it will take several cans, but the high ether content is worth it!) now, stuff a rag, sock, or paper towel into the to
p. (you dont have to soak the rag, which could lead to a pre-emptive explosion, just soak one tip enough so it wont go out when thrown) light the tip of the rag on fire, and toss. it wont work unless it breaks on impact, and the liquid makes contact with the rag.

there is also a neat prodouct that acts like a very, very very, large cap, for a cap gun. they are used to warn trains of dangerous conditions. i wont say where to get them, cause they are made of nitro-glyceren.
i would describe one of these as AS powerful, if not more, than a half stick of dynamite. they are about 3" square, and one inch high, bright red, with teh warning labels all over it. it also has these metal straps for attatching it to the train-rail. if you find some of these, try stacking four or five on top of each other, and use something VERY heavy to drop on it (like an engine, or transmission)

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Post by jonmartensen » Mon Dec 09, 2002 1:12 am

Teh Sweetness

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Post by jacheatamobits » Mon Dec 09, 2002 1:29 am

if you happen across some detonation cord, or det. cord for short, your in luck. this cord is usualy light blue, or yellow in color, and is VERY hard to find. this stuff works like dynamite, in that it is a high explosive, and is used for demolition. takes the det cord, and use an electricaly triggered fuse to get distace from you and the target. what is so neat about det cord is that you can do ANYTHING with it!

you can wrap it around steel and cut it, or ball it up in a container of gasoline, or even cut trees down with it!

with a little practice, you can set it up in seconds, atatching it to a wall, or window, and attach the fuse, and switch/battery combo, run out a wire, and BANG, instant door. (this is used in police raids, and the like. along with flash grenades, its a very effective way to clear a building, short of using gas)

well enough about the merits of det-cord, lets talk about napalm. the styrofoam idea mentioned earlyer wasnt bad, but as i pointed out, there are liquids out there that are more flammable than gas. ether is one.

now, to make something burn for a long time, you need to "thicken" the fuel. you can use oil, or deisel fuel to do this, or paint (nothing water based will work. as long as it burns or can burn, your good)
now for napalm, you need a good igniter. C4 is good, but if you cant find this, alot of det cord will work, but who can realy get that stuff?

the whole idea is to spread the mixture over a large area very fast, while igniting it at the same time. the result is a fireball, that like a mushroom cloud from an atomic bomb, stays in the air burning for a few seconds. if its aimed at the ground, well, we all know what happens then


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