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Post by FirestormXIII » Sat Jan 25, 2003 7:18 pm

Well, me is teh stupid for saying stuff from memory. It turns out Xenosaga does have mini-games. Of course there's only four of them, but there's no mention as to what the games actually are.

As for cutscenes, again I am teh stupid. Rather than me try to recall things from memory I'll let the magazine tell the story :) . And I quote,

'Namco estimates that Episode I contains roughly 30 hours of cutscenes (complete with spoken dialouge), in addition to the 50-plus hours of gameplay.
Based on the playable build we recently enjoyed, we can safely confirm that roughly 40 percent of the game consists of story [probably should be read 'cutscene'] segments.'
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Post by Vazor » Sat Jan 25, 2003 8:12 pm

*Vazor prays to whatever diety will listen to make the spoken dialogue in Xenosaga Japanese.
30 hours is a lot, if they do dub it, I hope they stay away from whoever helped with the dubbing in ffx. Yuck.
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Post by FirestormXIII » Sat Jan 25, 2003 10:17 pm

Perhaps they'll have an option to make the dialogue either English or Japanese.

Which would bring video games one step closer to being like anime :shock:
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Post by Epochof7 » Sun Jan 26, 2003 8:23 pm

I purchased Xenogears on the first day of US release, entirely by accident... I played it, beat it, then reset my PSX to start over again so I could play it through again, if only to get an idea why they'd say "Xenogears: Episode V"... maybe I missed something in the game. After beating it again, it became apparent that this WAS the fifth part, I went out searching for the previous 4, only to find out that they were to be prequels released at a later date...

Since then I've beat the game twice more just to experience the plot. Not only that, but like FFVII and my PSX, this will be the game to convince me to finally buy a PS2...

Maybe Xeno Episode III will convince me to buy a PS3?

Oh, for reference to those who don't know, the full xenogears storyline is scripted to be six parts long. Not only that, but according to the RPG sites, when you beat Xenosaga, it creates a save on your memory card for a as yet unreleased game (Xeno Ep II? Fuck yeah)

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Post by Koopiskeva » Sun Jan 26, 2003 9:17 pm

I actually bought Xenogears because I had just finished watching Eva at the time, and finished FF7. I wanted to play another RPG, and when I read about the religious implications that Xenogears had, I immediately thought of Eva, plus I saw that there were anime cut scenes. It came out the same day as Metal Gear Solid, and I was probably one of the only ones that bought it instead of MGS at my local game store during its first day release. It has remeained to be one of my all time favorite games.

Anyways, I've heard that Xeno saga isn't selling too well, so Namco is hoping that the second installment will have a better response because if it doesn't they might not be able to pull through in having all 6 installments. Personally, I'm pretty psyched about getting the game and I hope many more people will get it and be able to enjoy it as well.

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Post by drakesyn » Wed Jan 29, 2003 1:51 pm

Ah gods how I burn for this game. I will be a masterpeice. More of a movie than a game. Even worse than MGS2 in that sense. Some of the cutscenes and movies will be up to and including 30 mins. long. Isn't that great? I know it sounds bad, but anyone who played Xenogears will probably (hint: <-opinion) agree that it it oculd have used a lot more animed out movies instead of all the in-game cutscenes.

I loved Xenogears and am currently on my seventh play through the game. I love the story and it's depth. And I really wanna play this game. I will die to get it and I will probably die playing it. It looks pretty, has a really innovative battle system (<-hearsay, not sure if its true), and it'll be the bezt movie of the year. It'll probably be a great game too.

Brandon - Zny cyfim Xenogears sehrecca. Fei um la kyt ert ni mnyot pi zyhmnubbit. Dni lisne zihi dni mziidimd ifih, ert dni keli bceait khied ecmy.
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