So, today (Tue, Feb 11) I turned 21. At the behest of my friends, I went to a local bar with the intention of checking the place out. I sat down and had a few drinks. A Bacardi silver lite and a rum and coke, for those who care to know. Rap music playing over the radio. People talking about the football and basketball games that were playing on the TV, various sports paraphenalia all over the wall...
In other words, not my kind of place at all. I got immediately bored and left after I finished my drinks.
I went to the arcade with the intention of playing some DDR. I was already feeling light-headed ("buzzed" I believe is the term), so it was fun. The sad part is, I did better than I ever did sober (but, it was also a new machine. The old 3rd mix machine had been replaced with a 4th mix machine, which I found much more enjoyable). I actually managed to pass a few levels. A guy with me even gave me some pointers on how to improve my game.
I then went to Walmart to buy some liquor, just because It seemed the thing to do, but didn't get any because I couldn't find the liquor section. Probably best, really, seeing as the dorm has a no-alcohol policy... ^_^
Not bad. I don't plan on getting plastered and passing out every night like the stereotyped college student, but I probably won't not drink again. It's wierd, though, feeling so dizzy... weeee...
I'll shut up now...

Uuuummmm..... to all of the minors out there...
I'm such a hypocrite...

Now, I await all of the people who were here last spring to remind me of what happened the last time I got drunk and hit the org...

Hey, I'm improving, right?