Dark Dragon wrote:and I say strike the bastards down now, for if we don't, then who's to say a 9/11 event won't happen again? They brought this on themselves, Saddam had enough time to give up, and when Osama is found, he gets to go to go to hell via a nice, big and very massive explosion.
Yes I know, I am an evil person, an evil person that likes to stomp out others even more evil. Also, if we don't show that what we say is kept up on our end, then we will only be seen as pushovers, Saddam is evil, he uses his own people as shields and tests chemicles on them, in my eyes, he is a Hitler wanna be, and enough people were killed by Hitler, and the same goes for Aerofat or however his name is spelt and his army of homicide bombers, they too shall get theirs in the end.
and even if we do who is to say that another 9/11 won't happen again anyways? you can't say to sure it won't. nobody can. the future is always uncertain nobody can forsee what these events will lead to. if anything this may actually lead to another 9/11, after all, we'd just be giving them another excuse to lead out their thirst for revenge. that is the key word is it not? when he is found. you say he'll go to hell via a bomb. tell me then, why have we not found him yet? all we've been doing is dropping bombs on dirt. we've really achieved very little. you say you are evil but you want to stomp out someone more evil than you? now explain that to me. just what is evil? and how are they any more evil than we are? there are no saints in this world only devils. every civilization has their own little black mark on themselves from past "evils". the US is no exception. i do agree that we must not seem like pushovers for once you lose a footing on your ground it's harder to defend it. again, with the evil. human shields. what do you call what each nations leader uses it's military force as? they are human shields. the only president i can truly respect is one who goes and takes charge on the front line. that is one i would be proud to fight along side. the truth is, everyone who does not fight when able, is using someone else as a human shield.
Mroni wrote:Wufei- He has no nukes that's easy enough to know. He doesent have all the components to make them. As for losing vietnam when did we do that? Name one major engagement of any type that we lost. We never intended to win. Mcnamara pretty much addmited it was just a weapons test. When we did get serious we whiped them out. All vietnam accomplished was we killed all the Viet kong so the Nva wouldn't have to worry about them. A sad sorry waste of human life but by no means a military defeat. I don't know why I am even bothering to type this you won't listen anyway this is a just war I am 100% for it if some Iraquis die oh well I will get over it.
so he has no nuclear weapons? and you would know this from what? unless i see with my very own eyes i would not make such an assumption. i may agree that the possibilities of them having such weapons are slim, that does not dismiss the fact that there is a possibility. and any possibility which could carry such grave consequences with it should not be overlooked.as for vietnam i was planning on talking about that but in all actuality i think earthcurrent summed up a bit of what i was going to say, but in order to put more to the point i will see what research i can do on the war and come back with information, if i have the time. now i am insulted, what makes you think i am not listening to you. if i weren't would i have used your quotes at all and tried to respond to them? as for iraquis dieing. i can understand a bunch of faceless unknowns to me, however i am unbiased, i feel the same for all troops who die, i simply don't care. ah so now i am a traitor to the US? i only speak my mind as you do. taking liberty of the 'freedom' of speech which has been granted to me. does that mean all people who speek their minds, when not in accordance with what people such as yourself wish for them to believe, are traitors? so be it then call me a traitor. i would sooner die than pledge my allegiance to a country that stresses freedom but only under stipulations fitting itself.
now then lastly and breathe a sigh of reief this isn't as long as my past post which i do apologize for. thank you buddykiller, bebi, and cainT. actually it didn't take as long as it would seem, it may have been faster had i not been typing up emails to some friends of mine at the same time. i don't believe i speak with any more passion than many of the people who have expressed their feelings on the subject, many of whom i used as quotes more than likely.

as for being president the first thing i would have to do is destroy presidencies and elect a large council of people to run the country. i think one countries future is far too important to leave much of the decisions up to one man so i would elect a bunch of people to join this council. such as kthulu, earthcurrent, bebi, jace, and yes even mr oni. i would have to choose people such as these because as i've said many of them have put up good if not great arguments of their own and the only way a place could run smoothly is if you have differing opinions. i'd be honored to have these people as a part of a council to discuss courses of action in the political field. i would have listed more but then i'd have to read over the entire topic.
ok so on a truly final note. thank you mr oni. i truly appreciate it when people give arguments to me and if i had a hat it would be tipped respectively, though i wish for you to never assume i would not read something you put up simply because our views differ. Sayonara.
Fighting weak oponents leaves me feeling so empty inside.