Ever been Arrestead?

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Post by Veldrin » Wed Aug 13, 2003 5:57 pm

I would never hit a girl. I dunno, just how I am.

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Post by klinky » Wed Aug 13, 2003 5:58 pm

God Satomi you are wild.

;_; poor tutter.

I was arrested once for selling my ass down under the Broadway BRid--.

:oops: - errr

No. I was never arrested. Never have been. Stopped by cops MANY times. For NO REASON. They never tell me. They just stop and question me. I am TOO FUCKING HOT! All the female police officers want to do me and all the male ones are gay so I bet they want to get in my pants to. I've never been in the back of a cop car, but I fear of what will happen if I do end up back there. I can imagine the words "It's time to grease him up oink oink" as two coppies put on devious grins up in the front seats.

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Post by fyrtenheimer » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:01 pm

Yeah, I remember going to college last fall and driving into the commuter parking lot. Some bitch pulls up so close beside me, and opens her door slamming it into mine. Of course I throw a fit and then she tries to throw some punches and it turns into some massive fight and the cops and everyone's uncle's mother showed up. But i didn't get arrested.

And I've gotten a speeding ticket. But I've never been to jail.

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Post by KungPaoChicken » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:11 pm

fyrtenheimer wrote:Yeah, I remember going to college last fall and driving into the commuter parking lot. Some bitch pulls up so close beside me, and opens her door slamming it into mine. Of course I throw a fit and then she tries to throw some punches and it turns into some massive fight and the cops and everyone's uncle's mother showed up. But i didn't get arrested.
i remember that.

i've spend sometime in the back of cop cars, but then that was only because they were driving me home.


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Post by Masterdeeds » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:35 pm

I've been in the back of cop cars, and I almost threw up there too once.

Let's see... 3 of the 4 times is because my MOM CRASHED HER DAMN CAR INTO A 3 FOOT DITCH, or some idiot hit her front, or her car died at a railroad crossing sign.

The 4th time was because I ran away and they were taking me to the hospital.
A note to those that plan to run away, do it in SUMMER! It was like November when I did and it was so damn cold and then it started raining! And all I had was my coat, I slept outside for like 2 hours until I couldn't stand it anymore and I started walking around. I stayed in the same area for like an hour and some damn idiot called the cops.

Those 2 hours were the only sleep I got, at the hospital they had me under guard, like I would run away from the hospital.
I was tired, cold, hungry, and was just plain exhausted from runnig the whole night.

Anyway, I'm shutting up...

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Post by Kamoc » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:46 pm

one time in highschool some people i knew were in a fight, so when it turned bloody i jumped in and started screaming "MOMMY DADDY STOP FIGHTING IT'S CHRISTMAS".

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Post by Hoeya » Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:00 pm

LOL@ Kamoc.... Classic.

I was almost arrested when I punched my stepmom in the face, she deserved it, the stupid bitch.

I also lit a dumpster on fire, as well as some TP at my old Middle school. I was almost caught, except i ran faster than the janitor and threw my lighter out of my pocket when I turned the corner. Running actually saved my ass, because the Vice principal checked my pockets and my backpack for lighters. God I hated that guy.

The only other time I've had a run in with the law was when a policemen gave me a ride to school, it was freezing cold, like nine or ten degrees farinheit(sp?) and I was wearing a somewhat thin hemp hoodie that was actually pretty warm. Luckily, he didnt notice the hoodie.

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Post by nailz » Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:18 pm

tutterbutter wrote:I was innocent.... and im cleared of all charges and will never even run a yellow light for the rest of my life.. BIG LESSON LEARNED..Jail Sucks.. Police Suck too.. they are all gung ho.. to put handcuffs on people now a days even if your innocent... 3 days of my life lost. I hate police men.. oink oink/end
Why didn't you sue for false arrest?
Ploink! Magic Cupcake! <a href="http://www.elvenking.net">Elvenking</a>. I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome I am.

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Post by §_Akuma_§ » Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:44 pm

i have never been aressted or pulled over. i have however came close since the piggies here love to follow your ass all damn night and when you go to stop at a stop sign they pull right up on your ass just wishing you would fuck up (or fuck them, take your pick).

if i got cought one night, i would have gotten my ass in jail in a real hurry. 2 buddies of mine were smoking up (i was not of course b/c i hate the shit and im very much against it) and they had a lot of the shit of them. so once the cops got out and started looking around, we ran our asses every time we saw ANY car lights and we were in a small batch of trees but did not hide us worth a shit and the cop went RIGHT by and didnt see up (not only are they retarded here, THERE BLIND). hehe i even yelled to him
"i smell bacon, i smell pork. better run little piggie because i got a fork" heheh, i love that ryme. and its ironic b/c i was the one who filled up his car full of gas, such irony ^_^
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Post by Propyro » Wed Aug 13, 2003 11:16 pm

Ever been arrested? nope, but i've been finger printed. my mom got it done at a mall as part of a missing persons aid thing. Incase i go missing they'd have my prints on record and be able to identify me a little easier or somethignliektaht. but now that means ihave to invest in gloves ifi ever decide to have a little bit of fun.



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