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Post by digital_monk » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:17 pm

Science can't prove evolution. There is no evidence for macro-adaptation (the idea that an animal with fur would develop feathers and learn how to fly). It's genetically impossible with the understanding we have of science today.

So if you accept that fact, that leaves creation.

And even if you don't buy the macro-adaptation is wrong theory, even the big bang theory relies on a force outside the laws of physics to set things into motion. An object at rest will not move unless something moves it. A divine force, by definition, must have set those first atoms into motion, and even more than that, put those atoms into the void of space so that they could be set into motion.

Pretty heddy stuff.

But I believe in God, I believe in the Judeo-Christian God, and the divine birth and sacrifice of Christ. Call me crazy.

I don't believe in assholes running around killing doctors that work in clinics because they perform abortions. I also don't believe in fuckwads condeming homosexuals for their lifestyle.

Everything on this earth revolves around love. To seek shelter and provide nurishment for yourself is an act of self love (giggle), to get a job so you can provide for your family is an act of love. God is love, and anything that isn't done out of love is done out of indifference or hate, and cannot be sanctioned by God.

More than my logical explinations I've experienced things in my life that can only be explained as "God."

And life is a journey to which we find God, and grow in our knowledge of God. Everything else is superfluous. And to know God, for me, takes an "any means necissary" approach.

Which is tough. But I'm trying to get back in the right mindset.

And that's probably more than you all wanted to know, or cared about from Digital_Monk.

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Post by LightningCountX » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:18 pm

MinnieMoose wrote:Yous gots my pity Lighting. Being sucha hata like that. And lyrs, your arguement of "you've just got a lot of to experience" etc. Does that mean if i meat enough gay people i'll suddenly accept it? So on that same logic, if i were to meat a whole buncha murders i'd accept murder as something that is to be accepted because it was their "life choice"?
you have my pitty cause your one of the millions of lost iditots out there...

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Post by WarpedElements » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:19 pm

God isn't just about love, he is "a Loving god" a "aveging god and a jealous God". He's all of those. I condem them because it's immoral. Would you not condem someone who murdered (I'm not saying they're equal sins but it's the same idea). You would condem a murderer because what they did is wrong. You would condem a homosexuality and hope they'd learn that they can be strait if they give up their sinful lifestyle. It's not hate to condem.

And i don't believe blowing up abortion clinics is the answer. I think that we should work with the laws we got and work to change them while we're on this earth.
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Post by WarpedElements » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:21 pm

Poor lyrs. I was just giving you my pity yet you reduce yourself to name calling, the sign of someone with a weak argument and an even weaker mind.
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Post by WarpedElements » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:22 pm

Shoot, that should read Lightning, not lyrs.
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Post by LightningCountX » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:25 pm

wow, minniemoose, your a........forget it, not sinking down to your level...

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Post by Lyrs » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:25 pm

MinnieMoose wrote:And lyrs, your arguement of "you've just got a lot of to experience" etc. Does that mean if i meat enough gay people i'll suddenly accept it?
no you won't depending on who the gays and lesbians are. but you have to realize that there are gays and lesbians who live a normal life aside from their sexual preferences. they are good people who have done no harm and have also contributed more support to the community then many straight people.

second, you don't have to accept them "all of a suden," and most likely you won't, because you won't see beyond teh fact that they are gay or lesbian.

So on that same logic, if i were to meat a whole buncha murders i'd accept murder as something that is to be accepted because it was their "life choice"?
no. the fact that you can even compare homosexuality to murderers makes you out to be not only homophobiac, but entirely ignorant of gays and lesbians.

i am however interested in why you are homophobiac, beyond the simple explanation taht you said it is disgusting and wrong.
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Post by WarpedElements » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:25 pm

Sinking down to my level? You already started name calling. Now you're recanting? Atleast that's a start.
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Post by digital_monk » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:26 pm

LightningCountX wrote:and you should be ashamed for believing in the Invisible Man in the sky...
You really should be ashamed of yourself.

First of all, it's pretty rude to say something like that to someone about their faith. Even if it is what you feel.

Secondly, you have no coherent points against God. Just against people who use God's name.

Don't judge God on people, judge God on God.

And pove to me that anything in the Bible didn't happen.

It's been documented that (I want to say every, but I'll say) 90% of all scientists who set out to disprove something that happened in the Bible come back believing that it happened.

And even if some of the events are real long shots, there is still proof that most of them could have happened, even if the likelihood is slim.

So how about you do a little research before you tell me I should be ashamed of myself for believing in an invisible man.

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Post by WarpedElements » Sun Sep 21, 2003 12:27 pm

Sinking down to my level? You already started name calling. Now you're recanting? Atleast that's a start.
SS5 Majin Bebi: Ok, I gotta go and shave my nuts... I mean... go home and get dressed for taekwon-do now.


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