by OzzieArcane » Sun Oct 12, 2003 7:27 pm
I like Final Fantasy 6 the most, then 4, then 7, then 1, then the rest of them I either haven't played enough to mention them or I hate them. I haven't like any Final Fantasy's since 7 but I'm gonna get 11.. although it's not the same kind of thing so that's why. I agree with the other person who said they're relying too much on graphics and stuff and no worrying about the storyline as much as they should.
Favorite Characters are Shadow(6), Edge(4), Tellah(4), and Vincent(7).
My favorite womenz are Celes(6), Rydia(4), and Yuffie(7)
My favorite villain... either Kefka or Sephiroth. I still have fond memories of Kefka's stupid laugh. The Turks are pretty cool too.