Should I just pirate Crystal Reports 9 and get that to work?
Does it do what I think it does?
I'd love to get Yare working with NIS/NetInfo/LDAP, but it's written in C++ and the closes I've ever gotten is C#.
Storing user base stats in the Distinguised Name (RFCrap 1718 whatever) may work, but it doesn't scale for features.
CN (Common Name) can be nick, Z (new) can be Zeny,
OU (Organizational Unit) can be Guild
but what about objects and stuff? OH NO THE XML HORRORS!
There's already a method to render a image of a character from PHP(Performance Huge Pain-n-***), and ambitions of getting a "webcam" type of world camera coded. Now how in the world could they do that? See image...
Code: Select all
' Pseudo-code to parse YaRE class equipment database
' Areyo (Wang Daniel)
' our db entries look like this
' 1116,Katana ,0,1,5,6,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,
' 1165,Masamune ,1,7,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,
' 5012,Ph.D_Hat ,99,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,
' Our test goal is to be able to response.write lines like:
' 1116 Katana 0 1 5 6
' and also
' 1116 Katana Novice=Yes Swordsman=Yes Mage=No Archer=No Acolyte=No Merchant=Yes Thief=Yes Knight=No Priest=No Wizard=No Blacksmith=No Hunter=No Assassin=No
' 1165 Masamune Novice=No Swordsman=No Mage=No Archer=No Acolyte=No Merchant=No Thief=No Knight=Yes Priest=No Wizard=No Blacksmith=No Hunter=No Assassin=No
' 5012 Ph.D Hat Novice=Yes Swordsman=Yes Mage=Yes Archer=Yes Acolyte=Yes Merchant=Yes Thief=Yes Knight=Yes Priest=Yes Wizard=Yes Blacksmith=Yes Hunter=Yes Assassin=Yes
' P.S. If MySQL sucks, get ORACLE!
Import Namespace="System.IO"
' Read the file
Dim dbFile As File
Dim dbGimme As StreamReader
Dim dbRaw As String
dbGimme = dbFile.OpenText(/yare/cfg/class_equip.txt);
dbRaw = dbGimme.ReadToEnd();
' Test code to populate the database manually. for debug purposes
' dbRaw = "1116,Katana,0,1,5,6,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,"\n"1165,Masamune,1,7,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,"\n"5012,Ph.D_Hat,99,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,"
' Split it up into entries
' I'm going to REALLY hurt performance by dynamically populating
' the array dimensions. There should be a good way to count the
' lines in a file, I believe.
Dim dbEntries[] as String
dbEntries = dbRaw.split({\n})
' Test code to split the database into entreis manually
' Dim dbEntries[2] as SString
' dbEntries[0] = "1116,Katana,0,1,5,6,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,"
' dbEntries[1] = "1165,Masamune,1,7,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,"
' dbEntries[2] = "5012,Ph.D_Hat,99,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,111,"
' Split it up into fields
' Really Nasty!
' Parsing has to be done at the same time for performance reasons
' we don't want to store an array, then process it, slow
Dim dbFields[] as String
For Each i in dbEntries[i] {
dbFields = dbEntries[i].split(',')
end for
' Test code to split the entries into fields, manually
' Contains only information for 1116 Katana
' dbFields[0] = "1116"
' dbFields[1] = "Katana"
' dbFields[2] = "0"
' dbFields[3] = "1"
' dbFields[4] = "5"
' dbFields[5] = "6"
' dbFields[6] = "111"
' dbFields[7] = "111"
' dbFields[8] = "111"
' dbFields[9] = "111"
' dbFields[10] = "111"
' dbFields[11] = "111"
' dbFields[12] = "111"
' dbFields[13] = "111"
' we can order these by ItemID number
size = dbEntries.count
Dim dbRow[size] as String
' for each i in dbEntries[i] ' Or: for 0 through size
for (i=0, i <=dbEntries, i++) {
dim Fields As String
fields = dbEntries[i].split(',')
item = fields[1]
' Parsing code to order classes here, unless we already did it
dbRow[item] = dbEntries[i]
***not done***