Maybe... but I don't think Japanese acting is exaggerated.I don't think Japanese tv is any better then ours. However, Japanese acting is waaay to over exaggerated.
Watched a lot Japanese live-action series and what I have seen seemed very realistic and more like classic theater style.
If you're not afraid of romanic stories, I'd suggest to watch "Beautyful Life" for it's supreme actors. It's currently fansubbed by some groups, so you shouldn't have problems tracking it down.
And alternative is the live-action version of GTO, which I like better than the anime.
If you mean "exaggerated" with regard to anime, you're quite right.
But even Japanese people think so and when you take al look at American cartoons, it's all the same.
Dunno. TV is pretty dull here in Europe too, maybe except for the Scandinavian coutries.I agree, I dont think American tv is quite up to the level of some other countries shows.
Private TV channels air the same shows as in US but in German they suck even more than in English. And the suckiest thing that ever sucked are German remakes of American TV series... ah hell. Glad I have those fansubs and cheap anime US-DVDs