Fuck man, you joined just to say that?-=Shyft=- wrote:What's up d00ds. Well, I just wanted to drop in and say 'hi' to all the haters out there =)
I am one of those "fellows" which SA does not speak well of. I am actually quite proud to have been selected. Did you know that there are a number (a LARGE number indeed) of hits that came from SA to bacaboys.com who actually LIKED what they saw? Oh well, I have no need to defend myself or our craft. If you don't like it, talk all the shit you want; it's okay with me. I'm quite positive yours can be knocked down a peg or two in the same way =)
P.S.- If you can read and understand English, then you would understand that the site was not "broken" as you say by the traffic from SA. Conversely, it actually assisted us in reaching our quota of hits for the ensuing year. Unfortunately for the SA readers, we were already in the process of switching servers and upgrading our features when the awards was bestowed upon us so they were unable to fully enjoy (whether to laugh or lust) our site.
I think cosplaying is stupid in general. But no one was really bashing you or your site, I posted this because I found it funny that due to Something Awful, your site was apparently down. And you were nice enough to clearly write it in the front page.
I find lessons 2 and 4 to be particularly relevant.