man it's amazing how close to my own series of personal "revelations" that list came ... fucking scary if you ask me?SSJVegita0609 wrote:My god... You've got it down!SS5_Majin_Bebi wrote: When you're 14, you think everyone gives a shit about what you have to say. You're almost purely altruistic.
At 15, you're too horny to think without the aid of your crotch.
at 16, you realise the world sucks, and try to make it right.
at 17, you couldn't care less coz you're buzy drinking and getting laid.
at 18, you enter the real world and are usually scared shitless by what you find.
at 19, you think you've got it all figured out.
at 20, you just don't give a shit anymore. No-one cares, least of all you, and you realise that humans really only think of 3 things. Eating, sleeping and multiplying themselves.