You struggle while klinky secretly holds the key to the fact that he didn't program the script he simply downloaded it. The hard part is getting a server that allows you to executre a script with the extension of png. Actually it would probably be better if I was using linux and could just do a chmod command on that single .png file :\ But alas I can't since I have winders. :p
Here's the script, it's quite simple :
Code: Select all
# Name: Random Image
# Author: ricocheting <ricocheting@hotmail.com>
# http://www.ricocheting.com/perl/
# Date: 02-20-00
# this file (randimg.cgi)
# permission = 755
# type of upload = ASCII
# randimg.txt (Create Yourself!)
# permission = 766
# type of upload = ASCII, preferred.
# To Use:
# List each "random" image on a separate line
# Image List (blah.txt, counter.dat, etc.log)
$image_file = "randimg.txt";
# open randimg
open(FILE, "$image_file") || die "error: $!";
chomp @imagename;
print "Location: $imagename[int(rand($#imagename))]\n\n";
Hey so you're a chick who programs and comes from down unda... GRawwwllll
<creepy tone>I need a picture..... What? What for.... it's for the collection......moi hahhhaah</creepy tone>
It's hell-o-ween after all. I haven't slept since 7pm last night and it's now 11:43am.