alrighty. This is REALLY long. I had to make sure you all got plenty of mental images to satisfy the story. Yes, this happened..though I can't make a real decision about what even happened.
The setting is a weenie roast for my 23rd Birthday party. The main names involved are are me, Brent, John, and Kevin. (most of my friends left are guys since my all my female freinds went and had lots of kids since high school and can't stay out late

I'd like to include pictures of the place to help the imagination, but since I don't have any ready, just imagine this: It's Ohio and there are lots of big rolling hills. My grandfather owns a 130 acre farm. We used to keep cattle but he's too old and sold them all. We still have a barn built in 1860 (the people who built it etched their names into the hay loft, pretty cool) a pond and down by that pond is a mostly buried in mud and destroyed wood shack/house.
Also on this property is 1 lone cottonwood tree sitting on the top of one of the largest hills in the area all by itself. It was very big but has been struck by lightning 4 times since I have been alive so it's mostly split up but still living.
It's about 1 Am at the party and most of the food was gone. The fire had mostly burned out and topics were getting dumb. No beer at this party since everyone had to drive themselves (so no drunken sightings) but it was either find something to do or everyone leaves.
I grew up in the place so I am experienced at riding 4-wheelers. I know the guys are all city people ^_^ and don't have that chance. SO I say "You guys wanna go ride the 4-wheeler?" Of course this meets with enthusiasm.
We take it out and it has one working headlight. So, they take turns riding it all the way (in the dark in the middle of the night) down to the old barn and back and to the old tree. It's about a 6 minute drive there and back for anyone.
Brent wants another turn and he goes down and then we don't see his headlight anymore. About 10 minutes pass and we still hear him but don't see him and then he finally comes out of the woods of all places. He had followed a trail made by my brother in law.
He saw all the paths in the woods and wants us all to go exploring. I had lived there 20 years so I wasn't too scared. They want some kind of midnight we put back the 4-wheeler and go .
John is very much a clown and narrated our expedition like a dinosaur fossil hunt and kept picking up rocks to examine

It's probably because of him all of us were laughing and no one was nervous.
We get up to the old tree and sit there for awhile. It's a nice view from there and you can see out about 8 miles. In the dark it was just lights mostly. Lots of 'your mom' jokes were passed around at this we decide to move along and take a path along some cedar trees through 2 fields down into the woods to follow one of the trails. Why no one was thinking 'Blair Witch' at this point I don't know
Ever try walking in the woods with only moonlight? None of us thought ahead to bring a flashlight since the moon was so bright. In the woods in a clearing we find someone had trespassed on the proprty by building a deer lookout despite the fact many do-not-trespass signs were we did the only thing we could do...tore it down. This left one of the members, Brent, with a nice big stick he stole from the lookout.
It had been likely an hour and the we were getting's all hills people. So they wanna know the best and fastest way out of the woods. I know the woods even in the dark so I take them up past a field we had yet to go through as it was closest to the houses.
Getting out of the woods we start walking through the field. It has the typical long weeds and as it was close to 4 AM now, mist.
I didn't notice anything but John said, what the f--- is that? He pointed to this white thing waaay up towards the top of the hill we were climbing.
I couldn't see it at first but then I saw the white 'thing'. It was foggy and the moon was very bright. What ever it was appeared to be illuminated.
John and Kevin start to walk up closer to it, 'it' being about 50 feet away.
They got closer said "Oh, S---!" and both started running back down the hill yelling profanities. They didn't get too close, but they said it was looking at them. Brent started to get nervous, and the only thing he could think to say was telling the thing to do obscene things to Brent.
Whatever it was, it wasn't moving anywhere. It just stayed in the spot it was in when we saw it. We had to walk up the field to get back though and didn't want to go back into the woods at this point. So...getting closer, I thought I could see pitch black surrounding the illuminated white. Really weird. It did have a very human outline but I didn't look at it head on...I kept it in my side vision beacuse that's how freaky it was.
We took the long way around to the left, watching it until we got over a bump in the hill and couldn't see it anymore.
We were laughing about it then because of how incredibly weird of an experience that had just been and not suprisingly, none of them ever want to walk around in the woods back at my family's farm again.