by Jace Tsunami » Fri Jan 17, 2003 7:46 pm
We're too young a country, and too predictable. We get WAY to worked up if we lose a life. Sure 9/11 was absolutley terrible, but we need to sucxk it up and make arrangments with these people. Show the league of nations the issue was solved, so that next time something happens other countrys want in too. I mean in WW2 Japan, Italy, and Germany were so succesfull because they knew we wouldn't do anything. We need to be more active in the WORLD'S issues, and take some beatings. You just have to deal with things sometimes. I mean have we accomplished anything? no, so for over a year we've been wasting efforts going over there and stuff, not to mention more people are going to die.
We're really provoking them towards a war, it's too much and everyone knows it. England is always the first to jump in if something's wrong, but now as they see it because of all our antics we're provoking them and it's going to be our fault (most likley true) so now they're backing out because they don't want a war on their hands.
If we had talked out our way through 9/11, just one mroe thing ANYTHING bad at all, and I guarentee another country would have got in on this. Now something bad goes wrong, well it was our fault. Now we get to sit back and watch brittain and france say no. not to mention Russia, the last 2 wars fucked them good, now that they're becoming a good powerfull contrey that's propsering, why risk throwing it away with out good cause?