maybe you can melt her icy, spiky, dry exterior.fyrtenheimer wrote:lmao
Neway, shutup. You're great.
And so are all the rest of you fags. No pun intended.
maybe you can melt her icy, spiky, dry exterior.fyrtenheimer wrote:lmao
Neway, shutup. You're great.
And so are all the rest of you fags. No pun intended.
=\KungPaoChicken wrote:maybe you can melt her icy, spiky, dry exterior.fyrtenheimer wrote:lmao
Neway, shutup. You're great.
And so are all the rest of you fags. No pun intended.
get on AIM, dammit. you can read it while in my chatroom.fyrtenheimer wrote:I want to become an old maid.
=\KungPaoChicken wrote:maybe you can melt her icy, spiky, dry exterior.fyrtenheimer wrote:lmao
Neway, shutup. You're great.
And so are all the rest of you fags. No pun intended.
I'm a nice person x's 14, you know it. Btw, I'm reading Timeline.
But I guess in the end, it doesn't even matter.
done with Timeline?fyrtenheimer wrote:No way, I wont get back on AIM until I'm done with Timeline.
I'm also entertaining myself by watching ssj3final, rofl.
Funny how you're supposed to be doing one thing, and find yourself back onto something else.
NEWAY, Good Night