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Post by Giton » Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:18 am

Oh yes, I meant the league of nations, but I didn't know what it is called in English.
Thanks to you now I know.
The UN doesn't need more power, it has an amazing amount of power. But the constant political maneuvering of countries to get their personal "agendas" done renders much of what the UN tries to do, useless. Even when they can agree to do something, there is a severe lack of follow through.
Thats what I meant by power - power to act on its own...

And to all who think this war is just:

I did a some research and read the entire UN resolution 1441.
Facts are: Saddam didn't defy the resolution according to the content and the date it was written: November 8th 2002!
But it is mentioned that Saddam did indeed transgress the resolutions before.
The resolution 1441 doesn't justify a war. Even if Saddam ignores it.
That the reason US was eager for a new resolution, but that was denied, because:
Iraq was and is still a souvereign nation. Fears are that US' behavior will set an example for other nations, especially in Africa where the situation and peace is still unstable.
Remember that attacking a nation that didn't start a war is not legal considering international law.
Also considering what resolution 1441 postulates, Iraq's cooperation over the last months was exemplary.

Thats the facts, also set up by US delegates, who were heavy involved with the authoring of resolution 1441.
So this war is like breaking one's own rules, eh?

And what concerns "racist Middle East":
The resolution commends the members of the Arabic League for keeping Iraq under control.
And I found this quote somewhere else (reliable source):

"The downfall of Saddam Hussein by any means will be the happiest day in all Iranians' lifes"
- Mohammed Resa, leading Iranian politician

"Therefore the best option would be a democratically elected government in a sovereign Iraqi state. The worst option a set in government by the US"
- Ali Akbar Haschemi Rafsandschani, former president of Iran

I don't know what they intend, but Iranians should be very happy right now...

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Post by jonmartensen » Thu Mar 27, 2003 2:05 pm

Dannywilson wrote:The sad thing is, the only reason the UN remains open for business, is the United States. You wouldn't have your UN without the 76% of the funding for it coming from us, yet we get the exact same amount of votes. Every year, over 50% of the countries in the UN default on their dues. What little trust I have in them is on shakey ground because of these numbers.
Hasn't the US defaulted on many of it's payments? I'm not sure, but I think the US has supplied more physical involvment and lagged behind in its dues.

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Post by kthulhu » Thu Mar 27, 2003 2:09 pm

I've heard Ted Turner paid our back dues once. I think the point, though, is that the US supplies a large amount of support to the UN, support that, without it, the UN would either shrink to near nothing, or require other member nations to pick up a lot of slack.
I'm out...

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Post by SSJVegita0609 » Thu Mar 27, 2003 3:57 pm

Bush is fucking retarded, Saddam is fucking retarded. I hate this country's population, the anti-war protesters as well as the pro-war counter-protesters. You're all stupid. Shut up and listen.

It's very easy for Americans to be pro-war. Since America hasn't suffered a homefront war since the civil war they don't know what it's like to have thier homes destroyed. To have people with guns everywhere, shooting at you because of your affiliation with a certain country. 9/11 was horrible, but that was 4 planes. Those 4 planes were the equivalent of 4 bombs. We've already hit Baghdad with over 100 bombs in this conflict alone. Not to mention how many over the past decades.

Why is it that when I turn on the TV or NPR on the radio I hear "We don't know shit about where Saddam is, there's no info regarding the actual progress of this campaigne, but look over there, hmmm, a pile of dead Iraqis. None of them is Saddam, or anyone important, just a pile of dead Iraqis. In other war news, I just watched a car full of no good fanatics get shot to peices, 5 more dead Iraqis. GO AMERICA! Sadly, we've lost 3 American soldiers, our hearts go out to their families. Wait, look, 20 more dead Iraqis, WOOHOO!" I'm sick of it, shut up CNN.

Fuck you Bush. This war is amoral bullshit and you know it. You should've just offed the mother fucker when fucking Dan Rather was interviewing him. He's shown himself publically before, why the hell didn't you use one of your "Precision bombs that avoid civilian casualties" then? HUH? Jeasus fucking Christ.

Oh wait, that's another reason for this war isn't it? God wants the US to spread Liberty throught the world. Isn't that convenient for you Mr. President. You should be impeached, anyone who uses God as an excuse for mass killings and hypocracy doesn't deserve any position in power. And that goes for the terrorists as well as YOU!

On another note. Bush senior pulled out of Iraq at the ending of the Gulf war because the ground war around Basra was getting too hardcore. Until then the casualties suffered were extremely minimal on the American side. But around that city we were losing men quickly, so Bush decided to pull out. The countries economy was already too fucked up to sustain the long ground war campaigne that Bush jr is foolishly putting us in right now. The UN actually urged Bush to continue to oust Saddam back then, but he declined and established tough treaties instead.

Look people, Diplomacy takes a LONG time. Why can't Bush Jr. understand that the true way to spread democracy is to lead by example? If the US uses a system and prospers very well. Then naturally other countries will follow in the use of that system. THAT FACT HAS BEEN SHOWN TO BE TRUE THOUGHOUT HISTORY DAMMIT. However, instead out president has decided to get his way by forcefully invading another country without adequate cause (There was cause alright, but it sure wasn't adequate to justify an invasion). This is not only fucking up our economy (check out the Airlines, they're all filing for bankruptcy and asking for government aid), but its also seperating us from our allies. That's baddddd. Everyone seems to think its just the French. Hmmmm, let me inform you that France, China, Russia, Germany, Italy, and most of the other Western powers are VERY arngy about this.

Now time to deviate to the whole "War against Terrorism". Let me just say this. The best way to combat a problem is to find out WHY that problem is occuring, and stop the WHY from happening. Now terrorism occurs mainly due to hatred against the US from people who want VENGENCE for action like THIS WAR ON IRAQ. Now, the higher end of the terrorist ladder (Bin Laden, etc), they're motivated by greed. So its okay for you do go in and bomb the fuck out of them. But the majority of terrorists, the people who actually perform the actions, are doing it because they hate this country. People don't blow themselves up for no reason. Maybe if instead of bombing more people, you should instead give them a reason to NOT hate the US. THAT would stop terrorism. This war is counter-productive. It's causing MORE death, leading to MORE hatred, creating MORE terrorists. You should be impeached Mr Bush, you're threatening national security.

Now to bash the anti-war movement a little bit. Macing police and causing violence is stupid and hypocritical. Stop marching into chaos and simply protest peacefully for God's sake. Or you could do something useful like outline reasons that Bush's logic is wrong. The other day I saw a sign that said "Don't believe the President's lies". That's not going to be helpful. If you tell a radom person on the street that their president is lying to them, they aren't going to agree with you. The best thing to do is find the flaws in what Bush actually is telling the people. That is what discredits him.

Now onto the pro war protesters. Saying you support the troops is all well and good, but this bashing of the anti war protesters is wrong. They are not siding with Saddam, and they DO NOT want our soldiers to be hurt. They are simply voicing their opinions, stop calling them traitors or making statements like "They should be put into the situations our soldiers faced in Nam". I'm sick of it.

Now for more of my views. I think right now the only thing that we can do is go through with the whole matter and not stop until the Iraqi regime is crushed. If we were to pull out we'd be a disgrace to the world, and frankly Saddam would go on a rampage, killing everything that opposed him in his own country. Terrorism would increase and chaos would be prominent for years. I just wish Bush hadn't done this to us in the first place, him and Condi Rice, I hate them both. Lets just hope it ends soon, I doubt it will the way things are going, but lets just hope. Bush should NOT be re-elected, and if he is I may just have to write a book about how fucking full of crap he is.

Sorry about my comments at the begining of this, I don't want to offend anyone, I'm just rather angry right now. I've been on the road for the past 8 hours, listening to NPR for most of them, and I just needed to get all that out. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read all that.

The best effects are the ones you don't notice.

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Post by dcdeveloperx » Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:11 pm

he just made the best point than anybody on this forum has.

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Post by Wykith » Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:21 pm

Nice V.
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"I don't have an attitude problem. I have an attitude. It's your problem."
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Post by El Banana » Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:43 pm

Finally, someone who can make a long-ass, angry yet perfectly coherent post.

It's stupid to protest against the war now for several reasons. One ef them is that it will NOT CHANGE ANYTHING. Another one is that a large percentage of the protesters don't know what the hell they're protesting about. I saw a video of a guy asking stuff to protesters, like "Why didn't we take Iraq's oil in the Gulf war" to people carrying bannesr saying that that was US's goal. Not surprisingly, many many of them couldn't form a coherent sentence, let alon answer the question.

I just love that message a friend showed me when we heard the war started... "To make sure God is on our side and that no harm will come to us Blah blah bleargh, you will forward this to 10 people"
I like bugging people. Deal with it.

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Post by SSJVegita0609 » Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:51 pm

Well, I have no problem with people protesting, I actually think its a good thing, but they're just being stupid right now.
The best effects are the ones you don't notice.

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Post by El Banana » Thu Mar 27, 2003 5:10 pm

Exactly. Too many people are protesting and being really stupid simultaneously...

I mean... STUPID!
"Hey chicks? Do you dames know where I can find a pro-Saddam rally?"

They respond (no kidding): "Uh, I don't know. We just came from one. I think there's something at Garfield High School or something."
I like bugging people. Deal with it.

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Post by dcdeveloperx » Thu Mar 27, 2003 5:13 pm

and i just thought of something, how our econemy is doing so bad, we are spending 85 billion on this war, with that we could of givin 1 million dollars to 75,000 people, which is roughly 33 percent of the economy, that would boast it, but hey, i dont make the retarded choices about war so :roll:


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