Thanks to you now I know.
Thats what I meant by power - power to act on its own...The UN doesn't need more power, it has an amazing amount of power. But the constant political maneuvering of countries to get their personal "agendas" done renders much of what the UN tries to do, useless. Even when they can agree to do something, there is a severe lack of follow through.
And to all who think this war is just:
I did a some research and read the entire UN resolution 1441.
Facts are: Saddam didn't defy the resolution according to the content and the date it was written: November 8th 2002!
But it is mentioned that Saddam did indeed transgress the resolutions before.
The resolution 1441 doesn't justify a war. Even if Saddam ignores it.
That the reason US was eager for a new resolution, but that was denied, because:
Iraq was and is still a souvereign nation. Fears are that US' behavior will set an example for other nations, especially in Africa where the situation and peace is still unstable.
Remember that attacking a nation that didn't start a war is not legal considering international law.
Also considering what resolution 1441 postulates, Iraq's cooperation over the last months was exemplary.
Thats the facts, also set up by US delegates, who were heavy involved with the authoring of resolution 1441.
So this war is like breaking one's own rules, eh?
And what concerns "racist Middle East":
The resolution commends the members of the Arabic League for keeping Iraq under control.
And I found this quote somewhere else (reliable source):
"The downfall of Saddam Hussein by any means will be the happiest day in all Iranians' lifes"
- Mohammed Resa, leading Iranian politician
"Therefore the best option would be a democratically elected government in a sovereign Iraqi state. The worst option a set in government by the US"
- Ali Akbar Haschemi Rafsandschani, former president of Iran
I don't know what they intend, but Iranians should be very happy right now...