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Post by MistyCaldwell » Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:48 pm

I was influenced....I was stupified by the ultra retardedness that is the freedom fry

Usually I try and debate and go into lengthy (=boring :wink: ) debates about it... was just too too stupid, and I agree with frytenheimer

uh oh...I feel the debate coming back

How can people be mad at France of any other country that does not want to involve themselves in a glory war? This can hardly be likened to nazi germany and the animosity that most of the world felt for their heinous crimes. Sometimes I just can't believe the stupidity of blind patriotism.

For god's sake, the french may not be the greatest people in the world but they haven't done anything wrong yet.

I'll feel justified when they knock down the Statue of Liberty just 'cause it came from the French.

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Post by fyrtenheimer » Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:54 pm


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Post by Lyrs » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:06 pm

I wonder if they taste the same or if Mcdonald's freedom fries will beat Buger King? Hmm....

Doesn't matter to me, i hate fast food.

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Post by kthulhu » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:07 pm

Burger King food depresses me for some reason. McDonald's gives me diarrhea.

This is why I only eat at the kitchen where I work. I can trust the food.
I'm out...

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Post by Lyrs » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:11 pm

kthulhu wrote:Burger King food depresses me for some reason. McDonald's gives me diarrhea.

This is why I only eat at the kitchen where I work. I can trust the food.

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Post by SS5_Majin_Bebi » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:40 pm

So, Americans ---> how does it feel to be the citizens of such a fucked up country? Your system of government is a joke, and your President is a man who'd lose a battle of wits with a stuffed Iguana. Take a bow, George W Motherfucking Bush, you're going to be responsible of the be-all, end-all of wars. Take a FUCKING bow.

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Post by Kamoc » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:42 pm

wow, that makes me hornier than several schoolgirls complaining about back pains.

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Post by Roke » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:43 pm

SS5_Majin_Bebi wrote:So, Americans ---> how does it feel to be the citizens of such a fucked up country? Your system of government is a joke, and your President is a man who'd lose a battle of wits with a stuffed Iguana. Take a bow, George W Motherfucking Bush, you're going to be responsible of the be-all, end-all of wars. Take a FUCKING bow.
Let me ask... Where are you from? I'm going to assume Canada?
"Kagome: Im so mad at Inuyasha

Inuyasha: Than leave if you want I dont crae! FEH!"

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Post by SS5_Majin_Bebi » Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:53 pm

Australia. It's not all good here though, cause our Prime Minister is a geeky brown-nose

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Post by kthulhu » Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:07 pm

Australia. 20 million people descended mostly from England's (and surrounding territories) finest convicts, as well as the Aborigines they didn't slaughter (although the Aborigine is not a bad thing).

They feel insignificant, so they try to make fun of us.

Our system of government (representative capitalistic democracy) is a joke, compared to the common European and Australian system of failing socialism?

Maybe our current administration is a joke, but I like the basic ideas behind our way of doing things. Better than having the queen on our money while it's taken away in taxes to support feel good government programs.
I'm out...


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