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Post by Stoic » Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:10 pm

Japan is America II. Seriously it is! That's why we have so many bases over there...

Oh and Being Patriotic and supporting our president are 2 things completly different.

Love and Devotion (as webster describes Patriotism) for one's country, is completely different than Agreeing with everything that comes out of Bush's mouth. Dissent is one of the things that makes America and America. The ablity to disagree with the president our first amendment right.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I think I am one of the most patriotic Americans there is. I believe in the Sacred Document known as the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution. I believe that our current leader is attempting to take away those rights by instilling fear into Americans. By using terrorist acts that happened 2 years ago, by not going after the Real Evil Doers in other countries, by going after countries that had nothing to do with them, he has been able to strip down the the judicial system. That is what is wrong with this country.

When I say Bush I'm not just refering to him but his entire administration.

Oh and have a nice day.

Yeah at this point I'm probably just talking to myself. :P
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Post by FoolThemAll » Wed Sep 17, 2003 6:03 pm

Stoic wrote:Don't even get me started on Bushes So called "tax cuts" that make it so that We Middle Class people pay 10% income tax and the richest 1% of the country pays 2%...

Oh and all the benifiets that we might have seen out of those tax cuts have been nullified...

This animation says it best:

Perhaps the fault lies with such states not making the right cuts.

And the rich damn well should get the bulk of the tax cuts. They pay the bulk of the taxes.
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Post by SS5_Majin_Bebi » Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:58 pm

jonmartensen wrote:That's nice. A very well thought out statement there. Not in the least bit narrow minded. I'm glad to see you think patriotism is a bad thing, and that I think like our President. I'm also glad you think seeing more than one side of an issue is a bad thing.

On a side note, did you know the only two countries whose citizens are more Patriotic than Americans are Austrailia and Japan? [Source: International Social Survey Program]
Yeah, too bad I'm not Australian or Japanese. I refuse to think like you so that makes me narrow minded, is that it? Fuck off.

Politics is a joke, only surpassed by religion, which is a complete farce.

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Post by jonmartensen » Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:10 am

I refuse to think like you so that makes me narrow minded, is that it?
Uhhh, hello. Pot, meet kettle. >_>

No, I think it's because you said
I don't have to see past the end of my nose.
And because you dismiss others opinions for the mere fact that they are different from yours
Just coz you're overly fucking patriotic.

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Post by UncleMilo » Thu Sep 18, 2003 3:48 pm

Some things are not opinions.

There are some things that are simply true.

Being a patriot means more than just swallowing whatever the president has to say. Being a patriot means standing up for what your country stands for. Our country stands for the capacity of free speech... which means we have the capacity to complain to our leaders. To demand that they justify what they are doing to our country and to our freedoms... for ourselves and for our children... and their children.

It is up to us, as U.S. citizens to be informed... not to just buy into soundbites.

It is a fact that Bush's actions (or to be more precise, the actions of the Bush Administration) has made the world community much more hostile towards us.

It is a fact that at this time there has been no discovery of the weapons of mass destruction (the same weapons that his father had said Saddam would be able to use against us in 10 months... which never came even after the 8 years of the Clinton Administration)

George Bush: "The tax relief is for everyone who pays income taxes...Americans will keep, this year, an average of almost $1,000 more of their own money."
The Truth: Nearly half of all taxpayers get less than $100. And 31% of all taxpayers get nothing at all.

George Bush: "Our first goal is...an economy that grows fast enough to employ every man and woman who seeks a job."
The Truth: Bush is the first President since Hoover to preside over an economy that has lost jobs, not created them - more than 2.9 million since 2001.

George Bush: "[My] Clear Skies legislation...mandates a 70% cut in air pollution from power plants over the next 15 years."
The Truth: The Bush plan will allow more than 100,000 additional premature deaths by 2020 than alternative legislation developed by the Environmental Protection Agency. The plan does not regulate carbon emissions and allows far more sulfur and mercury emissions.

George Bush: "[W]e achieved historic education reform - which must now be carried out in every school and in every classroom."
The Truth: Bush cut $8 billion from the promised funds for education.

It is the duty of patriotic Americans to speak up when their leaders aren't cutting the mustard.

Now... as for opinions...
I am of the opinion that George Bush has shown himself unfit to lead this nation... that he is willing to sacrifice the future of this nation as well as the lives of our fighting force (a fighting force that was upgraded by CLINTON [FACT] after Desert Storm) just to benefit a small portion of Americans.

I am in support of any effort to remove this man from office.

-Uncle Milo
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Those who divide people into two kinds of groups
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Post by kthulhu » Thu Sep 18, 2003 3:53 pm

You know, Milo, you can buy bolt action Mauser rifles really cheap, even in California :wink: .
I'm out...

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Post by Stoic » Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:02 am

Blix says Iraq destoried WMDs but kept up the belief they had them to help detere invasion.

Bush Says Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. But why did he sight that has his reason for going to war in March?

How much will this war cost your state?

Taxpayers in California will pay $8.8 billion for $87 billion additional war spending. For the same amount of money, the following could have been provided:
  • 1,326,083 Housing Vouchers or
  • 2,672,294 People Receiving Health Care or
  • 151,342 Elementary School Teachers or
  • 39,282 Firetrucks or
  • 1,088,343 Head Start Places for Children or
  • 6,134,886 Children Receiving Health Care
"More than hundred fucking takes." - Jackie Chan.
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Post by SS5_Majin_Bebi » Fri Sep 19, 2003 4:02 am

jonmartensen wrote:
I refuse to think like you so that makes me narrow minded, is that it?
Uhhh, hello. Pot, meet kettle. >_>

No, I think it's because you said
I don't have to see past the end of my nose.
And because you dismiss others opinions for the mere fact that they are different from yours
Just coz you're overly fucking patriotic.
You should go jump on the nearest earthmover and drive yourself off the nearest cliff, alright? I DON'T HAVE THE SAME POLITICAL VIEWS AS YOU!! GET OVER IT, AND ALLOW ME TO FREELY VOICE MY OPINION WITHOUT CALLING ME A NARROW MINDED LITTLE PRAT!!!

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Post by MistyCaldwell » Fri Sep 19, 2003 6:33 am

Stoic wrote:Japan is America II. Seriously it is! That's why we have so many bases over there...

Oh and Being Patriotic and supporting our president are 2 things completly different.

Love and Devotion (as webster describes Patriotism) for one's country, is completely different than Agreeing with everything that comes out of Bush's mouth. Dissent is one of the things that makes America and America. The ablity to disagree with the president our first amendment right.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I think I am one of the most patriotic Americans there is. I believe in the Sacred Document known as the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution. I believe that our current leader is attempting to take away those rights by instilling fear into Americans. By using terrorist acts that happened 2 years ago, by not going after the Real Evil Doers in other countries, by going after countries that had nothing to do with them, he has been able to strip down the the judicial system. That is what is wrong with this country.

When I say Bush I'm not just refering to him but his entire administration.

Oh and have a nice day.

Yeah at this point I'm probably just talking to myself. :P

:shock: wow..

*gives a handshake to Stoic for saying something so cool*

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Post by fyrtenheimer » Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:34 am

SS5_Majin_Bebi wrote:
jonmartensen wrote:
I refuse to think like you so that makes me narrow minded, is that it?
Uhhh, hello. Pot, meet kettle. >_>

No, I think it's because you said
I don't have to see past the end of my nose.
And because you dismiss others opinions for the mere fact that they are different from yours
Just coz you're overly fucking patriotic.
You should go jump on the nearest earthmover and drive yourself off the nearest cliff, alright? I DON'T HAVE THE SAME POLITICAL VIEWS AS YOU!! GET OVER IT, AND ALLOW ME TO FREELY VOICE MY OPINION WITHOUT CALLING ME A NARROW MINDED LITTLE PRAT!!!
i've been quoting u everywhere, wth

i think you're missing the point. infact i know you are. when jon made his first post in the last page, you should have left him to voice whatever he feels without calling him " overly fucking patriotic."
telling jon to go to the nearest cliff and commit suo-fucken-cide while trying to say that he should leave you alone because omfg u don't agree is kinda funny don't you think?

Back to the animation: It's crap. There are like several different issues in there trying to combine to one and making it look presentable propagandistically. I don't like Bush, but ...I guess it was just the way it was presented that I don't appreciate.

But I'm all up for apple juice.


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