Paranormal experiences...
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
ok, time to give it a go. I've been researching metaphsics/occultism/mysticism/the astral realm/other names for the same crap for a few months ever since I met the person who told me about it all and got me hooked. I'm no expert, and she often yells at me for trying to teach people stuff when I myself am just a n00b (she claims she is too, but shes still far more experienced than I am). All the knowledge I have is from things she and others have taught me, things I've read from books and the like, and sensible connections between the two.
Now, a simple version of how things work according to what I've learned:
The human body, being the physical version of us in the cold, hard world of solid experience and running at the base level of consiousness, is nothing more than a vehicle for what really is 'you' and 'I', a version of us existing in the physical universe. People, and any sort of living conscious being, have several other higher, finer subtle bodies. The first and closest being the astral. The astral body is pure energy and exists within the confines of the physical body (save for about 1% of it, which makes up one's aura). This body, while only a step up from physical, is finer than any physical matter and exists in ether (the space between atoms). It responds directly to vibrations and itself vibrates on its own frequency shaped by the thoughts and feelings of the person whom it belongs to.
This body is what separates from the physical during an out of body experience, and, here's something to think about: every night during sleep. Dreams are just mini astral projections, often horribly deformed and unrecognizable as such due to the fact that 99.9% of people today are terribly underdeveloped in their higher bodies. Of course many myths have formed around the idea that when you're out of body your physical is left open and vulnerable to creatures and spirits posessing it or you somehow wont be able to get back - this is utter bullcrap. As long as you're alive you are always attached to your physical, it still breathes and carries out basic functions while you're out (think sleep). Now that's all fine and dandy but to understand ghosts you also need to understand death and what it is.
When one dies, the etheric/astral body separates from the physical as the physical dies. At this point, most people will lapse into fear and force the lower vibration coarser matter residing in their astral body outwards creating a sort of eggshell shield. However this 'clouds ones vision' so to speak and through the 'shield' they will only be able to see the lower vibes of other beings - this explains why if you are extremely impure during your life or have a lot of evil thoughts you will go to 'hell', as in this state you can only see the bad side of others and the world around you. of course, there really is no hell and eventually the coarser matter wears off and leaves the finer matter, which wears off until finally the astral body fades away and consciousness moves up further. Eventually after all the subtle bodies are gone all and that is left is pure ego, the memories and events from the life past are reflected on and taken in, and the self rests until deciding to go out and start the whole shebang over again (truest-chaos moment), where one is reborn and begins another life of experience to bring back. Eventually after a bunch of lives you experience all you were meant to and can rest in nirvana or pretty much do whatever the hell you want from what I gather.
Now that you've read all that crap, I can start to explain ghosts ^_^
when people are too attached to their physical life and surroundings, they will often not accept the fact that they are dead and continue residing, on an extremely low vibe mind you, in the place they choose (this is why ghosts are often associated with a specific place of importance and why most sightings occur in this way). On the other hand, sightings of 'ghosts' (which if you haven't gotten yet are simply astral beings floating around in the real-time world (=shadow of the physical world in the astral) or on the astral planes) are also caused because we naturally can have episodes of clairvoyence or clairaudience, in which our astral body is really sort of mini-projecting out and we can often see or hear astral beings/things. Both can explain misty's experience since it was 4AM and they were all tired (remember sleep is the astral leaving the body, so stuff like this happens easier when you're tired).
and uh... yeah
any questions? throw me something and I'll give a go at an explanation
Now, a simple version of how things work according to what I've learned:
The human body, being the physical version of us in the cold, hard world of solid experience and running at the base level of consiousness, is nothing more than a vehicle for what really is 'you' and 'I', a version of us existing in the physical universe. People, and any sort of living conscious being, have several other higher, finer subtle bodies. The first and closest being the astral. The astral body is pure energy and exists within the confines of the physical body (save for about 1% of it, which makes up one's aura). This body, while only a step up from physical, is finer than any physical matter and exists in ether (the space between atoms). It responds directly to vibrations and itself vibrates on its own frequency shaped by the thoughts and feelings of the person whom it belongs to.
This body is what separates from the physical during an out of body experience, and, here's something to think about: every night during sleep. Dreams are just mini astral projections, often horribly deformed and unrecognizable as such due to the fact that 99.9% of people today are terribly underdeveloped in their higher bodies. Of course many myths have formed around the idea that when you're out of body your physical is left open and vulnerable to creatures and spirits posessing it or you somehow wont be able to get back - this is utter bullcrap. As long as you're alive you are always attached to your physical, it still breathes and carries out basic functions while you're out (think sleep). Now that's all fine and dandy but to understand ghosts you also need to understand death and what it is.
When one dies, the etheric/astral body separates from the physical as the physical dies. At this point, most people will lapse into fear and force the lower vibration coarser matter residing in their astral body outwards creating a sort of eggshell shield. However this 'clouds ones vision' so to speak and through the 'shield' they will only be able to see the lower vibes of other beings - this explains why if you are extremely impure during your life or have a lot of evil thoughts you will go to 'hell', as in this state you can only see the bad side of others and the world around you. of course, there really is no hell and eventually the coarser matter wears off and leaves the finer matter, which wears off until finally the astral body fades away and consciousness moves up further. Eventually after all the subtle bodies are gone all and that is left is pure ego, the memories and events from the life past are reflected on and taken in, and the self rests until deciding to go out and start the whole shebang over again (truest-chaos moment), where one is reborn and begins another life of experience to bring back. Eventually after a bunch of lives you experience all you were meant to and can rest in nirvana or pretty much do whatever the hell you want from what I gather.
Now that you've read all that crap, I can start to explain ghosts ^_^
when people are too attached to their physical life and surroundings, they will often not accept the fact that they are dead and continue residing, on an extremely low vibe mind you, in the place they choose (this is why ghosts are often associated with a specific place of importance and why most sightings occur in this way). On the other hand, sightings of 'ghosts' (which if you haven't gotten yet are simply astral beings floating around in the real-time world (=shadow of the physical world in the astral) or on the astral planes) are also caused because we naturally can have episodes of clairvoyence or clairaudience, in which our astral body is really sort of mini-projecting out and we can often see or hear astral beings/things. Both can explain misty's experience since it was 4AM and they were all tired (remember sleep is the astral leaving the body, so stuff like this happens easier when you're tired).
and uh... yeah
any questions? throw me something and I'll give a go at an explanation
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
puh-leasejacheatamobits wrote:wanted the ghost to come and kill him.

not that your friend had any way of knowing but, now you do :]
- Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2002 11:01 pm
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
- Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2002 11:01 pm
The difference is thus: The Occult is just a generic term for all manner of paranormal activities, while Occultism is an actual faith system that someone created that attempts to explain all of it. And while I believe you about the OBE thing, it can be explained other ways. There is a thing called Lucid Dreaming that is very similar, and explains OBE's quite nicely.
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
- Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2002 11:01 pm
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
yeah, pretty much = there
I wouldn't really call occultism a faith system. While it does offer explanations and I do 'believe' that the explanations are true, it dosent really require any outrageous faith in an unseen, nonsensical god or any such things. It has a solid basis in common sense and nature, and from what I've seen picks up pretty much where science leaves off, without getting completely outrageous or nonunderstandable. I've found it to be the best explanation out there, and unlike most religions, it complements science instead of negating it, ignoring it, or making things up to fill in the gaps.
I wouldn't really call occultism a faith system. While it does offer explanations and I do 'believe' that the explanations are true, it dosent really require any outrageous faith in an unseen, nonsensical god or any such things. It has a solid basis in common sense and nature, and from what I've seen picks up pretty much where science leaves off, without getting completely outrageous or nonunderstandable. I've found it to be the best explanation out there, and unlike most religions, it complements science instead of negating it, ignoring it, or making things up to fill in the gaps.
- Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2002 11:01 pm
I dunno... some things about it are kinda outrageous. For the most part I tend to think it may be right on a lot of things though. One of the things they believe in is that psychic powers are intrinsic to every human, but as we have evolved society-wise, we haven't needed them, so they've atrophied. Seems like a reasonable explanation to me, but as with many of their beliefs, I'm not willing to accept it 100% until they provide some sort of science to back it up. And by science I mean legitimate scientific studies.
- Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2002 10:04 pm
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For a person like me, all the obe and lucid dreams are all little things our brain does to us. Like whatever I saw...or perhaps what I saw was exactly like my theory. I don't believe in souls, gods, or most anything that can't be measured in some way by some form. Hallucinations are brain trips and even memories can be fabricated.
The universe is set up on math. From music and art to the largest solar system, it's all down to math and waves. Granted, things we can't explain or measure can seem paranormal or even magical. Take the Jurassic Park movies back in time to early motion capture days and then try to dissuade the population from believing dinosaurs haven't overrun the future
Manipulation of our physical senses can make us see and eperience all kinds of things (simple analogy=the reason why tv and film looks like movement at all is manipulation of our eyes and brains) but I still can't believe it until it has SOME kind of measurable equation to it. That's just me.
I think your theory is interesting but I just can't believe takes too many liberties. Not like you couldn't say the same of mine though
The universe is set up on math. From music and art to the largest solar system, it's all down to math and waves. Granted, things we can't explain or measure can seem paranormal or even magical. Take the Jurassic Park movies back in time to early motion capture days and then try to dissuade the population from believing dinosaurs haven't overrun the future

Manipulation of our physical senses can make us see and eperience all kinds of things (simple analogy=the reason why tv and film looks like movement at all is manipulation of our eyes and brains) but I still can't believe it until it has SOME kind of measurable equation to it. That's just me.
I think your theory is interesting but I just can't believe takes too many liberties. Not like you couldn't say the same of mine though