contrary to your understanding, except for military salaries, military funds are spent years in advance here from previous budgets.Just a last thing, I'm sure a lot of you will find it maybe "stupid" but with the money (several billions $) spent to send the US army in Iraq, Bush could have developed/improved the Social Security cover that more than 50% of the american people are lacking, or save hundreds of thousands of people from dying due to famina in Africa, or this money could have been used to send medecines in those countries... It was just another reason why there are so many people against a war...
also, despite other forms of government around the world, it is not an altogether popular idea to dump more money into a failing government program such as social security BEFORE its cleaned up.
Also, Bush has already sent bills to be considered by legislation to send support to Africa to fight Aids, though it wont be up for vote for some time.
and as far as anti american. . .and america being perceived as bullies, maybe you should ask why your government was using the European Union as a chip to keep other european countries in line with its view if they wanted membership? Even your president threatened them, and this was months ago::. "The candidate countries, honestly, I feel they behaved with a certain thoughtlessness," the French president said. "If people start giving their points of view independently of all dialogue with the unit one is seeking to join, it is not very responsible behavior."
This is why Americans have respect for TOny Blair. Despite browbeating from popular vote in that area, he has maintained his instestinal fortitude, and he is really the reason we can go and free Iraq now. He was jumping up and down about Saddam and Iraq since CLinton's days in office, but he knew dealing with Clinton was shakey at best, since he was too busy lying, cheating on his wife, and making inept treaties with terrorist and militaristic regimes (north korea).