by Tab. » Sun Sep 21, 2003 11:04 pm
Summary of this thread
Warped: Jesus rozxords my bnoxrors
Lyrs: stfu, I like gays
Misty: You all suck
Lightning: jkfsjldfksjf
Ah yes, religion. Religion. rEligion. Study of religious doctrine is a big hobby of mine. Ever since I had a REVELATION FROM GOD that organized religion is BS, it has been intriguing.
I later learned that god was BS too.
J/K guys. Anyway. There's a lot I could say on the subject.
I have very little interest in religious practices, law, and institutions. They're crap. My main area of study is in actual doctrine and dogma. Belief systems. Philosophy. Religion to me is the philosophy of existance, not How to Worship and Please Made-Up Deities 101
I've explored tons of them, since of course you can never see the cube when looking at one square side. Judeo-christian religions, Eastern religions, mystical religions, ancient religions, you name it.
My first huge religious revelation came when I was 15 or something and happened while I was out fucking around on a mountain side while I was supposed to be in church. I realized that this was BS, the outside was beautiful, and god was as much there as he was in any idle building, if not much more so for me. Then it kind of came that everyone had to find their own meaning for God for it to have any real value. That accepting someone else's meaning and going off that was just an ignorant display of utter spiritual laziness. Therefore, organized religion is meaningless.
I still like this concept, although my beliefs are a lot less scattered and a lot more refined these days.
Of course, I was later introduced to a completely foreign concept to me - that religion could make sense. By that I mean the antithesis of the Christian god, logic. Because, quite frankly, as a young christian I saw science as eventually but inevitably outpacing religious dogma. They are, after all, quite at odds in our culture. This is a mistake of our times. There's a reason the ancients had no need for seperate science and religion - they were one in the same, and it wasn't because the ancients were too stupid to understand proper science.
Don't think that I'm a phenomenalist, quite the contrary. The ideas of anthropomorphism just made no sense in the light of logic.
And by made no sense, of course, I didn't mean was so incredibly awesomely divine and complex that it was beyond my comprehension, but just that it was so stupid and illogical that it was ridiculous.
Man created god in his image.
To do so, is a disgrace to the meaning of God itself. Sadly, few know or care anymore. And some are just totally blind to it.
I believe in no personal deity. To believe there is an omnipotent being is about as credible as any savage religion, monotheistic or polytheistic. They all believe the same thing, merely in different forms. One has the deity as a single being, the others have it as a pantheon of beings, the main point is the worship of a BEING. A man-god. And all this because Abraham decided to say "hey annukaki (sumerian gods), I'ma make you into a single god and it'll be fckin awesome for all". Later because constantine said "Hey Mithras, you suck at winning battles for me. Hey Jesus, you can be my god." Thanks abraham and constantine.
The rest is history.
I believe that you cannot define god, simply because there is no comprehendable way to define him by our terms. The finite cannot comprehend the infinite. This is the real reason the name of God is unspeakable to the Jews, merely because it cannot be spoken or described. It is also why God is called JHVH or "I AM" and Ain-Soph, "No-Thing" by the Jews and the Kabalists. But I'm no agnostic. I believe God to be as the Hindus call Tat, "That", all that is. Not the light or the dark, but the combination and the non-existance of both. Brahman as the Hindus have it, the principle cause and sum total of the universe. Besides, for God to be infinite, he certainly could not have finite properties such as emotion or thought, and for him to be perfect, he could not be merely the point of total good, he would by necessity contain in him all points good and evil, if you can even strictly define good and evil.
Anyway, I know way too much shit to just tell it all here, so I need a specific question/counterpoint/idiotic statement before I go any further.
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