by Evil Urchin » Thu Aug 21, 2003 8:35 pm
Eh, might as well foolishly jump in. I have no disrespect for the soldiers out there doing the fighting, since it isnt their fault that they are dying for reasons that may or may not be just. Granted, Saddam did need to be taken down at some point, I just wish there was some other way to do it, being a pacifist and all. Despite that bit though, I am frankly ultra ticked at this war on terrorism bit. If Dubya there was honestly trying to get rid of all the bastards out there how feel that killing innocent civilians is a good way to get what they want, then it would all be dandy. To some extent, it is like that. However, then you add in all of the ulterior motives. Perhaps it was all a gamble to increase approval ratings, create huge economic benefits for the US, that sort of thing. I can't say that this is all 100% true, but looking at the history of the nation I'd say its a pretty safe bet that those extra motives are the real driving force behind this war, rather then any common human decency.
Here's that history I mentioned earlier: Anyone remember Chile? If not, then allow me to enlighten you: Salvador Allende was elected president of Chile in 1970 with an essentially communist platform. Unfortunatly for him, he decided to block foreign intrests from the massive copper mines in the region. This prompted several US corporations to pressure Nixon to do something about it. So, he turned to Henry Kissenger, who happily went down and organized one of the bloodier coups in history(with about 1,500 people dead). The man who took over was Augusto Pinochet. How many of his own people he killed is unknown to this day. Did we do anything to stop that? Of course not, it was in our own best intrest to let him slaughter people since he protected our economic intrests. If you think that this is the only time in history we did that, you may wanna study up on what happened in East Timor back in the 70's.
So, again, I support the removal of evil men, but I find it hard to swallow that we just let others run free, and even HELP them ascend to power. Thanks for your time.
Kawaita hitomi de dareka na itekure -The Real Folk Blues, Yoko Kanno
I like it! -Indiscipline, King Crimson
If you wanna touch the sky, you must be prepared to die, and I hate cough syrup don't you? -Cough Syrup, Butthole Surfers