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Post by ithaqua » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:19 pm

Well, I tried to be the bigger person, but as usual I failed like a retard in math class.

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Post by Sub0 » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:34 pm

yes, however I think religion is a good and a bad thing. Basically religion is a crutch and like a crutch religion can be used as a support thing or as a weapon... and doesn't it suck to be hit with a crutch :evil:.

Tab. wrote:I believe that you cannot define god, simply because there is no comprehendable way to define him by our terms. The finite cannot comprehend the infinite. This is the real reason the name of God is unspeakable to the Jews, merely because it cannot be spoken or described. It is also why God is called JHVH or "I AM" and Ain-Soph, "No-Thing" by the Jews and the Kabalists. But I'm no agnostic. I believe God to be as the Hindus call Tat, "That", all that is. Not the light or the dark, but the combination and the non-existance of both. Brahman as the Hindus have it, the principle cause and sum total of the universe. Besides, for God to be infinite, he certainly could not have finite properties such as emotion or thought, and for him to be perfect, he could not be merely the point of total good, he would by necessity contain in him all points good and evil, if you can even strictly define good and evil.

Anyway, I know way too much shit to just tell it all here, so I need a specific question/counterpoint/idiotic statement before I go any further.
I take this stance, I let the preachers preach, I answer questions but I don't <i>pretend</i> to preach. Cuz after all if I'm wrong I don't havta' take the blame :twisted: .
Savia wrote:As a non-denominational believer, I would have to say to MinnieMoose that you aren't doing yourself or the religion you advocate a whole lot of favours with your attitude. Having read this entire thread up to this point, the appearance you have given so far is that of a weak Christian: if you are confident in your religion, then you question it and look for those 'holes'. If you truly do believe, then you can accept that the Bible has flaws, and that the followers of God have made mistakes, and that not everything may be as whatever Church you ascribe to says it is. By questioning, I seek to strengthen my beliefs and come to a better understanding of our world and whatever forces might be outside of it.
Cool! I'm non-denominational too... till I figured out what does that mean, that doesn't mean sh@t! Non-denominational christian is a funny word, oh well, confirms my conformity. BTW I hope you get something out of this arguement but preaching's not my thing and I doubt you'll find anyone that'd listen. Answering questions on the other hand is the way to go imho, but it doesn't seem like anybody with such a closed mind is asking any real questions. Hypothetical questions only, where the 'right' answers already seems to be apparent. The most that you'll likely get from such a discussion is you can come away with the affirmed belief that he is wrong and you are right. It's like talking to a wall :) .
Reading through the last five pages I strongly agree with alot of the stuff said by both sides though, if there's anything I disagree with I'll bring it up believe me, such as:
Tab wrote:Well, I believe we exist for two paradoxical reasons. 1. To exist. 2. To unexist.
ya fergot the third part, to eat (exist) to sleep (unexist) and shit (a little comic releif, means nothing? That's what I thought at first but it means to live, shit is the substance of life ;-p) <---- truley great words to live by.
Tab wrote:That's what I hate about the west, because go to India and most everyone will know what you're talking about. You should take a look at their 'bible' the Vedas. I like how my dad put it best while looking at my one book of upanisads, ".. I don't like this shit, you actually have to think to understand it."
well duh! you said it your self, those who know don't really know the infinite, so of coarse those that offer feedback are those that don't know! Get a clue!! :twisted:
I don't know how they treat that in India after all they have reincarnation there, that's the only way you can get closer to 'god' and maybe truley know.... I hope you can get the answer to your questions someday.
Christians often times wrote:"to enter into heaven you must first make your mind as a child's"
I doubt if any Christian would say that that statement means God has made his word child safe, easy to understand... to say so would be blaspheme ;-p God put the church on this earth just so we could congregate and figure out the laws of the Lord together (preaching is just so one sided and again, I'm so against that). So what most Christians, in my experience, has intepretted claims like that as is you must humble your mind and truley want to learn as a child does.
Tab wrote:It's been proven by scientists that the brain, specifically the hypothalmous, is vastly different between straight and gay men, and that the structures and sizes present in the gay male brain are much more similar to those in the female.
(and I read the article, cool *.*) but did they test them BEFORE they came out of the closet, maybe they adapted? I'm guessing (cuz I think I heard it somewhere) that the difference between Aminals and Man is that Man can adapt (ala dinosaurs), so shouldn't the Hypothalmus of said dolphins not be smaller?? just thinkin... I'd like ta see that study... or was the adaptive process a mammal thing. Anyway WTF?! Doesn't the Hypothalmus control the senses in some way? Makes sense that they would then sense men as mates then... but... hmmm I hate it when I counteract my initial thought grrrrr. Anyway what about Lesbians? shouldn't they develop bigger Hypothalmus than? I know a guy that must not have any Hypothalmus! Also to regurgitate the article, Women can think straighter and if you want to too you (if you're male) should be gay. If your female and wanna stupify yourself (doh!) you should be gay ;-p.
Jebadiah wrote:Marry was not a virgin, she was simply a pregnant woman of a fatherless child. In other words, Jesus was a basterd. Marry would of been killed if it weren't for Joseph
Yes, but Mary was a virgin in every sense of the word (so the Bible says) she was implanted with God's child and she ran to this Joseph dude cuz she had nothing else to do! Poor Joseph he may not even have known her, tax write-off maybe after all that's where he was going. Also Jesus was not a bastard, he had two Dads... well if you categorize artificially ince,imated children bastards. You may be getting confused with John the Baptist's birth, Martha and wasisname WAS married though (John had older siblings).
Sierra Lorna wrote:I just became a Christian very, very recently, and I just wanted to mention a few things.

It took a few times for me to go to church before I got to know what it was all really about, because there's so much to it. It was extremely confusing for me at first because of that.

But I've gone and I'm so glad I did.

I know that Christians and non-Christians will always disagree on their beliefs, and I can completely understand that because I've been on both sides. I didn't believe in it at all for a long time because I'd never grown up with any religion. My friends were the ones who invited me to go to church, and I went just because I was curious, I guess.

My belief in God made me happy. How can something that makes you feel so completely happy and worthwhile and fulfilled and good be wrong?

In closing:
My belief = religion, yes.
awesome! not only do you make amazing amvs.

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Post by ithaqua » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:39 pm

I just saw this. Too good to pass up.

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Post by Lyrs » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:43 pm

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Post by Tab. » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:44 pm

No no no, the whole virgin birth concept was taken from other places that I'll explain later when I'm not a minute away from hitting teh sack.

The mind child thing is a jesus quote I think and I've seen it used before in defense of the church against actual thought and contemplation.
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Post by Lyrs » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:47 pm

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Post by Lyrs » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:47 pm

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Post by Lyrs » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:48 pm

WOW! I've finally gotten teh gist of double posting!

i now know how to double post!
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Post by Evil Urchin » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:50 pm

I find it strange how the posts here tend to fluctuate in this pattern:


And so on.

Oh, and as for religion, I happen to follow the belief system that all religions are actually correct, since as long as you believe in something with all your heat and soul, its real, although only to you. It basically goes into the thought that we each live in our own seperate dimension, and everyone around you lives in their own dimension, and etc. etc. etc. into infinity. Basically, I don't think about it very often since by the very nature of my theory I don't have to worry much about anything, and plus its kinda pointless just wandering around in mental circles, although when people argue against my viewpoint I do rather enjoy keeping them stalemated until they just give up, since there is no way to actually prove me wrong. Fun.
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Post by angelx03 » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:53 pm

I'm impressed with MOST of your responses. This has the be the longest thread that is INFORMATIVE. :P


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