Ah, but without a little conservatism, we may go forward recklessly into a bad state. A little conservatism keeps the progressive locomotive at a steady pace. Of course, too much or total conservatism is just as bad, as the locomotive goes nowhere. THERE MUST BE BALANCE BETWEEN THE TWO!UncleMilo wrote:I feel strongly against conservatism and conformity
As fo conformity, too much of it is bad, of course, but with too little, what do you have? A bunch of unique people, certainly, but no one is working together towards a common goal. It is a bunch of little voices, peeping like chicks, instead of a large voice, crowing like the rooster.
There are good people in the Republican party. There is total shit in the Democratic party. Neither is any worse - indeed, sadly enough, the majority of both just seem to be acting like the other, and ignoring or not representing the wishes of the public to consolidate and abuse their power.UncleMilo wrote:I feel strongly against the current trend in the Republican Party (which I feel started with Reagan). My dislike of the Republicans turned to absolute hatred over the Clinton years.
Hatred can be a motivator for change. Total hatred, however, leading to venomous ideals and thoughts, is a bad thing. It only brings you to the level of that which you hate, and can even lower you beneath it.
With this in mind, relax and let go a little bit.