What do you feel strongly about?

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Post by kthulhu » Tue Mar 25, 2003 5:20 am

UncleMilo wrote:I feel strongly against conservatism and conformity
Ah, but without a little conservatism, we may go forward recklessly into a bad state. A little conservatism keeps the progressive locomotive at a steady pace. Of course, too much or total conservatism is just as bad, as the locomotive goes nowhere. THERE MUST BE BALANCE BETWEEN THE TWO!

As fo conformity, too much of it is bad, of course, but with too little, what do you have? A bunch of unique people, certainly, but no one is working together towards a common goal. It is a bunch of little voices, peeping like chicks, instead of a large voice, crowing like the rooster.
UncleMilo wrote:I feel strongly against the current trend in the Republican Party (which I feel started with Reagan). My dislike of the Republicans turned to absolute hatred over the Clinton years.
There are good people in the Republican party. There is total shit in the Democratic party. Neither is any worse - indeed, sadly enough, the majority of both just seem to be acting like the other, and ignoring or not representing the wishes of the public to consolidate and abuse their power.

Hatred can be a motivator for change. Total hatred, however, leading to venomous ideals and thoughts, is a bad thing. It only brings you to the level of that which you hate, and can even lower you beneath it.

With this in mind, relax and let go a little bit.
I'm out...

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Post by MamoruArmitage » Tue Mar 25, 2003 5:36 am

UncleMilo wrote:I feel strongly about many things.

I feel strongly against apathy and stupidity.

I feel strongly against people who are hateful to others because of sexual preference or race or gender.

I feel strongly against people who simply regergetate views they hear from others as if those views are fact. People who aren't interested in knowing the facts and would rather sit by and simply buy into the facts they hear.

I feel strongly against companies that treat children as idiots... that treat them as a market group.

I feel strongly for people who write things that can move you... that can either grasp you on an intellectual level or on an emotional level

I feel strongly about animation and those who try to break the lazy American viewpoint that animation is just for kids.

I feel strongly about education and knowledge. I get angry at people who revel in stupidty and who take umbrage against people because they actually know something.

I feel strongly against conservatism and conformity

I feel strongly against religious fanatics... from blowing up abortion clinics, to trying to enforce their views of right and wrong as beiong the only acceptable viewpoint, to flying planes into buildings... they are all dangerous and mindless people.

I feel strongly about many things...

-Uncle Milo
edited to represent my views (a.k.a. i don't give a shit about Republicans and their evil mind-reading powers, but the rest of it is the same)
Chou Ryuuen, of the Fushigi Yuugi Cabal

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Post by HungryCrackPot » Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:03 am

Dark Dragon wrote:Excuse me while I go be sick.

That is just sick Mroni, you ecchi hentai!

It means Perverted pervert in Japanese, or atleast on the translation site.

And you do have a gutter mind, a dirty gutter mind, but I have a cure for that. *Whips out a bar of soap and brandishes it at Mroni.* Lets clean that mind of yours out shall we?

*Attacks Mroni and soap suds go everywhere.*

There that should do it, squeaky clean now.

Mroni: *Confused.* Wha???... Who are you?... Where am I??

Oopsie, looks like your brain got too washed out. :lol:
I suppose we could all stone you like a dirty jesus...

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Post by UncleMilo » Tue Mar 25, 2003 8:05 am

kthulhu wrote:
UncleMilo wrote:I feel strongly against conservatism and conformity
Ah, but without a little conservatism, we may go forward recklessly into a bad state. A little conservatism keeps the progressive locomotive at a steady pace. Of course, too much or total conservatism is just as bad, as the locomotive goes nowhere. THERE MUST BE BALANCE BETWEEN THE TWO!

I don't know if you did that on purpose or not, but that is an underhanded argument.

You're taking an argument about how society needs the argument back and forth between conservatism and liberalism viewpoints so that society can move forward as opposed to stagnating from a single viewpoint.

While this is true, it is also irrelevant... and that is why it's underhanded.

This topic is about what matters to me and what I feel strongly about.

I as an indinvidual.

You have taken an argument that sounds like it is CLOSE to what's actually being talked about... and using the correctness of that point as an argument... except we aren't talking about society...

we're talking about what we feel strongly about.

I feel strongly against conservatism.

Is it your opinion that your argument is going to change my strong feelings against conservatism?

I get a bit annoyed when I see this kind of argument used in a discussion, but since I don't know if you did it on purpose or not (and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt) I'm simply trying to explain why I object to your point...

As for your last statement...

I can't relax and let it go because I believe in what Martin Luther King Jr. said. Sadly, I can't give you the exact quote, but it roughly stated that the only thing as tragic as the action of bad people is the general apathy of people of good will.

I see all these things that strike me as being very bad... and so many people seem so apathetic and unconcerend about these situations that it just increases my own feelings of how upset I am about the subject.

I don't have anymore time to type...

so I'll leave it there.

-Uncle Milo
There are two kinds of people in this world:
Those who divide people into two kinds of groups
and those who don't.

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Post by fyrtenheimer » Tue Mar 25, 2003 9:41 am

You take something simple and try turning it into something complicated Milo.




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Post by kthulhu » Tue Mar 25, 2003 5:10 pm

Fine, then.

I feel strongly about UncleMilo's views :P .
I'm out...

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Post by HungryCrackPot » Tue Mar 25, 2003 8:49 pm

I feel oppressed. Bring me that baseball bat. I shall now attempt a homerun with your childs cranium. Baby brains!

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Post by Mroni » Tue Mar 25, 2003 9:00 pm

I feel strongly that uncle milo is a repressed Homosexual.

Mr Oni
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"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"

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Post by HungryCrackPot » Tue Mar 25, 2003 9:02 pm

Im glad you remind us that you are Mr. Oni at the end of your posts, otherwise we might forget, even with your big fat face by the message.

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Post by The Wired Knight » Tue Mar 25, 2003 9:13 pm


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