Prepare to fight!
- Jace Tsunami
- Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2002 5:56 am
- Location: Los Angeles, Ca
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- Mroni
- Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 5:08 pm
- Location: Heading for the 90s living in the 80s sitting in a back room waiting for the big boom
MistyCaldwell wrote:Hmm...well if MY stuff wasn't truthful based from factual events...then let's look at your list of stuff off the top of your head.
Mroni wrote:
That shit dosent stand up under scrutiny. What did you cut and paste uncle milos crap. Also any thing we did to fight the commies was justified. Mr Onis list of things the U.S has been busy doing for the last 55 years.
1.Rebuilt Japan and Germany out of the goodness of our heart protecting both of them.
Goodness of our own heart? We had more an interest in Japan's location as a military base location and still are there. Haven't you heard of the rape-the-locals tarining camp they have there?![]()
Seriously though, we did occupy these countries but we weren't the only country that gave aid or governing to these. That was also a war we did not start. Germany and Russia started that one and I agree we most certainly finished it but it's easy to be called the good guy when you kill to defend yourself.
It's different when you go and think someone may be trying to attack you but they haven't actually done it yet and you kill them first. By our laws, that is considered murder so why shouldn't the government be held by the same laws as the people??? I am still waiting for Osama's head but that is the only 'war' we should be involved in. I don't think we should be giving monetary aid to any country in the form of money...look what they do with it.
Continue aggressive UN inspections. If there is something DEFINITE found, fine then...have the war because at least there is justification. But keeping the enemy updated to how many troops you've sent via CNN is not a pre-emptive strike. It's bully tactics and just makes our international image worse.
By training the Taliban troops that later attacked know the Taliban DID hold them too...with our guns, weapons, and money...that we gave them....and that they still have...great idea.2.Held the line against the evil soviet empire who would surely have kept on rolling through europe if it hadn't had been for us.
I don't know if you can say saved. We didn't exactly win that war, not there, and certainly not here. If there is one thing I really disagree with it' s holding any soldier responsible for the choices of their leaders. How vets are treated is awful...they come home from those countries shell-shocked, unable to hold jobs or have normal healthy children and the government won't even throw them a bone...3. Saved the south koreans from suffering the same fate as the north. The commies in the north are a joke thier time is up. Meantime south korea is one of the richest countries in asia.![]()
That's off subject the Koreas are talking on their own after so long and no thanks to us. North Korea still have death camps and we aren't over there now...they have a lot more of a threat to us personally than Iraq.
Iraq is a threat to world commerce because of oil. My point is, if the billions spent on this stupid war was spent refining new resources and vehicles for such, we'd have no shackles on from the middle east at all!
4.Put a man on the moonI agree, but you know how many people think it was all a hoax?
Umm....I do have to credit the government a great deal for the internet but the computer in it's evolution has had many people contribute to it. People from the U.S., Germany, and Great Britain if you ignore the figures done by Leonardo da Vinci. Maybe...perfected...but we hardly invented it.5.Invented the Pc
The guy betrayed his orders and was assassinated by us for pete's sake.7.Did nothing new to iran by helping the shah get into power considering the alternatives were religous wackos. Under the shah Iran enjoyed greater freedom (women were not required to wear Viels). The shah was our closest freind over there and look what his replacement turned out to be.
From what I have heard, it's not as bad there as you would think, but I agree they have their problems. But do we leave the embargos on them until they join with one of our enemies and do attack us...or why can't we try something else. If we are just calling all communist countries bad and we can't trade with them, why does a good majority of the products in our homes come from China?8.Put economic pressure on cuba for years now that thier commies allys have pulled out and left them alone cuba is the biggest shit hole in the world.
If we can be on good trade status with china, we could do it with other nations. I think it's awful what some countries do to their people, but why do we have a right to go change it? It's their country...we don't want any invading here as crappy as the government is. However, if the people of a country rise up then it should be a case by case basis.
They fell apart because of Chernobyl. The country has no economy. Not to mention how Stalin and Lenin practically killed millions of their own people. They brought it on themselves, we can hardly take credit for it.12.Scared the soviet union so that it fell apart.
did you mean free the country?13. The country of kuwait from the evil saddam
If you did....well...there is still a lot of dissention there because of people that left for the war that our own guys in power won't let them back in. Hardly fair and free if you ask me.
In the meantime the french have been ungrateful bastards god I hate the French.Well, it makes no sense but I guess you're right about this one. They show little gratitude for the battles we have helped them win.
We are just going to have agree to disagree because once you said we assinated the Shah you lose any credibility in my eyes believe whatever left wing filth you want.
Mr Oni
Purity is wackable!
"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"
"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"
- Mroni
- Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 5:08 pm
- Location: Heading for the 90s living in the 80s sitting in a back room waiting for the big boom
MistyCaldwell wrote:Hmm...well if MY stuff wasn't truthful based from factual events...then let's look at your list of stuff off the top of your head.
Mroni wrote:
That shit dosent stand up under scrutiny. What did you cut and paste uncle milos crap. Also any thing we did to fight the commies was justified. Mr Onis list of things the U.S has been busy doing for the last 55 years.
1.Rebuilt Japan and Germany out of the goodness of our heart protecting both of them.
Goodness of our own heart? We had more an interest in Japan's location as a military base location and still are there. Haven't you heard of the rape-the-locals tarining camp they have there?![]()
Seriously though, we did occupy these countries but we weren't the only country that gave aid or governing to these. That was also a war we did not start. Germany and Russia started that one and I agree we most certainly finished it but it's easy to be called the good guy when you kill to defend yourself.
It's different when you go and think someone may be trying to attack you but they haven't actually done it yet and you kill them first. By our laws, that is considered murder so why shouldn't the government be held by the same laws as the people??? I am still waiting for Osama's head but that is the only 'war' we should be involved in. I don't think we should be giving monetary aid to any country in the form of money...look what they do with it.
Continue aggressive UN inspections. If there is something DEFINITE found, fine then...have the war because at least there is justification. But keeping the enemy updated to how many troops you've sent via CNN is not a pre-emptive strike. It's bully tactics and just makes our international image worse.
By training the Taliban troops that later attacked know the Taliban DID hold them too...with our guns, weapons, and money...that we gave them....and that they still have...great idea.2.Held the line against the evil soviet empire who would surely have kept on rolling through europe if it hadn't had been for us.
I don't know if you can say saved. We didn't exactly win that war, not there, and certainly not here. If there is one thing I really disagree with it' s holding any soldier responsible for the choices of their leaders. How vets are treated is awful...they come home from those countries shell-shocked, unable to hold jobs or have normal healthy children and the government won't even throw them a bone...3. Saved the south koreans from suffering the same fate as the north. The commies in the north are a joke thier time is up. Meantime south korea is one of the richest countries in asia.![]()
That's off subject the Koreas are talking on their own after so long and no thanks to us. North Korea still have death camps and we aren't over there now...they have a lot more of a threat to us personally than Iraq.
Iraq is a threat to world commerce because of oil. My point is, if the billions spent on this stupid war was spent refining new resources and vehicles for such, we'd have no shackles on from the middle east at all!
4.Put a man on the moonI agree, but you know how many people think it was all a hoax?
Umm....I do have to credit the government a great deal for the internet but the computer in it's evolution has had many people contribute to it. People from the U.S., Germany, and Great Britain if you ignore the figures done by Leonardo da Vinci. Maybe...perfected...but we hardly invented it.5.Invented the Pc
The guy betrayed his orders and was assassinated by us for pete's sake.7.Did nothing new to iran by helping the shah get into power considering the alternatives were religous wackos. Under the shah Iran enjoyed greater freedom (women were not required to wear Viels). The shah was our closest freind over there and look what his replacement turned out to be.
From what I have heard, it's not as bad there as you would think, but I agree they have their problems. But do we leave the embargos on them until they join with one of our enemies and do attack us...or why can't we try something else. If we are just calling all communist countries bad and we can't trade with them, why does a good majority of the products in our homes come from China?8.Put economic pressure on cuba for years now that thier commies allys have pulled out and left them alone cuba is the biggest shit hole in the world.
If we can be on good trade status with china, we could do it with other nations. I think it's awful what some countries do to their people, but why do we have a right to go change it? It's their country...we don't want any invading here as crappy as the government is. However, if the people of a country rise up then it should be a case by case basis.
They fell apart because of Chernobyl. The country has no economy. Not to mention how Stalin and Lenin practically killed millions of their own people. They brought it on themselves, we can hardly take credit for it.12.Scared the soviet union so that it fell apart.
did you mean free the country?13. The country of kuwait from the evil saddam
If you did....well...there is still a lot of dissention there because of people that left for the war that our own guys in power won't let them back in. Hardly fair and free if you ask me.
In the meantime the french have been ungrateful bastards god I hate the French.Well, it makes no sense but I guess you're right about this one. They show little gratitude for the battles we have helped them win.
We are just going to have agree to disagree because once you said we assinated the Shah you lose any credibility in my eyes believe whatever left wing filth you want. The soviet union fell apart way before the chernobyl it was mismanaged horribly and they were frightened of star wars because they knew we had the money and the technology and we didnt. Chernobyl was 86.
Mr Oni
Purity is wackable!
"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"
"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"
- Jace Tsunami
- Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2002 5:56 am
- Location: Los Angeles, Ca
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it's so naive of you to think that our government's never assinated anyone.
Besides, as an anime fan you ever seen gundam wing? Heero yuy assinated that peace ambassador. It's the conspiracy to kill, and making it so. It doesn't matter whether or not our government ment to or not, it was panned, and it happened. The guy died and it was out fault. In other words we assinated him.
Besides, as an anime fan you ever seen gundam wing? Heero yuy assinated that peace ambassador. It's the conspiracy to kill, and making it so. It doesn't matter whether or not our government ment to or not, it was panned, and it happened. The guy died and it was out fault. In other words we assinated him.
- Mroni
- Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 5:08 pm
- Location: Heading for the 90s living in the 80s sitting in a back room waiting for the big boom
Once again bullcrap. And we have tried to assinate people that deserved it like Castro for example.Jace Tsunami wrote:it's so naive of you to think that our government's never assinated anyone.
Besides, as an anime fan you ever seen gundam wing? Heero yuy assinated that peace ambassador. It's the conspiracy to kill, and making it so. It doesn't matter whether or not our government ment to or not, it was panned, and it happened. The guy died and it was out fault. In other words we assinated him.
Mr Oni
Purity is wackable!
"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"
"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"
- Jace Tsunami
- Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2002 5:56 am
- Location: Los Angeles, Ca
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- Mroni
- Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2001 5:08 pm
- Location: Heading for the 90s living in the 80s sitting in a back room waiting for the big boom
Jace Tsunami wrote:like I said, naive.
you obviously know nothing of government, your mind is completly clouded by the fact it's our government, and there must not be anything wrong with it since it's ours.
*sense the sarcasm*
you're and idiot
And you know our goverment better how? You don't your mind is filled with crap told to you by others. You think I blindly listen to everything said. Bullcrap I just know one thing I would trust anything the goverment said over anything some left wing nut said.
Mr Oni
Purity is wackable!
"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"
"Don't trust me I'm over 40!"
- Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2002 10:04 pm
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Yeah we can agree to disagree because there are always 3 sides to an event...yours, mine, and the truth. Everyone seems to taint the truth with their own emotions. But there is no left or right in my eyes. They are extremes of thought and both as volatile.
Well, I guess I am impressed with your topical knowledge of history even if you do put too much 'Mr. Oni' in it to look at it for face value... 8)
Well, I guess I am impressed with your topical knowledge of history even if you do put too much 'Mr. Oni' in it to look at it for face value... 8)

- Omega Bahamut
- Joined: Fri Dec 13, 2002 11:34 pm
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