OMG, this is sad..... Both Sick Sad, and sad sad......

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Post by chaoticstormbringer » Fri Jun 13, 2003 11:55 pm


Have you paid attention to whats going on in this world?
have you ever looked at this world without the common news and looked BEYOND that point?

Not many people have Kthulhu and it's not an elitist bullshit stuff to really understand. I don't expect YOU to understand either Kthulhu but for those who do understand what I am meaning. Well that message is really for them.

In fact I expected that message to be disregarded by you folk that don'tn understand that it has more than one meaning. So in truth it is not that simple answer of what you see is what you get emphasis. So I apologise that you feel offended by it but it has truly nothing to do with you.

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Post by gadoo » Sat Jun 14, 2003 12:19 am

I'm confused as well. Lemmi go memories some philosophical bullshit so I can banter about a loop question and pretend I'm all superior.

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Post by Tab. » Sat Jun 14, 2003 12:30 am

chaoticstormbringer wrote:In the end all of you are like totally clueless.
I suppose you will all be the same way until the day the ages fall.
I know what you meant
we are so l33t
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Post by kthulhu » Sat Jun 14, 2003 12:32 am

Here's my guess at an answer to what you're saying:

The kid was messed up, probably suffered from feelings of inferiority.

He wanted to "be the man", in his own view, and to do that he stole his father's guns to make his own private Columbine, or something of that nature, happen.

His friend "ratted" on him.

He probably felt betrayed and upset that his friend(s) wouldn't help him in his scheme for "glory", and that he would go out in handcuffs and on to juvenile hall/hell, instead of dying in some twisted version of martyrdom and becoming a sort of idol to wannabes (and maybe a few disturbed schemers).

Thus, he killed himself right when the police were in his area, his psychological reasoning probably being that it would stand out, another "version" of martyrdom - or at least, making his name. You can't be a martyr if no one remembers you or knows the actions you did.

You mentioned something about ambition earlier. This kid's ambition, perhaps, was to become the next Kip Kinkel, or go for the gold even, and try to be in the leagues of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. He would have fame, followers maybe. Even if his friends had helped him, he was the ringleader, and would get the most focus.


His feelings of inferiority, and hence his feelings of powerlessness, created an ambition to "be on top", in a sense. However, the action to fulfill this ambition lead to more powerlessness, since his friends didn't go along, and in fact, destroyed it by alerting the proper authorities. In a final act of ambition, before losing ALL power, he killed himself in what he probably viewed as a dramatic, stand out act. Yet, by killing himself, and not facing the consequences of his near-actions, he took the cowardly, the inferior, way out.

In the end, he apparently went from perceived, but false, powerlessness, to a realization of these emotions, leading to the loss of control and destruction he probably subconsciously feared would happen.

Had he thought it through (heady stuff for someone his age, true), he probably would've reached the conclusion I have.

To summarize:

Non-existent powerlessness begat genuine powerlessness, although the path to that conclusion had some real changes.

So, am I any closer :wink: ? PM me if I am....
I'm out...

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Post by gadoo » Sat Jun 14, 2003 1:48 am

screw you guys (points into the abyss) I'm going home :evil:

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Post by Tab. » Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:02 am

can I have your babies?
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Post by Otohiko » Sat Jun 14, 2003 9:36 am

I think that's a good way of looking at it, Kthulhu. In any case, there is more than one way of looking at something like that...
Strangely enough, the thread seems to be coming back into the more on-topic discussion. I still think it's better off letting it go, but it's good it didn't degenerate into a flame war. phew :roll:
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Post by jonmartensen » Sat Jun 14, 2003 11:01 am

chaoticstormbringer wrote:In the end all of you are like totally clueless.
I suppose you will all be the same way until the day the ages fall.
I hope they're not very heavy. One time a tree limb fell on me and it really hurt, and it wasn't heavy et al.

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Post by Bahamut God » Sat Jun 14, 2003 3:13 pm

That was a fucked up story. /end
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Post by Deathlok the Demolisher » Sat Jun 14, 2003 3:47 pm

Mroni wrote: Hey dreadlock the Buttmaster or what not your name is. I agree that suicide was the best thing he could have done. How was he just like us I don't recall pondering killing others at 12 years old.

A.) I am Deathlok the Demolisher

B.) The child had problems, as we all did when we were 12. and I said he made a choice most of us would not make, you dick

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