religon yes or no
- LightningCountX
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- LightningCountX
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Re: religon yes or no
madmag9999 wrote:im creating this thred so that ppl can exchange ideas about religon. the non religous can try to prove why it is wrong and why there is no god and the religous can try to prove why it is right and why there is a god. please dont flame here just exchange ideas try to keep this as civilised as posible.
Well first off, no one on this planet can establish or rule out the existence of any deity. So, that part of the arguement is over ^_^
Now religion...
It's used as a coping mechanism mainly for death. Most cultures use it to explain the reason for life and what happens when we die because if you are to truly realize your mortality, then it's kinda scary.
One day, you will die...money, science, god...none of that will keep you from dying. So people want to fill in the blanks.
As a tool for getting through hard times or the death of a loved one, religion is not at all a bad thing.
It's when that religion becomes mandatory, a tool for violence or oppression, and people sufferor DIE because of it...then it's a horrible horrible thing.
Any religion that ok's killing is in itself, a tool of death and therfore a 'bad' thing. Christianity is so hypocritical. It's not ok to kill anyone...not murderers...no one. It's pretty simple...yet they also say eye for an eye.
Well, I am not going to argue that some people don't deserve death. Child molesters and killers, serial killers and rapists...generally anyone that cannot follow the basic rules of a controlled society are just going to cause problems for others. And those that kill in religious doctrine definitely aren't going to change. But that doesn't make it right to ever kill someone.
No one needs to go to church to be with their faith. It's a reassurance for those going that they are doing the right thing, being with others that believe the same thing. I believe church is because even the most devout question and fear death and need to be assured that god is real. Monuments are for convincing and not much else. A truly spiritual person could be with god in their kitchen, a park, or anywhere you could imagine. Forcing people to acknowledge your faith only shows how weak it is.
So...religion as a tool for dealing with bad things, good. Religion used as a tool for justification of actions that hurt other people, bad.

- Lyrs
- Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:41 pm
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you say you don't hate them, yet you say they are disgusting. you fidn them repulsive, you would rather then not be with them.MinnieMoose wrote:Sigh...their sexual preference is what's in question. They make one just like necrophiliacs and they're just as digusting. It IS the same thing. I don't fear homos. I condem their choices.
The bible was written by man by what God decreed.
how many man have heard the word of god and have written it down, and have you seen that many of them contradict each other? is your bible the true word of god, or is it the other man's book? are you so sure and so secure in your faith that you would follow the bible to teh death? will you kill on teh word of god? will you willing accept what you've read from you bible as teh same as that of another? have you even compared your bible with that of the latin one?
jesus may have been learned in the jewish faith, but he was also raised int eh same system. you don't seem that somethign is wrong if you grew up accepting it.Jesus came down many many years later and said the same thing as did his followers. If there were imperfections man made in God's word, i'm sure his son woulda said something about it.
- LightningCountX
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Re: religon yes or no
thats what its mainly used for...MistyCaldwell wrote:Religion used as a tool for justification of actions that hurt other people, bad.
- J-0080
- Joined: Thu May 01, 2003 7:37 pm
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Re: religon yes or no
Though mainly by people who do not believe in them, and are only using them as a front for personal gain.LightningCountX wrote:thats what its mainly used for...MistyCaldwell wrote:Religion used as a tool for justification of actions that hurt other people, bad.
paizuri wrote:There's also no need for introductions because we're generally a friendly bunch and will welcome you with wide open arms anyway.
- Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2002 11:04 pm
Of course i believe the bible, cuz i have faith. Jesus was the son of GOD, he was above such things as instilled you do this or that. He was interested in spreading God's word and part of that word was the Old Testament. If he had any problems with it, i don't think he would've endorsed it. Contridictions? Please, i hear this ALL the time, but i never see ONE example.
Homosexuality is disgusting to me because it's not attractive, and it's unnatural weather you believe in God or not. Look at animals, Dolphins and dogs have sex for pleasure, not for "love". It's all based on sex, which is something you shouldn't base decisions on.
You still haven't answered why Homosexuality is ok for people to choose as a "ok" sexual choice, but it's not ok to be attracted to little girls or boys, or to want to have sex with rocks or dead people. Those are sexual choices as well. What makes them so different? Those people could love those kids just like Oni loves his plushies.
Homosexuality is disgusting to me because it's not attractive, and it's unnatural weather you believe in God or not. Look at animals, Dolphins and dogs have sex for pleasure, not for "love". It's all based on sex, which is something you shouldn't base decisions on.
You still haven't answered why Homosexuality is ok for people to choose as a "ok" sexual choice, but it's not ok to be attracted to little girls or boys, or to want to have sex with rocks or dead people. Those are sexual choices as well. What makes them so different? Those people could love those kids just like Oni loves his plushies.
SS5 Majin Bebi: Ok, I gotta go and shave my nuts... I mean... go home and get dressed for taekwon-do now.
- LightningCountX
- Joined: Tue May 20, 2003 8:35 am
- Location: Bayside, NY Interests: Your Mom ^_^
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When I was "lost" I worked at a church....I was a alter boy with my best friend....his parents owned the church...and we worked there for 3 years, and I really didn't care that it wasn't a paying job...just a service every sunday....then this new reverend came in, and kicked out my friends parents, who were the owners of the church, and kicked out the theater group that would do plays in the basement of the church all cause she was a money whore...
When I was "lost" I worked at a church....I was a alter boy with my best friend....his parents owned the church...and we worked there for 3 years, and I really didn't care that it wasn't a paying job...just a service every sunday....then this new reverend came in, and kicked out my friends parents, who were the owners of the church, and kicked out the theater group that would do plays in the basement of the church all cause she was a money whore...
- Lyrs
- Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:41 pm
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i don't need to have faith in god. god doesn't exist. as for not having faith in myself, you don't know me personally. you've only known me through what i've written, and what i've written can as easily be manipulated as the bible can. my faith is in myself, in me being able to get through my own problems and being strong enough to succeed in what i do.MinnieMoose wrote:Lyrs you have no faith in God or yourself,
you do, you found it annoying at the least, since you've responded to it.so who cares what you find funny?
again, you don't know me. you've made a decision based on what i've written, and that is easily manipulated to portray any view i want.you're just a bitter lil kid who loves to rebel and lash out.
thanks mom, you syure know what's best.Go seek counseling. They'll offer help for you.