fyrtenheimer wrote:I'm going to comment on his post, since he won't be reading this like he says neway.
You suck.
SS5_Majin_Bebi wrote:fyrtenheimer wrote:Your shitty cologne is attracting shitty women.
With that kind of attitude, you won't find neone neway.
I don't wear cologne. Fuck it , why should I? Just so I can attract a girl who's likely to fuck me over in the end anyway? Besides, the shit gives me a headache.
Cry me a river ass. So 7 girls left/dumped/whatever'd ur ass cause you suck, big deal. That doesn't mean every girl's like that.
Or you could stop bitching and and start having relationships with guys. 'Cause you know guys are tons better.
Guys have dicks.
I agree. I didn't want to argue with you, Majin Bebi, because it's no fun. But Fyrt started it.
Fact is, if you were to say that your statement applies to all girls, then it would just as easily apply to all people. From my experience, the only thing girls have done wrong to me (with one exception) is not wearing a sign that says "TAKEN FUCK OFF". So many guys have this notion that girls owe them something, when they don't... just as much as we don't owe them. It seems that a lot of guys don't want to bother getting to know girls if they can't get in their pants, but a lot of girls wouldn't mind being friends at all. Now, I also know a lot of guys that like to be friends... but too many are pervs.
I can go on, but I have a paper to write. Not on this topic.