alright, this is the last time i'm going to spell it out for you fucks.SSJVegita0609 wrote:Alas Temjin, you've been bested.God wrote:oh.
[MOD: Did you mean busted
Well, it's either Temjin, Kamoc, Roke or Mr Bucket... but it's all the same thing really... as are bankies, milotehcat etc...]
Accounts - Temjin (banned), Antitemjin (banned), Baggies (banned), Bankies, God
brian lives in the same house as me, and therefore has the same IP. brian's been going to this site long before i have, and left quite a while ago. he spontaneously reappears in the form of God, an account which i made to respond to a comment in a religious topic. he found a picture of 'god' off of a google search engine, and has used it for the account.
William (Will)
Accounts - Mr. Bucket (banned), Bucketincognito, Titus
will comes over to my house occasionally, and sometimes he likes to check out this place when he's bored. he rarely comes here anymore, and if he's going to do anything here it's fuck around with his titus account.
Accounts - Anything that has Will's IP
bethany is will's little sister who pops up every now-and-then to throw in her two cents. she's usually retarded and forgets to log out of will's screen name, so if he ever says that what he just said wasn't him, believe him.
Accounts - Roke
kevin's the only one out of all of us that hasn't even concidered making another account. how you could even concider putting his name in our little 'one man organization' is beyond me; his IP is completely different than ours, and every time he's come over here we haven't even thought of going to this place.
Accounts - Truest-Chaos
kevin's older brother who hasn't come over here since about a month ago. the only reason i'm telling you this is because you might screw kevin over and run around screaming things about how he has two accounts and sucks many kinds of dick.
Bear (Berendt)
Accounts - Eurononymous, DamnNinjas!, -=Eurononymous=- (banned), Megamouth (banned), Borbocough, g0atse
bear left a while ago. he even left a topic about his leavage (<a href=" ... =9414">The moment you've ALL been waiting for...</a>).
B.J. (Brendt)
Accounts - The Nuklear Knight, The-Beserker
bear's twin brother. he's the one who stayed, and since they're brothers i don't want you guys to go around thinking that they fuck each other in the ear/throat.
Accounts - Milotehcat
milo's my cat to whome i gave a screen name. if you ever see him in any topic, please note that it is not me on the keyboard but rather the family cat.
Accounts - Kamoc, -Priuslisk- (banned), Olmec (banned), 0lmec, Johnny Five
look, i got bored. the only reason i made priuslisk was to reply to one topic and post a fake interview anyway, i don't see why that's such a big deal. not to mention you guys (or should i say GUY *SPOILER*) deleted it in about 2 minutes.
Accounts - Kthulhu, Klinky
evan's my brother who lives a ways away from my house. i haven't talked to him in a while, and the reason why i'm still here is to keep in touch with him.