How do you sleep at night?

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Anime Jedi
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How do you sleep at night?

Post by Anime Jedi » Tue Mar 25, 2003 6:56 am

No, no. Thisisn't any kind of insult, though this phrase is normally used for that. lol

I was curious how you actually go to sleep. Like, do you sleep on your back, staring up at the ceiling?

Do you sleep on you side, looking at one certain object or out the window?

Do you sleep with all the covers thrown all over the place, yourself all sprawled out, looking like how many anime characters sleep? LOL!
Or do you sleep with someone by your side... :wink:

These were just some example questions.

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Post by HungryCrackPot » Tue Mar 25, 2003 6:58 am

I sleep in a bed with covers, though I don't really sleep. If I do, the aliens will try and get me with their sexcraft.

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Post by Chaos Angel » Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:10 am

On my left side, head facing out. I can't get to sleep on my back, although that's where I usually end up.
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Post by Anime Jedi » Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:20 am

I normally sleep on my back, staring up. Well, not really straing, just thinking. It's the only time of the day that things are quiet enough to think clearly. I normally have my hands behind my head, just to help rest my head. And I always have all my covers. lol

Though lately I can't do this. I think I cracked my rib in hockey, so lying either on my back or stomach puts a lot of pain on my right rib. It's even worse when I do this, and take deep breaths, which is what I normally do when I'm trying to fall asleep. -_-

So I'm normally on my right side. I rest my head on the pillow, and have my right arm under my pillow. This way the extra height keeps my head higher up. My clock used to be right there, so I would be staring right at it. It's quite bright (-_-), but I moved it further away, because I kept turning it off to quickly and going back to sleep. lol!

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Re: How do you sleep at night?

Post by fyrtenheimer » Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:32 am

Anime Jedi wrote:No, no. Thisisn't any kind of insult, though this phrase is normally used for that. lol

I was curious how you actually go to sleep. Like, do you sleep on your back, staring up at the ceiling?

Do you sleep on you side, looking at one certain object or out the window?

Do you sleep with all the covers thrown all over the place, yourself all sprawled out, looking like how many anime characters sleep? LOL!
Or do you sleep with someone by your side... :wink:

These were just some example questions.
KLINKY doesn't fucken sleep

he just stays up all night doing God knows what when he tells you he's gonna fucken talk to you the following morning, or he says he tries, when he has no intention of doing so

ignore this rant

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Post by Anime Jedi » Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:39 am

I know you said ignore it, but I just wanted to say, I'm sorry to hear that. It's hard sometimes when you epect someone to do something, and they end up not doing it.

I once went to the park to wait for my friends. We planned on just hanging out for the day, well, tehy changed the time to meet, and I waited an extra hour. And they're always late, so it was an hour and a half of being by myself just sitting around in the park. -_-

Anyways, continue to ignore this part.

I sometimes find that ANYWHERE can be comfortable when you're either really tired, or in a lousy mood. Once after hockey I lay down in front of the fireplace, since I was really pissed, not because of hockey. An hour later I woke up and was like "I got to go to bed!" LOL!

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Post by Lyrs » Tue Mar 25, 2003 8:37 am

Sleep dept works...or at least that's how I can sleep at night.

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Post by biggerm69 » Tue Mar 25, 2003 9:11 am

i try not to sleep i am trying to break the world record (oh dear god i need sleep)but when i do go to sleep i don't know how i sleep i just go jump on my bed and go nighty night so i don't know how i sleep.if you know how i sleep please tell i am wondering.

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Post by NME » Tue Mar 25, 2003 10:29 am

Nouveau parfum!

Errr... I mean I like to sleep on my right side facing the wall, or my left side, facing the room, or my stomach, facing..... the bed or floor.
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Post by Wykith » Tue Mar 25, 2003 10:43 am

I sleep face down. For some odd reason my head has to be turned to my left or sleep just won't come. I can only sleep on my back if I got a girl's head on my shoulder.
No I'm not bragging. It's just a weird fact that has always intrigued me. I've tried to go to sleep on my back when I'm by myself......never happens.
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