The mystery of Faye Valentine’s Breasts
- Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2001 1:11 am
- Status: nauseating bliss
- Location: Far Country
The mystery of Faye Valentine’s Breasts
The following is something I wrote yesterday because I was bored. If you read it all and find any mistakes/inaccuracies or ahve ideas, report them to me. Thx.
You’ve got to be kidding me: The mystery of Faye Valentine’s Breasts.
The age-old otaku debate modernly analyzed.
The topic of many a discussion between otaku has been the legitimacy of Faye Valentine’s Breasts. If you were to take a large cross-section of otaku, I am very certain that you would find the following to be true:
Some are adamantly sure that they are real
Some are adamantly sure that they are fake
As most debates do, this one has two sides. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the mysteries behind FV’s B and aide confused people in making their own decision about the legitimacy of Faye Valentine’s B.
Formulating an opinion requires general knowledge of the material as the basis for the opinions. In this case the opinioned person must have enough knowledge of general Breasts as well as the character of Faye Valentine to form accurate opinions on Faye Valentine’s Breasts. If one were to see a millionaire, dressed in bum’s clothing, the first thing to come to the person’s mind would be, “That’s just another bum”, while we cannot blame the person for making this assumption based on the appearance of the person, we can still discover that if the same man were to dress up in a thousand dollar suit, the exact same person would do the opposite “That guy must be important”. Assumptions are a dangerous thing, as they are generally wrong. The human mind acts on instinct in most instances rather than logic and reasoning, which is no doubt a product of our evolution from the beasts. As the human mind is a beast of instinct rather than thought and logic, it can be said, that when a serious discussion is forming, the only people who are worthy of an opinion are the ones who know what the discussion is indeed about.
General knowledge of Breasts, I.E. the shape, position, behavior and also the natural effects of gravity are a crucial part of being able to form an opinion about Faye Valentine’s Breasts. Although that is not to say that actual knowledge of Faye Valentine’s character is not crucial also, it is, very much so.
FV is a character who knows very little about her past, therefore she, herself would not be able to tell if her Breasts were real or not. In relation to Faye Valentine knowing small parts of her past, the viewer is also left to their own vices to formulate a decision, as Faye Valentine was. Ultimately, the answer will never be revealed, as all information is speculation and not truth. FV was born on the time line of the Bebop universe in 1994, somewhere around July. She lived a relatively normal life and nothing is known about her past, other than the fact that in 2007, at the age of 13, she recorded a video cassette to her future self, 10 years later with some friends. The cassette was probably kept in a deposit box, or safe, to be opened when all the friends were out of school and well into their adult lives. In 2014, at age twenty, she was involved in a space shuttle accident near the earth’s moon. Modern medical science was not able to help her at the time, so she was put into stasis, or cold-sleep. She was to be kept frozen until medical science was able to cure her of her wounds incurred in the shuttle accident, as her family had hoped. Though, in 2021 an accident at the interplanetary gate near earth caused all the records on public databases to be lost, effectively killing all records of Faye and her life up to that point, save the video tape which was still presumably locked away. After being unfrozen she discovered that she had no sense of who she was, or where she was from. To top it all off she had also been stuck with a 300,000,000 Woolong debt for the nearly 60 year stasis. While the doctors gave her a new name and identity, she still never really discovered the truth of her life. Alone in a strange new world she had very few places to go. While in the hospital after initial treatment, the layer from the insurance agency was the first person she talked to and had confidence in. She took a shine to him and gradually became a good friend, what else happened between them is very sketchy as the storyline never fully goes into what kind of relationship they had. Although, it can be assumed that a woman in a vulnerable position such as Faye’s (sleeping beauty*), being saved by (white night in shining armor*) a male companion, would have meant something to Faye, and she very well could have made love to him. He eventually 'died' in a car accident when trying to protect Faye from the hospital. Faye was heart broken but made a resolve to repay he debt to the medical company and live in the new world she was faced with. She had been alive for over 70 years but only really lived for 20. She soon developed an insatible taste for money and it motivated her to become an gambler, which in turn got her deeper into debt (with people nastier than doctors). Life for Faye consists of money, money, and more money.
Faye's breasts are a subject of many discussions because in the manner in which they behave in certain situations. While Faye is lying down, they do not become a victim of gravity, rather they stay in once place, almost held there by some strange mystical force of breast magic. Although, when Faye is running, her breasts are usually not moving or bouncing very much at all, a very strange occourance indeed. Though, in many instances Faye's breasts behave normally, somehow casting off the shackles of breast magic, and existing in the normal breast universe for a short period of time.
One instance that comes to mind is in the Cowboy Bebop Movie. After she has fallen victim to the Nanomachines in Vincent's apartment and is lying on the floor. She has a short speech with Vincent which reveals his true intentions for releasing the virus into the public during the halloween parade. Vincent tells Faye that only He and Herself will be the survivors when the virus is released, and that she would be able to spend eternity with him, even if the world goes mad. She flatly refuses which enrages Vincent. He draws a knife from his pocket and threatens to slit her throat, only to lower it to her shirt. He proceeds to cut the knot in the middle of her shirt, exposing her breasts. This is the closest, most detailed view we ever get to see of Faye's breasts in any incarnation of Cowboy Bebop. It would be fair to say that it is one of the crucial, if not most crucial Faye breast legitimacy moments in the series. The breasts are quite puzzling when let out of their shirt/prison. For all the times we see Faye's breasts in the series, we never really get to see them up close and personal like we do in the movie. Although there is no nipple in the shot, there is still enough to judge the breast's legitimacy, or at least form some of an opinion about their legitimacy/non legitimacy.
There are many things that could have feasibly happened to Faye's Breasts before the accident. She may have had breast augmentation surgery in her late teens. Or she may have just grown them in the exact same way that most females do, through the natural process of puberty and hormones. It is very hard to tell which the case is as our views of Faye before the accident are very few (13 year old Faye on the tape, no breasts and 20 year old Faye, very little breast visible due to clothes worn) Although the very first part of Faye that we see when she is first coming out of stasis is her breasts. Whether the director and writer of the episode were eluding to something with the breast level camera shot, or they were merely resorting to some cheap fanservice because they had the chance will never be known.
For the most part Faye's breasts are kept in a tight yellow shirt. She does dress up in some other clothes for certain episodes which also serve as information for forming an opinion. In Episode 5 'Ballad of Fallen Angels' Faye dresses up in a shoulderless gown to go out looking for a bounty. She is captured by Vicious (Spike's nemesis) in the process and asks for Spike to come to her rescue. Spike is equally as motivated in saving Faye as he is in fighting Vicious, possibly more so in fighting Vicious, although that is a topic for another essay. Faye makes it away from her captors and as she runs we are treated to some of the most gratuitous breast jiggling Cowboy Bebop has to offer. There are few other times when Faye's attire directly effects her breast's behavior.
From these examples we can see that, Faye's breasts are quite possibly the victim of physics which govern that matter cannot pass through matter which is larger than itself. This can account for the fact, that when she is wearing clothes which constrain her breasts she appears to have magical, law of gravity defying endowments. For some this is enough to make the decision against the breasts being fake. Some see this has sufficient evidence to make a decision and form an opinion. Although many others need more proof than some footage from the series, while it may be the most credible of all information about Faye and he breasts, there is still room for speculation.
Modern Breast implants in 2069 may be radically different from breast implants of earlier times, synthetic solutions, genetic engineering and manipulation must be acknowledged. As Faye herself says in an episode while talking to Jet who had lost his arm “They have the technology to regrow that arm that you're missing, it's not even very expensive either” Now, call this speculation, but if they have the technology to regrow an arm, they should surely have the means to genetically or at the very least physically enlarge breasts quickly and painlessly. If one looks at the statistics of persons with missing arms vs. persons looking at having breast augmentation performed, we can see that the latter far outweighs the former, giving more weight to the theory of augmentation through gentics/synthetics. It can also be argued that the advances were so great in breast augmentation that they were able to flawlessly replicate the feeling and behavior of a normal breast with synthetics or genetic manipulation.
While the method of augmentation may be easily established, the time line is not so easily. It is a possibility that she may have been operated on while she was in her late teens. There is also the possiblity of an operation before she went into stasis after the shuttle accident. With further analysis we can find several points along the time line where Faye was unconscious and didn't remember anything that happened, although if she was, she did not remember it when she awoke because she lost all her memory. The Doctors in the facility which was taking care of her is stasis cannot be forgotten either. If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance. At any rate, there are only 2 parties which could possibly be responsible for the augmentation of Faye's breasts, Faye herself or the doctors. It will never be known whether or not the doctors or Faye, or either of them were responsible for Faye's breast augmentation (if it happened at all, which we can't rule out).
For a brief while I was unsure whether or not they were indeed real or fake. Although, after long hours of analysis and research, I have come to a conclusion. The end of this essay may seem quite anti-climatic and pro-fake breast. I'm not going to lie to you, it is. Although you are the one who is in charge of your opinions, not me, I am merely here to present you with the facts and hope I can facilitate you in forming an opinion about the legitimacy of Faye Valentine's Breasts. It is up to you to make a decision, just as much as it was your choice to read this essay, it is your choice to decide whether or not they are fake or real.
You’ve got to be kidding me: The mystery of Faye Valentine’s Breasts.
The age-old otaku debate modernly analyzed.
The topic of many a discussion between otaku has been the legitimacy of Faye Valentine’s Breasts. If you were to take a large cross-section of otaku, I am very certain that you would find the following to be true:
Some are adamantly sure that they are real
Some are adamantly sure that they are fake
As most debates do, this one has two sides. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the mysteries behind FV’s B and aide confused people in making their own decision about the legitimacy of Faye Valentine’s B.
Formulating an opinion requires general knowledge of the material as the basis for the opinions. In this case the opinioned person must have enough knowledge of general Breasts as well as the character of Faye Valentine to form accurate opinions on Faye Valentine’s Breasts. If one were to see a millionaire, dressed in bum’s clothing, the first thing to come to the person’s mind would be, “That’s just another bum”, while we cannot blame the person for making this assumption based on the appearance of the person, we can still discover that if the same man were to dress up in a thousand dollar suit, the exact same person would do the opposite “That guy must be important”. Assumptions are a dangerous thing, as they are generally wrong. The human mind acts on instinct in most instances rather than logic and reasoning, which is no doubt a product of our evolution from the beasts. As the human mind is a beast of instinct rather than thought and logic, it can be said, that when a serious discussion is forming, the only people who are worthy of an opinion are the ones who know what the discussion is indeed about.
General knowledge of Breasts, I.E. the shape, position, behavior and also the natural effects of gravity are a crucial part of being able to form an opinion about Faye Valentine’s Breasts. Although that is not to say that actual knowledge of Faye Valentine’s character is not crucial also, it is, very much so.
FV is a character who knows very little about her past, therefore she, herself would not be able to tell if her Breasts were real or not. In relation to Faye Valentine knowing small parts of her past, the viewer is also left to their own vices to formulate a decision, as Faye Valentine was. Ultimately, the answer will never be revealed, as all information is speculation and not truth. FV was born on the time line of the Bebop universe in 1994, somewhere around July. She lived a relatively normal life and nothing is known about her past, other than the fact that in 2007, at the age of 13, she recorded a video cassette to her future self, 10 years later with some friends. The cassette was probably kept in a deposit box, or safe, to be opened when all the friends were out of school and well into their adult lives. In 2014, at age twenty, she was involved in a space shuttle accident near the earth’s moon. Modern medical science was not able to help her at the time, so she was put into stasis, or cold-sleep. She was to be kept frozen until medical science was able to cure her of her wounds incurred in the shuttle accident, as her family had hoped. Though, in 2021 an accident at the interplanetary gate near earth caused all the records on public databases to be lost, effectively killing all records of Faye and her life up to that point, save the video tape which was still presumably locked away. After being unfrozen she discovered that she had no sense of who she was, or where she was from. To top it all off she had also been stuck with a 300,000,000 Woolong debt for the nearly 60 year stasis. While the doctors gave her a new name and identity, she still never really discovered the truth of her life. Alone in a strange new world she had very few places to go. While in the hospital after initial treatment, the layer from the insurance agency was the first person she talked to and had confidence in. She took a shine to him and gradually became a good friend, what else happened between them is very sketchy as the storyline never fully goes into what kind of relationship they had. Although, it can be assumed that a woman in a vulnerable position such as Faye’s (sleeping beauty*), being saved by (white night in shining armor*) a male companion, would have meant something to Faye, and she very well could have made love to him. He eventually 'died' in a car accident when trying to protect Faye from the hospital. Faye was heart broken but made a resolve to repay he debt to the medical company and live in the new world she was faced with. She had been alive for over 70 years but only really lived for 20. She soon developed an insatible taste for money and it motivated her to become an gambler, which in turn got her deeper into debt (with people nastier than doctors). Life for Faye consists of money, money, and more money.
Faye's breasts are a subject of many discussions because in the manner in which they behave in certain situations. While Faye is lying down, they do not become a victim of gravity, rather they stay in once place, almost held there by some strange mystical force of breast magic. Although, when Faye is running, her breasts are usually not moving or bouncing very much at all, a very strange occourance indeed. Though, in many instances Faye's breasts behave normally, somehow casting off the shackles of breast magic, and existing in the normal breast universe for a short period of time.
One instance that comes to mind is in the Cowboy Bebop Movie. After she has fallen victim to the Nanomachines in Vincent's apartment and is lying on the floor. She has a short speech with Vincent which reveals his true intentions for releasing the virus into the public during the halloween parade. Vincent tells Faye that only He and Herself will be the survivors when the virus is released, and that she would be able to spend eternity with him, even if the world goes mad. She flatly refuses which enrages Vincent. He draws a knife from his pocket and threatens to slit her throat, only to lower it to her shirt. He proceeds to cut the knot in the middle of her shirt, exposing her breasts. This is the closest, most detailed view we ever get to see of Faye's breasts in any incarnation of Cowboy Bebop. It would be fair to say that it is one of the crucial, if not most crucial Faye breast legitimacy moments in the series. The breasts are quite puzzling when let out of their shirt/prison. For all the times we see Faye's breasts in the series, we never really get to see them up close and personal like we do in the movie. Although there is no nipple in the shot, there is still enough to judge the breast's legitimacy, or at least form some of an opinion about their legitimacy/non legitimacy.
There are many things that could have feasibly happened to Faye's Breasts before the accident. She may have had breast augmentation surgery in her late teens. Or she may have just grown them in the exact same way that most females do, through the natural process of puberty and hormones. It is very hard to tell which the case is as our views of Faye before the accident are very few (13 year old Faye on the tape, no breasts and 20 year old Faye, very little breast visible due to clothes worn) Although the very first part of Faye that we see when she is first coming out of stasis is her breasts. Whether the director and writer of the episode were eluding to something with the breast level camera shot, or they were merely resorting to some cheap fanservice because they had the chance will never be known.
For the most part Faye's breasts are kept in a tight yellow shirt. She does dress up in some other clothes for certain episodes which also serve as information for forming an opinion. In Episode 5 'Ballad of Fallen Angels' Faye dresses up in a shoulderless gown to go out looking for a bounty. She is captured by Vicious (Spike's nemesis) in the process and asks for Spike to come to her rescue. Spike is equally as motivated in saving Faye as he is in fighting Vicious, possibly more so in fighting Vicious, although that is a topic for another essay. Faye makes it away from her captors and as she runs we are treated to some of the most gratuitous breast jiggling Cowboy Bebop has to offer. There are few other times when Faye's attire directly effects her breast's behavior.
From these examples we can see that, Faye's breasts are quite possibly the victim of physics which govern that matter cannot pass through matter which is larger than itself. This can account for the fact, that when she is wearing clothes which constrain her breasts she appears to have magical, law of gravity defying endowments. For some this is enough to make the decision against the breasts being fake. Some see this has sufficient evidence to make a decision and form an opinion. Although many others need more proof than some footage from the series, while it may be the most credible of all information about Faye and he breasts, there is still room for speculation.
Modern Breast implants in 2069 may be radically different from breast implants of earlier times, synthetic solutions, genetic engineering and manipulation must be acknowledged. As Faye herself says in an episode while talking to Jet who had lost his arm “They have the technology to regrow that arm that you're missing, it's not even very expensive either” Now, call this speculation, but if they have the technology to regrow an arm, they should surely have the means to genetically or at the very least physically enlarge breasts quickly and painlessly. If one looks at the statistics of persons with missing arms vs. persons looking at having breast augmentation performed, we can see that the latter far outweighs the former, giving more weight to the theory of augmentation through gentics/synthetics. It can also be argued that the advances were so great in breast augmentation that they were able to flawlessly replicate the feeling and behavior of a normal breast with synthetics or genetic manipulation.
While the method of augmentation may be easily established, the time line is not so easily. It is a possibility that she may have been operated on while she was in her late teens. There is also the possiblity of an operation before she went into stasis after the shuttle accident. With further analysis we can find several points along the time line where Faye was unconscious and didn't remember anything that happened, although if she was, she did not remember it when she awoke because she lost all her memory. The Doctors in the facility which was taking care of her is stasis cannot be forgotten either. If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance. At any rate, there are only 2 parties which could possibly be responsible for the augmentation of Faye's breasts, Faye herself or the doctors. It will never be known whether or not the doctors or Faye, or either of them were responsible for Faye's breast augmentation (if it happened at all, which we can't rule out).
For a brief while I was unsure whether or not they were indeed real or fake. Although, after long hours of analysis and research, I have come to a conclusion. The end of this essay may seem quite anti-climatic and pro-fake breast. I'm not going to lie to you, it is. Although you are the one who is in charge of your opinions, not me, I am merely here to present you with the facts and hope I can facilitate you in forming an opinion about the legitimacy of Faye Valentine's Breasts. It is up to you to make a decision, just as much as it was your choice to read this essay, it is your choice to decide whether or not they are fake or real.
nil per os
- Veldrin
- Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2002 1:01 pm
- Location: Waffles :O
Re: The mystery of Faye Valentine’s Breasts
I wanted to comment on these two points just to tell you some arguements that could be presented.NME wrote:The following is something I wrote yesterday because I was bored. If you read it all and find any mistakes/inaccuracies or ahve ideas, report them to me. Thx.
You’ve got to be kidding me: The mystery of Faye Valentine’s Breasts.
The age-old otaku debate modernly analyzed.
The topic of many a discussion between otaku has been the legitimacy of Faye Valentine’s Breasts. If you were to take a large cross-section of otaku, I am very certain that you would find the following to be true:
Some are adamantly sure that they are real
Some are adamantly sure that they are fake
As most debates do, this one has two sides. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the mysteries behind FV’s B and aide confused people in making their own decision about the legitimacy of Faye Valentine’s B.
Formulating an opinion requires general knowledge of the material as the basis for the opinions. In this case the opinioned person must have enough knowledge of general Breasts as well as the character of Faye Valentine to form accurate opinions on Faye Valentine’s Breasts. If one were to see a millionaire, dressed in bum’s clothing, the first thing to come to the person’s mind would be, “That’s just another bum”, while we cannot blame the person for making this assumption based on the appearance of the person, we can still discover that if the same man were to dress up in a thousand dollar suit, the exact same person would do the opposite “That guy must be important”. Assumptions are a dangerous thing, as they are generally wrong. The human mind acts on instinct in most instances rather than logic and reasoning, which is no doubt a product of our evolution from the beasts. As the human mind is a beast of instinct rather than thought and logic, it can be said, that when a serious discussion is forming, the only people who are worthy of an opinion are the ones who know what the discussion is indeed about.
General knowledge of Breasts, I.E. the shape, position, behavior and also the natural effects of gravity are a crucial part of being able to form an opinion about Faye Valentine’s Breasts. Although that is not to say that actual knowledge of Faye Valentine’s character is not crucial also, it is, very much so.
FV is a character who knows very little about her past, therefore she, herself would not be able to tell if her Breasts were real or not. In relation to Faye Valentine knowing small parts of her past, the viewer is also left to their own vices to formulate a decision, as Faye Valentine was. Ultimately, the answer will never be revealed, as all information is speculation and not truth. FV was born on the time line of the Bebop universe in 1994, somewhere around July. She lived a relatively normal life and nothing is known about her past, other than the fact that in 2007, at the age of 13, she recorded a video cassette to her future self, 10 years later with some friends. The cassette was probably kept in a deposit box, or safe, to be opened when all the friends were out of school and well into their adult lives. In 2014, at age twenty, she was involved in a space shuttle accident near the earth’s moon. Modern medical science was not able to help her at the time, so she was put into stasis, or cold-sleep. She was to be kept frozen until medical science was able to cure her of her wounds incurred in the shuttle accident, as her family had hoped. Though, in 2021 an accident at the interplanetary gate near earth caused all the records on public databases to be lost, effectively killing all records of Faye and her life up to that point, save the video tape which was still presumably locked away. After being unfrozen she discovered that she had no sense of who she was, or where she was from. To top it all off she had also been stuck with a 300,000,000 Woolong debt for the nearly 60 year stasis. While the doctors gave her a new name and identity, she still never really discovered the truth of her life. Alone in a strange new world she had very few places to go. While in the hospital after initial treatment, the layer from the insurance agency was the first person she talked to and had confidence in. She took a shine to him and gradually became a good friend, what else happened between them is very sketchy as the storyline never fully goes into what kind of relationship they had. Although, it can be assumed that a woman in a vulnerable position such as Faye’s (sleeping beauty*), being saved by (white night in shining armor*) a male companion, would have meant something to Faye, and she very well could have made love to him. He eventually 'died' in a car accident when trying to protect Faye from the hospital. Faye was heart broken but made a resolve to repay he debt to the medical company and live in the new world she was faced with. She had been alive for over 70 years but only really lived for 20. She soon developed an insatible taste for money and it motivated her to become an gambler, which in turn got her deeper into debt (with people nastier than doctors). Life for Faye consists of money, money, and more money.
Faye's breasts are a subject of many discussions because in the manner in which they behave in certain situations. (1)While Faye is lying down, they do not become a victim of gravity, rather they stay in once place, almost held there by some strange mystical force of breast magic. Although, when Faye is running, her breasts are usually not moving or bouncing very much at all, a very strange occourance indeed. Though, in many instances Faye's breasts behave normally, somehow casting off the shackles of breast magic, and existing in the normal breast universe for a short period of time.
One instance that comes to mind is in the Cowboy Bebop Movie. After she has fallen victim to the Nanomachines in Vincent's apartment and is lying on the floor. She has a short speech with Vincent which reveals his true intentions for releasing the virus into the public during the halloween parade. Vincent tells Faye that only He and Herself will be the survivors when the virus is released, and that she would be able to spend eternity with him, even if the world goes mad. She flatly refuses which enrages Vincent. He draws a knife from his pocket and threatens to slit her throat, only to lower it to her shirt. He proceeds to cut the knot in the middle of her shirt, exposing her breasts. This is the closest, most detailed view we ever get to see of Faye's breasts in any incarnation of Cowboy Bebop. It would be fair to say that it is one of the crucial, if not most crucial Faye breast legitimacy moments in the series. The breasts are quite puzzling when let out of their shirt/prison. For all the times we see Faye's breasts in the series, we never really get to see them up close and personal like we do in the movie. Although there is no nipple in the shot, there is still enough to judge the breast's legitimacy, or at least form some of an opinion about their legitimacy/non legitimacy.
There are many things that could have feasibly happened to Faye's Breasts before the accident. She may have had breast augmentation surgery in her late teens. Or she may have just grown them in the exact same way that most females do, through the natural process of puberty and hormones. It is very hard to tell which the case is as our views of Faye before the accident are very few (13 year old Faye on the tape, no breasts and 20 year old Faye, very little breast visible due to clothes worn) Although the very first part of Faye that we see when she is first coming out of stasis is her breasts. Whether the director and writer of the episode were eluding to something with the breast level camera shot, or they were merely resorting to some cheap fanservice because they had the chance will never be known.
For the most part Faye's breasts are kept in a tight yellow shirt. She does dress up in some other clothes for certain episodes which also serve as information for forming an opinion. In Episode 5 'Ballad of Fallen Angels' Faye dresses up in a shoulderless gown to go out looking for a bounty. She is captured by Vicious (Spike's nemesis) in the process and asks for Spike to come to her rescue. Spike is equally as motivated in saving Faye as he is in fighting Vicious, possibly more so in fighting Vicious, although that is a topic for another essay. Faye makes it away from her captors and as she runs we are treated to some of the most gratuitous breast jiggling Cowboy Bebop has to offer. There are few other times when Faye's attire directly effects her breast's behavior.
From these examples we can see that, Faye's breasts are quite possibly the victim of physics which govern that matter cannot pass through matter which is larger than itself. This can account for the fact, that when she is wearing clothes which constrain her breasts she appears to have magical, law of gravity defying endowments. For some this is enough to make the decision against the breasts being fake. Some see this has sufficient evidence to make a decision and form an opinion. Although many others need more proof than some footage from the series, while it may be the most credible of all information about Faye and he breasts, there is still room for speculation.
Modern Breast implants in 2069 may be radically different from breast implants of earlier times, synthetic solutions, genetic engineering and manipulation must be acknowledged. As Faye herself says in an episode while talking to Jet who had lost his arm “They have the technology to regrow that arm that you're missing, it's not even very expensive either” Now, call this speculation, but if they have the technology to regrow an arm, they should surely have the means to genetically or at the very least physically enlarge breasts quickly and painlessly. If one looks at the statistics of persons with missing arms vs. persons looking at having breast augmentation performed, we can see that the latter far outweighs the former, giving more weight to the theory of augmentation through gentics/synthetics. It can also be argued that the advances were so great in breast augmentation that they were able to flawlessly replicate the feeling and behavior of a normal breast with synthetics or genetic manipulation.
While the method of augmentation may be easily established, the time line is not so easily. It is a possibility that she may have been operated on while she was in her late teens. There is also the possiblity of an operation before she went into stasis after the shuttle accident. With further analysis we can find several points along the time line where Faye was unconscious and didn't remember anything that happened, although if she was, she did not remember it when she awoke because she lost all her memory. The Doctors in the facility which was taking care of her is stasis cannot be forgotten either. (2)If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance. At any rate, there are only 2 parties which could possibly be responsible for the augmentation of Faye's breasts, Faye herself or the doctors. It will never be known whether or not the doctors or Faye, or either of them were responsible for Faye's breast augmentation (if it happened at all, which we can't rule out).
For a brief while I was unsure whether or not they were indeed real or fake. Although, after long hours of analysis and research, I have come to a conclusion. The end of this essay may seem quite anti-climatic and pro-fake breast. I'm not going to lie to you, it is. Although you are the one who is in charge of your opinions, not me, I am merely here to present you with the facts and hope I can facilitate you in forming an opinion about the legitimacy of Faye Valentine's Breasts. It is up to you to make a decision, just as much as it was your choice to read this essay, it is your choice to decide whether or not they are fake or real.
(1) "While Faye is lying down, they do not become a victim of gravity" - Now I am not totally sure this is argueable becuase she is laying down, but is there a possibility some type of bra may be at play here? In a few parts of your essay you say that technology has advanced, so then it can be seen that perhaps bras were also improved to act differently so that the wearers breasts look good no matter how the wearer is positioned.
(2) "If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance." This point is easy to prove faulty. If you pay attention to the scene in the episode where you see fayes accident, and you see her breasts during the accident you can tell they are the same size then, before freezing, as they are in the future when she is un-frozen.
Just thought I would put in my 2 cents instead of a post that reads "They are real you ass hole." I do, however, believe they are real, and that the animator probably never gave it a second thought. Though I really don't look at faye as a sexual object becuase there is just something about her that, to me, isin't as attractive as most other men make out.

- Kamoc
- Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2002 9:03 am
Re: The mystery of Faye Valentine’s Breasts
YOU QUOTED THE SAME THING TWICE. THIS DOES NOT FILL OUT.Veldrin wrote:I wanted to comment on these two points just to tell you some arguements that could be presented.NME wrote:The following is something I wrote yesterday because I was bored. If you read it all and find any mistakes/inaccuracies or ahve ideas, report them to me. Thx.
You’ve got to be kidding me: The mystery of Faye Valentine’s Breasts.
The age-old otaku debate modernly analyzed.
The topic of many a discussion between otaku has been the legitimacy of Faye Valentine’s Breasts. If you were to take a large cross-section of otaku, I am very certain that you would find the following to be true:
Some are adamantly sure that they are real
Some are adamantly sure that they are fake
As most debates do, this one has two sides. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the mysteries behind FV’s B and aide confused people in making their own decision about the legitimacy of Faye Valentine’s B.
Formulating an opinion requires general knowledge of the material as the basis for the opinions. In this case the opinioned person must have enough knowledge of general Breasts as well as the character of Faye Valentine to form accurate opinions on Faye Valentine’s Breasts. If one were to see a millionaire, dressed in bum’s clothing, the first thing to come to the person’s mind would be, “That’s just another bum”, while we cannot blame the person for making this assumption based on the appearance of the person, we can still discover that if the same man were to dress up in a thousand dollar suit, the exact same person would do the opposite “That guy must be important”. Assumptions are a dangerous thing, as they are generally wrong. The human mind acts on instinct in most instances rather than logic and reasoning, which is no doubt a product of our evolution from the beasts. As the human mind is a beast of instinct rather than thought and logic, it can be said, that when a serious discussion is forming, the only people who are worthy of an opinion are the ones who know what the discussion is indeed about.
General knowledge of Breasts, I.E. the shape, position, behavior and also the natural effects of gravity are a crucial part of being able to form an opinion about Faye Valentine’s Breasts. Although that is not to say that actual knowledge of Faye Valentine’s character is not crucial also, it is, very much so.
FV is a character who knows very little about her past, therefore she, herself would not be able to tell if her Breasts were real or not. In relation to Faye Valentine knowing small parts of her past, the viewer is also left to their own vices to formulate a decision, as Faye Valentine was. Ultimately, the answer will never be revealed, as all information is speculation and not truth. FV was born on the time line of the Bebop universe in 1994, somewhere around July. She lived a relatively normal life and nothing is known about her past, other than the fact that in 2007, at the age of 13, she recorded a video cassette to her future self, 10 years later with some friends. The cassette was probably kept in a deposit box, or safe, to be opened when all the friends were out of school and well into their adult lives. In 2014, at age twenty, she was involved in a space shuttle accident near the earth’s moon. Modern medical science was not able to help her at the time, so she was put into stasis, or cold-sleep. She was to be kept frozen until medical science was able to cure her of her wounds incurred in the shuttle accident, as her family had hoped. Though, in 2021 an accident at the interplanetary gate near earth caused all the records on public databases to be lost, effectively killing all records of Faye and her life up to that point, save the video tape which was still presumably locked away. After being unfrozen she discovered that she had no sense of who she was, or where she was from. To top it all off she had also been stuck with a 300,000,000 Woolong debt for the nearly 60 year stasis. While the doctors gave her a new name and identity, she still never really discovered the truth of her life. Alone in a strange new world she had very few places to go. While in the hospital after initial treatment, the layer from the insurance agency was the first person she talked to and had confidence in. She took a shine to him and gradually became a good friend, what else happened between them is very sketchy as the storyline never fully goes into what kind of relationship they had. Although, it can be assumed that a woman in a vulnerable position such as Faye’s (sleeping beauty*), being saved by (white night in shining armor*) a male companion, would have meant something to Faye, and she very well could have made love to him. He eventually 'died' in a car accident when trying to protect Faye from the hospital. Faye was heart broken but made a resolve to repay he debt to the medical company and live in the new world she was faced with. She had been alive for over 70 years but only really lived for 20. She soon developed an insatible taste for money and it motivated her to become an gambler, which in turn got her deeper into debt (with people nastier than doctors). Life for Faye consists of money, money, and more money.
Faye's breasts are a subject of many discussions because in the manner in which they behave in certain situations. (1)While Faye is lying down, they do not become a victim of gravity, rather they stay in once place, almost held there by some strange mystical force of breast magic. Although, when Faye is running, her breasts are usually not moving or bouncing very much at all, a very strange occourance indeed. Though, in many instances Faye's breasts behave normally, somehow casting off the shackles of breast magic, and existing in the normal breast universe for a short period of time.
One instance that comes to mind is in the Cowboy Bebop Movie. After she has fallen victim to the Nanomachines in Vincent's apartment and is lying on the floor. She has a short speech with Vincent which reveals his true intentions for releasing the virus into the public during the halloween parade. Vincent tells Faye that only He and Herself will be the survivors when the virus is released, and that she would be able to spend eternity with him, even if the world goes mad. She flatly refuses which enrages Vincent. He draws a knife from his pocket and threatens to slit her throat, only to lower it to her shirt. He proceeds to cut the knot in the middle of her shirt, exposing her breasts. This is the closest, most detailed view we ever get to see of Faye's breasts in any incarnation of Cowboy Bebop. It would be fair to say that it is one of the crucial, if not most crucial Faye breast legitimacy moments in the series. The breasts are quite puzzling when let out of their shirt/prison. For all the times we see Faye's breasts in the series, we never really get to see them up close and personal like we do in the movie. Although there is no nipple in the shot, there is still enough to judge the breast's legitimacy, or at least form some of an opinion about their legitimacy/non legitimacy.
There are many things that could have feasibly happened to Faye's Breasts before the accident. She may have had breast augmentation surgery in her late teens. Or she may have just grown them in the exact same way that most females do, through the natural process of puberty and hormones. It is very hard to tell which the case is as our views of Faye before the accident are very few (13 year old Faye on the tape, no breasts and 20 year old Faye, very little breast visible due to clothes worn) Although the very first part of Faye that we see when she is first coming out of stasis is her breasts. Whether the director and writer of the episode were eluding to something with the breast level camera shot, or they were merely resorting to some cheap fanservice because they had the chance will never be known.
For the most part Faye's breasts are kept in a tight yellow shirt. She does dress up in some other clothes for certain episodes which also serve as information for forming an opinion. In Episode 5 'Ballad of Fallen Angels' Faye dresses up in a shoulderless gown to go out looking for a bounty. She is captured by Vicious (Spike's nemesis) in the process and asks for Spike to come to her rescue. Spike is equally as motivated in saving Faye as he is in fighting Vicious, possibly more so in fighting Vicious, although that is a topic for another essay. Faye makes it away from her captors and as she runs we are treated to some of the most gratuitous breast jiggling Cowboy Bebop has to offer. There are few other times when Faye's attire directly effects her breast's behavior.
From these examples we can see that, Faye's breasts are quite possibly the victim of physics which govern that matter cannot pass through matter which is larger than itself. This can account for the fact, that when she is wearing clothes which constrain her breasts she appears to have magical, law of gravity defying endowments. For some this is enough to make the decision against the breasts being fake. Some see this has sufficient evidence to make a decision and form an opinion. Although many others need more proof than some footage from the series, while it may be the most credible of all information about Faye and he breasts, there is still room for speculation.
Modern Breast implants in 2069 may be radically different from breast implants of earlier times, synthetic solutions, genetic engineering and manipulation must be acknowledged. As Faye herself says in an episode while talking to Jet who had lost his arm “They have the technology to regrow that arm that you're missing, it's not even very expensive either” Now, call this speculation, but if they have the technology to regrow an arm, they should surely have the means to genetically or at the very least physically enlarge breasts quickly and painlessly. If one looks at the statistics of persons with missing arms vs. persons looking at having breast augmentation performed, we can see that the latter far outweighs the former, giving more weight to the theory of augmentation through gentics/synthetics. It can also be argued that the advances were so great in breast augmentation that they were able to flawlessly replicate the feeling and behavior of a normal breast with synthetics or genetic manipulation.
While the method of augmentation may be easily established, the time line is not so easily. It is a possibility that she may have been operated on while she was in her late teens. There is also the possiblity of an operation before she went into stasis after the shuttle accident. With further analysis we can find several points along the time line where Faye was unconscious and didn't remember anything that happened, although if she was, she did not remember it when she awoke because she lost all her memory. The Doctors in the facility which was taking care of her is stasis cannot be forgotten either. (2)If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance. At any rate, there are only 2 parties which could possibly be responsible for the augmentation of Faye's breasts, Faye herself or the doctors. It will never be known whether or not the doctors or Faye, or either of them were responsible for Faye's breast augmentation (if it happened at all, which we can't rule out).
For a brief while I was unsure whether or not they were indeed real or fake. Although, after long hours of analysis and research, I have come to a conclusion. The end of this essay may seem quite anti-climatic and pro-fake breast. I'm not going to lie to you, it is. Although you are the one who is in charge of your opinions, not me, I am merely here to present you with the facts and hope I can facilitate you in forming an opinion about the legitimacy of Faye Valentine's Breasts. It is up to you to make a decision, just as much as it was your choice to read this essay, it is your choice to decide whether or not they are fake or real.
(1) "While Faye is lying down, they do not become a victim of gravity" - Now I am not totally sure this is argueable becuase she is laying down, but is there a possibility some type of bra may be at play here? In a few parts of your essay you say that technology has advanced, so then it can be seen that perhaps bras were also improved to act differently so that the wearers breasts look good no matter how the wearer is positioned.
(2) "If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance." This point is easy to prove faulty. If you pay attention to the scene in the episode where you see fayes accident, and you see her breasts during the accident you can tell they are the same size then, before freezing, as they are in the future when she is un-frozen.
Just thought I would put in my 2 cents instead of a post that reads "They are real you ass hole." I do, however, believe they are real, and that the animator probably never gave it a second thought. Though I really don't look at faye as a sexual object becuase there is just something about her that, to me, isin't as attractive as most other men make out.
they're in space.VELDRIN wrote:(1) "While Faye is lying down, they do not become a victim of gravity" - Now I am not totally sure this is argueable becuase she is laying down, but is there a possibility some type of bra may be at play here? In a few parts of your essay you say that technology has advanced, so then it can be seen that perhaps bras were also improved to act differently so that the wearers breasts look good no matter how the wearer is positioned.
THE BREASTS ARE DRAWN. but if you pay special attention to what he said right here..VELDRIN AGAIN wrote:(2) "If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance." This point is easy to prove faulty. If you pay attention to the scene in the episode where you see fayes accident, and you see her breasts during the accident you can tell they are the same size then, before freezing, as they are in the future when she is un-frozen.
and here.OH MY GOD IT'S VELDRIN wrote:(2) "If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance." This point is easy to prove faulty. If you pay attention to the scene in the episode where you see fayes accident, and you see her breasts during the accident you can tell they are the same size then, before freezing, as they are in the future when she is un-frozen.
you'll see that this topic wasn't supposed to be taken seriously to begin with.WHAT, IT CAN'T BE VELDRIN wrote:(2) "If a doctor was to perform the operation as practise on a stasis patient, who would be able to tell, all the data was lost in the gate accident. Doctors also could have operated on her while she was being removed from the stasis and restored back to health with the medical procedure she had to go through. It may have been a sick joke, or some strange occourance." This point is easy to prove faulty. If you pay attention to the scene in the episode where you see fayes accident, and you see her breasts during the accident you can tell they are the same size then, before freezing, as they are in the future when she is un-frozen.
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm