Ex or current fast food employees

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Master Shake
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Ex or current fast food employees

Post by Master Shake » Sat Oct 25, 2003 2:15 pm

I noticed that someone had posted on this forum a question about which was better Burger King or McDonald’s. This question got me thinking about the two years I worked at a Burger King and it also made we wonder if anyone else is a former fast food employee and if so do you have any good stories. In my two years at Burger King I had three co-workers who were arrested there. One time a man who was about 60 years old or so got into a fight with 3 18 year olds. There were awful things in the bathrooms that I would have to clean every now and then. There were employees who quit literally half way through there first day. And of course few grease fires and a lot of grease burns.

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Flint the Dwarf
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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Sat Oct 25, 2003 2:25 pm

I used to work at Taco Bell, and my manager kept wanting to fight with the customers. :?
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Post by kthulhu » Sat Oct 25, 2003 4:29 pm

I spent two years at Burger King. Nothing really memorable happened (being a college campus store and all), but there were a few employees who I remember fondly.

Brian, the cool crazy ex-Navy guy who ate too much candy, Levi, who was probably Toecutter's cousin, and Clancy, the damn FINE Guatemalan honey.

Fast food sucks, though. Genuine food service isn't much better, but it's less stressful and lower pressure.
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Post by artfreak13 » Sat Oct 25, 2003 4:35 pm

i worked at denny's for a month, then i retired (f*ckin quit) from the fast food service. horrible stuff happened there, but the thing that really pissed me off was always picking up the slack of others. one morning i came in for a shift and the night crew did not wash a single dish FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT, leaving 2 people to do an extra shift's worth of work.

God damn, those were good times :roll:
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