Metroid Prime

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Jace Tsunami
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Metroid Prime

Post by Jace Tsunami » Sun Dec 29, 2002 3:09 am

I thought it'd be a cool idea to make a metroid thread, where we could talk about what we think of the game, story, help each other out with prime, and even tlak about the old metroid for snes (or even dare say the nintendo! :o )

So, what do you guys think?

and as for the help part I've a comment slash question. I'm in Phendrana drifts and I'm on my way to that lab or research center. I got to this room with 102 life and noticed a metroid in a tube, I was alll like WHOAH!!! A METROID!!, cuz after all they did get the series named after them. Anyways I study it for a moment and then I turn away to look for an exit out of the room, and the fucker breaks out of the tube and jumps me!! I was so surprised I'd definetly say he got the upper hand, he succeeded in bringing me down to 42 health, when all of a sudden a space pirate with a gun jumps through a window and starts hailing me with bullets!! Needless to say I didn't exactly make it out of there alive. That's my story a commentary part, as for the question it's pretty simple. How much more of that crap do I have to put up with, before I get what ever I'm looking for or come to a boss? All that fighting and bombardment of surprises are really killing me.

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Post by leathelanime » Sun Dec 29, 2002 9:35 am

I like it....Decent story in all but you cant take me to seriously because only game out of the holy three I will take seriously is zelDA

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Post by HellBlazer » Sun Dec 29, 2002 12:10 pm

What about metriod fusion? :?

As for your question...i think your gonna hate it later on..cause its only gonna get worse :lol: I think your about to get the thermal visor..which is maybe a couple rooms ahead...once you get the visor..the power goes out and its like completly you have to use the thermals. Also when you 1st go into that room...there are metroids..behind glass :) But once you get the thermals and go back up to get out...theyll bust out when you come around to one of em :P

Im not 100% sure this is where you are...or if your already past this...but good luck anyway 8)

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Post by Brolli411 » Sun Dec 29, 2002 5:56 pm

I just got this game today (Dec 29th) and I've already played it for 4 hours. I absolutely love it.
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Sun Dec 29, 2002 6:04 pm

yeah that's where I was, I beat it last night. Those pirates are really anoying. What's worse I think though is those ice things, that have the shell on the back that you have to break. It's easy with the normal gun but the wave beam pretty much replaces it and demands use just about every where, so being tht it's always equiped I end up using it on them, and it's no where near as effective as the normal gun. It takes longer to kill them and that gets anoying. And yeah the power going out pretty much sucked.

About the room with the viusor though, at the very bottom there was a white door. It said I can't open it with any of my weapons, i scanned it and it didn't say which one I need. I even used my brand new thermal viser to search the area for a hidden switch and nothing. I don't have to go through that yet do I? Cuz I just headed in the opposite direction, and I'll be pretty mad at myself if my sanner comes through and tells me I need to be on the other side. And what weapon do I need?

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Post by HellBlazer » Sun Dec 29, 2002 6:31 pm

You dont need to get through there need the ice beam

Not sure how much longer you got until you get that though...maybe a while

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Post by gadoo » Sun Dec 29, 2002 8:08 pm

does any one know when you get that damn grappling hook thingy? (I don't know what it's called) cause those hook thingies are EVERYWHERE and everytime I get an upgrade, I would pray for that damn item...but then I get some other thing instead...I'm thinking it's towards the end...cause then you get to use the shortcuts instead of going through the obsticles.
please someone tell me to put my mind at ease

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Post by JustAnOrdinaryPanda » Sun Dec 29, 2002 8:14 pm

I love Metroid Fusion, and Super Metroid. Metroid Prime just isn't retro enough!!! Some things should not move forward, or if they do they should at least be a third person type game more reminiscent of the originals. Can you go third person? I only played it briefly...
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Post by gadoo » Sun Dec 29, 2002 9:20 pm

only when you're a ball...

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Post by JustAnOrdinaryPanda » Sun Dec 29, 2002 9:21 pm

gadoo wrote:only when you're a ball...
Makes sense, I guess. A third person mode would be a cool option anyway, a lot of FPS have them nowadays anyway...
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