Gfx Contest FINALS! Wonka vs Eurononymous

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Gfx Contest FINALS! Wonka vs Eurononymous

Post by SSJVegita0609 » Wed Jan 15, 2003 2:09 pm

The FINALS rules are as follows (mostly the same):

1: NO RIPPING IMAGES (Ripping means stealing other people's gfx)
2: You may use any program, and may even use your own drawings
3: You may use more than one program
4: Images posted may NOT be larger than 1024x768 pixels, however if your image is then bigger you MAY post a link to it.
5: Images must be submitted before SUNDAY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT (US Eastern time)
6: Your name/alias must be somewhere on your image
7: You may use characters from anime/games/etc, but please do not use screenshots or full images, just take the characters.
8: You may NOT vote for yourself or your current opponent.
9: NO ANIMATED GIFS, and please compress your images
10: First one to TWELVE votes is da winnah

Good luck to all!

(Winner gets either 2 free ops from me or a metaphorical cookie, their choice :wink: )
The best effects are the ones you don't notice.

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Post by SSJVegita0609 » Wed Jan 15, 2003 11:35 pm

*Super bumpage

Just gotta make sure the contestants see this :wink:
The best effects are the ones you don't notice.

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Post by HellBlazer » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:07 am

bumb somemore*

gotta keep it at the top :D

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Post by Eurononymous » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:09 am

Hey, what is the time limit we have? I need to know my deadline. This is taking a lot of time on my part and i dont know when I will have it finished.
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Post by CaTaClYsM » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:16 am

If I could just direct link I owuld blow all you guys out of the watter with my 1337 graphics skills.
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab

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Post by Eurononymous » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:18 am

You must be retarded, becuase you are the only one that doesnt know how to link or use the image code.
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Post by CaTaClYsM » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:30 am

So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab

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Post by jonmartensen » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:45 am

How big of a file is it? You can just host from Geocities for pictures.... :?

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Post by CaTaClYsM » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:47 am

I thought that you couldn't use them to direct link.
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab

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Post by CaTaClYsM » Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:55 am

lets see if this works, I liked him better with his blond hair than the silver hair, but this is most of the kind of stuff.

DAMN, broke rule seven, oh well, I still like it. :D
So in other words, one part of the community is waging war on another part of the community because they take their community seriously enough to want to do so. Then they tell the powerless side to get over the loss cause it's just an online community. I'm glad people make so much sense." -- Tab


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