xIsamu_TM wrote:some people are just like that. It's Americ-- or rather, Western Biggotry ... If it's not on MTV or (insert local trendy radio station name here), or created durring the "normal" amv artists life time or language, the song by default sucks and the so does the vid behind it.
and yet how many Japanese pop songs are in popular/have done well vids on this site? how many people love watching M@Ds? (granted we are supposed to be a community that appreciates several parts of Japanese culture but Skittles is still the #3 video on this site)
Whisper of the Beast is in German.
One of my friends made a video to a Russian song that seems to be doing well :/ granted the fact its called "Yuriphoria" and features girls kissing surely helps...
I really don't think its the matter of it being a well known song or not... several amvs I've seen have gotten me into music I would have never heard on the radio, and I know several people who have had similar experiences. In fact I have to drop to #9 on the top 10% for all years to get to a song I've heard on the radio (though there was that one time I heard Frou Frou - Must Be Dreaming in the lingerie shop... but thats closed circuit radio not national radio and it surprised the hell out of me)
I don't think the problem is an aversion to "Spanish songs"... I think that there is a problem with there being outstanding videos to Spanish songs.
and most people download videos by one of these options:
1. word of mouth: someone else said that the video is good
2. it has a song/anime they know and like
3. its made by an amv creator that they recognize
I say this: make an outstanding Spanish amv and lets see what comes of it... if it really is outstanding I bet it will do well.