Does a great AMV have to have a great song?

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Does a great AMV have to have a great song?

Post by Adv1sor » Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:01 am

Other than comedy, I would say yes. But then, I watch a great techno AMV and I think, well, that's a good song but not a great song, but it's still a great AMV. So no?

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Post by post-it » Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:21 am

I'd tend to agree with "no" too.

.. one of the best AMV's I can remember watching had nothing to do with the Music and never really had any Video to speak of; it was a testing MAD totally done in AE.

.. its not on this server, it was done about three years ago - totally absolutely Presentation. What was so great about it .. it didn't matter what size screen you watched it on, it was always crystal-clear - impressive 8-)

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Post by Purge » Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:44 am

before someone tries to define great - i would say no

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Post by TRTrunks2 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:56 am

I'd have to say no.
Look at "skies on fire"... that song sucks(to me) but the editing made it a good amv.

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Post by Kevmaster » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:08 am

yes, if the song sucks I can't enjoy the Video :uhoh:

However, there can still be good amv's to generally stupid songs with sucky lyrics, etc. but I'll always prefer watching amv's with "great" songs. However, since everyone has different tastes in music anyways you can't even generally say that a song is great or sucky. YOU might feel that way, but someone else might have a different Opinion there.

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Post by prYzm » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:15 am

Kevmasterflashdeluxe wrote:yes, if the song sucks I can't enjoy the Video :uhoh:

However, there can still be good amv's to generally stupid songs with sucky lyrics, etc. but I'll always prefer watching amv's with "great" songs. However, since everyone has different tastes in music anyways you can't even generally say that a song is great or sucky. YOU might feel that way, but someone else might have a different Opinion there.
agree, just cause someone else doesnt like the song, or style of music, doesnt mean its bad. for example, i personally think my brother has a horrible taste in music. but he listens to it anywayz. if you dont like the song an amv is done to, chances are you will still like the amv, but it wont have the 'rewatchable' feel to it. whereas even if an amv isnt the best, if u really like the song, u may play it a lot.

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Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:55 am

i would say that it definitely helps O.o

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Post by ScorpionP » Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:39 am

Good songs usually affect re-viewability factor a lot, but not always the overall score. I've seen some awesome videos done to the songs I wouldn't normally listen to, and still I'm able to watch them more than once.
So yeah, it helps a bit, but it doesn't matter always.

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Post by Kariudo » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:38 pm

it helps, it's hard to turn away from an awesome the very least, people can browse the rest of the org while listening to the amv.

In my opinion, a great amv has solid sync, and seems to express the feelings of the song it uses.

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Post by Falconone » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:59 pm

A great song helps a littel bit the video to push it up. but there are also not so good songs but the video ist amazing and i watch it many times.


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