by Insight » Sat Nov 02, 2002 10:37 pm
But which kind of Newbie are we discussing?
The kind that has just recently come to the board?
The kind that has just recently begun making videos?
Or the kind that has only just recently gotten into anime, having progressed no further than the likes of Pokemon, or DBZ, or Sailor Moon?
((Not that I have anything against those animes, per se...I'm just saying, those are usually the "springboards" of American fans. It gets them into anime, and then they go on to search even more. Someone who's knowledge of anime is limited to those very limited indeed.))
As for the first one (about just joining), I'd tend to agree. I can think of a few examples of the case when a newbie is someone who's been at a certain board for years, and a pro is someone who just got there yesterday. [I speak of a different board then this (Excelsis, specifically), but I won't name names. n_n;;]
As for making videos, well, a "pro-newbie" I'd find rarer...though a "newbie-pro" probably a bit easier to find. People can be just naturals at making music videos...still, the making of them seems like it'd be something of a "skill" that's acquired with effort and experience. Of course, some people never progress...::shrugs:: At any rate, having never made one myself, my speculations in this area shouldn't proceed much furthur.
As for the last one...well, once they stop trying to justify Dragon Ball Z as having an actual deep and creative thought...then that's at least a step.
::ducks behind a table to avoid the tomatoes:: But I do like DBZ!
"But don't you get it? Everything's relative! There's no such thing as absolute Truth."
"My Great-Aunt Jennifer ate a box of candy every day of her life! She lived to be 102, and when she'd been dead three days, she looked better than you do now!" - Sheridan Whiteside, "The Man Who Came to Dinner"