It would seem the majority of amv makers here stumbled upon amvs before ever setting eyes on video editing equipment.
Not everyone starts out this way though. Some people here knew video editing up and down before ever making an amv. I am not quite that experienced, but I was editing linear 2 years before ever making an amv.
My point is, the help you may have wanted when starting out is out there...rather here. There are guides written by the experienced. Maybe 2 years ago was a new web site, but there are still editing guides available all over the place. Most of them are a bit technical, but this is a technical hobby.
The main thing about your arguement that annoys me is how you want for there to be a mass share opinion among makers about their clips. But then if someone does not give you credit they should be shunned by the entire community. Now isn't that a bit hypocritical?
No one does own an amv after they make it. Respect for the individual creator is the only thing one has on their side against other people taking an entire amv, putting it to a different song and calling it their own. Even if they give credit, does it then make it ok? How is a beginner going to learn if they don't try original ideas? If they merely practiced doing such things then would that be alright...and if they didn't list it here as their own creation?
No, most people here aren't out to win contests (my personal opinion) but they DO want their videos to be seen. Winning is a nice perk, but amv making is essentially to make other people happy is it not?
Why share a video if it's not to take an emotion you felt and express it through editing so someone else can know what you saw, in your own mind and they can laugh, cry, or just sit spell bound while watching your video.
THAT is what I thought the point was. THAT is why people don't like having their edits used. They don't own it and they have no way of chaining it to the floor unless they don't release it.
CAN you do it? Of course you can use others clips and most of the time it happens without permission. But is this arguement about using clips or cutting up other's amvs? It isn't very clear anymore.
In a more realistic way...conventions are the best way to get your amv seen. Large ones are the best to be exact. Those cons gets a couple hundered entires and have to pick the ones they feel are best. Videos that use a lot of pre-compressed (
in avi, mpeg, divx...blah blah....) footage would, imho, have a hard time competing against a dvd ripped yuv clip.
To get your video shown, the sound and video quality has to be good. The concept would benefit *tremendously* by being at least somewhat original. THOSE videos get shown at conventions. It's not about winning, but it is about competing in an increasingly technical field. Looks do matter here. Conventions do matter here too, exposure, not prizes. Because that is what the purpose be seen and heard. It's hard to get that with a wmv video made out of other people's footage, edits or no. ( Still waiting on bogo to call my bluff)
If some people seemed snobbish to you, ignore them. I wouldn't have sat here and wrote out this long post if I thought you guys were some kids who didn't want to make amvs and to just start flame wars.
Based on your opinion of things being so bad...and you say you've been making amvs for 2 years, it seems you have just been reading up on the wrong people.
Conventions like AWA accept everything into their exposition and it's a big thing there...with lots of exposure for an amv maker. If you'd go to at least one convention go to that one and you can see what the people who make these are really in not self worshipping copyright stamping meanies. Just fun loving anime geeks who just want some intellectual property claims to the things that rob them of sleep, food, and an active social life come convention amv deadlines
every year