Thing is, there are well over 200 episodes of Naruto, and I'm not watching them again.
So I was hoping some people who have worked with the show in their AMVs could help me. All I need is the episode number(s) (or a rough estimate) and I can go from there.
Somewhere during the early exams (Juunin? The one where they go into the forest), Naruto is standing outside the testing site doing a mocking butt-dance or something, kinda looking like a chicken.
It's, um.. this, actually.

Also, there's the episode where he has to poo or something and he does a "holding it" dance. What episode is that?
And finally, I know there's a part (or several) where Naruto has done his multiplicating technique and he/they are cheering/fanfaring for whatever reason. Does anyone know which episode(s) might contain this?
If anyone can help me, it'd be much appreciated.