Now I download more crap from the internet than ever. Including AMVs

The .ORG as a whole is not the end-all and be-all of the AMV universe and I'm not going to give it de facto credit for all AMV-related change I've undergone just because it happens to have "anime music videos" in its URL.Eva-Fan wrote:AMV's are part of the orgDriftRoot wrote:Now if the question had been "Have AMVs changed you?" THEN I'd have a different answer.. I'm not talking about just the forums. I'm talking about the org as a whole.
Which makes me even more thankful I got here and matured long long before that site even existed. I'm glad I'm not associated with the thing I consider one of the culprits behind the falling of the next generation's intelligence.BasharOfTheAges wrote:I'd say that the 'Org has helped me (and lots of other people) develop standards to strive towards that we wouldn't have established while mired in the glut of "OMG THAT ROX!!!1" tripe that the boochsack-generation calls feedback.