Wow - I disappear for a few because my internet is speed-limited and I'm pretty shocked the topic is still going. :0 And I can't watch those YT videos yet with the links you've given! ;_;
Anyway, I wasn't raising this topic to determine whether AMVs are art or not - I wanted to know whether you felt you were AMV artists. Because, as long as there's agreement about the facts regarding the piece (e.g. sparkles dumped on a page by a kid), I'm OK with people having different opinions on whether it's classified as art. Truth is relative. No hive minds around here! XD
So, what does it mean to be an artist? It's a bit hard to explain, but if you considered yourself one or for AMVs to be an art form, that classification would affect your behaviour. Like you feel attached to creating AMVs as a preferable hobby, it's not something where you create one and you can drop AMV-making at any time and it's not a big deal, you take pride in your work, are meticulous, etc. And even maybe fitting the "starving artist" stereotype?

(or missing out on sleep to create AMVs would be one) Living the artist's lifestyle! XD
(and btw I think AMV-making should be classified as a hobby, since people shouldn't be making money from it, right? >.> ... but I don't know what prizes there are in comps, but whatever. Good luck if you're surviving solely off that, if they are monetary. You can play off people's sympathies and say "I don't get to eat for the next 6 months unless I win" ... but I digress. >.> )
Anyway, it was interesting to see what people looked for when classifying it as art - such as looking at the amount of human input, comparing AMVs to other art where stock is used, the intentions of the editor, whether it needs to be good quality or not, how meaningful the message is...
Beowulf wrote:If prints of Marilyn Monroe and Campbell soup cans are considered art, then AMVs are definitely art.
Actually, I'd heard that the artist was successfully sued over that. (but still would be art, regardless of the nature of the stock images)
Pas wrote:Then again, I could shit on a hotdog and call that "art" so it doesn't count for much.
And my Mum said that in the 60's, someone pissed on a drum and recorded it, and it was considered music.
godix wrote:Why the hell do we constantly return to this topic like it has any relevance at all? If you enjoy AMVs does it matter if it's art or not?
Anyway, I consider art to be pretty much anything humans do that is not motivated or required for survival. Painting, dancing, pissing your name in the snow, AMVs, whatever.
You mean like one should do forum posts to piss off others, not to be classified as a 'prick', but for the enjoyment of it?
I didn't want to confuse motivation for creating AMVs with someone's perception on their creation (unless you think I'd get all pissy if someone refused to acknowledge it as art, and stop making them... not that you'd care! ;_; )
And it sounds like you'd have enjoyed that shitty South Park game for the N64. :/
CrackTheSky wrote:I have a lot to say on this, but Jay summed it up too well.
Damn it, guys, stop using your first names!
Pas wrote:Art is the process or product of
Er, did you write all that yourself? ^^;
Well, darn, we're screwed if anyone's a realist... since they wouldn't be considering anime an art form, since it's very stylized.
I'd say AMVs are closest to the non-motivated "expression of the imagination" (assuming one would be inspired to create even if there wasn't an audience for it) and motivated "entertainment".... maybe also the "ritualistic and symbolic functions" at Anime conventions. :/ But it could be practically any motivation, really.
*gasp* it was Wikipedia!!! (I didn't want to be rude, just in case you did write it! XD Hey, I don't know what you do.)
Beowulf wrote:you suck and i dont like you

That's the spirit
Darkpwns wrote:I'm actually doing a paper on this very topic =O, interesting. But I believe AMVs are works of art. After all if an editor's showreel is considered art then the stuff we make would also fall into that category =P

How? For which subject? (is it a general "what is art?" or AMV-related? )
blabbler wrote:and arguing for something as wishy-washy as 'transcendent' is a pretty futile exercise anyway
Transcend you! D:<
Pas wrote:This entire thread is art. Prove me wrong.
Er, since truth is relative, one may have the opinion that this thread is not art (disregarding the pics linked

) and therefore be correct.
Thanks to people who pointed out the subjective/relative nature of OPINIONS/interpretations. My two cents.
Nya-chan Production wrote:Also, I start to hate that hypocritic phrase "just my two cents", what I actually read is "Well, that's my opinion, it's right and you can go die in a fire for I don't care about you at all".
Maybe it could be stated differently, but at least it enforces that it is someone's personal opinion. If stated without something like that, people could interpret it as "you should think that way too" hence the 'philosophical' debate that ensues. Here's two cents... rounded down.

(er, in Australia, we got rid of one and two cent pieces. Smallest is 5cents now. THE MOAR YOU KNOW!!!)
godix wrote:In my humble opinion you all are myopic shallow ADD children with brain damage. When given a topic that has the potential of thought provoking intelligent discussion everyone immediately post shallow vapid thoughts that in comparison makes 13 year old girls talking about if canadian is a language appear like towering intellects. Then, like magpies distracted by christmas tinsel, you pick up on the most moronic of side comments and focus on that like it was at all relevant or interesting. Any thread that is four pages long has lasted at least three pages longer than the actual discussion of the topic. The reason the art topic never goes anywhere is that none of you have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about. When you think DBZ is the height of a story conveying subtle emotions and you believe Rich Little is the worlds most renown impressionist then maybe the art topic isn't something you should take part in. I do have to confess I am rather surprised any of you picked up on the arrogance loaded in the phrase 'my two cents' though. I've always assumed everyone here was too busy jacking off to drawings of four year olds fucking to pick up on subtext. Hell, I've always figured it was 50/50 that readers of my curse filled rants realized that yes, I actually am talking about them. Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, malodorous, perverts.
Just my two cents.
Yay! Godix for most.... God-like (at least in the Judeo-Christian perspective)
And the term is "mis-spoke" - learn it if you want to get into politics.