This is because of the way the American and Canadian industries were created: ADV, Funimation, AnimEigo... they were all fansubbers first. Rare was the company like Harmony Gold or Voyager Entertainment that started out with a business plan looking for licensing.Otohiko wrote:Not sure where the anime industry is on that, but last I checked they're unofficially pretty happy with the status quo on AMVs, at least in North America.
The Japanese industry is a lot more vocal of MADs and the ilk, but the government has been pretty much unwilling to act. This was especially true when Taro Aso was prime minister. He was swept into office in large part due to his direct campaigning to otaku, and he maintained a strong stance in support of MADs and Doujinshi (Aso was a huge fan of Rozen Maiden, desu desu desu desu). Despite promises by the DPJ to help the industry control fan works, Hatoyama and company do not really appear to be doing much else but maintaining the status quo.