HD AMV Questionaire

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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by Enigma » Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:23 am

Arashinome wrote:I edit with straight up 720p lossless footage, always. (When I am indeed using HD footage)

I have the resources for 1080p, but I believe that 1080p is mostly pointless as the majority of users don't have systems/monitors that support 1080p. I feel 720p is more than adequate.

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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:21 am

1 - skipped

2 - I rip from the BRD, downscale to 720p and make 4-5 episode long (or feature-length) "clips." (~40GB a piece in lags)

3 - I recently built a AMD Phenom II x4 system. There's no noticeable problem with 720p. My monitors aren't big enough and high res enough for me to comfortably work with the 1080p stuff right now, but i'm pretty sure my system could handle it.

4 - HD if available. I watch everything full-screened anyways, so lower res just means more of an upscale and a lower video quality that's coming to my eyes.

5 - I make just about everything for Anime Boston, which went all 720p last year.
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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by irriadin » Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:07 am

1 - If you dont edit in HD, why are you not editing in HD? Is it because of the sources you use are not available in HD or is it because your system cannot handle it or it becomes an inconvenience at times?
I will always pick the highest quality source available but as others have said, not everything is available in HD. The source I'm working on now is only available in standard def. Here's my current system, looking to get an upgrade soon though:

OS: Windows 7 x64 Enterprise
CPU: Intel Q6600 Quad-Core @ 3.0GHz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 285
HDD Space: about 3.2 TB
Programs: Sony Vegas Pro 9, After Effects CS5, Photoshop CS5
2 - If you do edit in HD, what method do you use? Do you bait and switch or edit directly off the 720p or 1080p? Do you edit in both 720p and 1080p? Are you restricted to only 720p at the moment?
I edit in the direct source and downscale it once I render. So my last project I edited in 1080p and rendered to 720p.
3 - How do you like editing in HD? Is the extra render time and larger file sizes worth it with your current system?
I'm a quality freak (I have almost all my music in FLAC and V0) so it's absolutely worth it to me to get the best looking video possible.
4 - Do you watch AMVs in HD or grab the lower res or both?
See above. I always get the highest quality available.
5 - How are conventions adapting HD into their AMV showings and is it a priority at your con?
Most conventions I go to require videos to be submitted with a res of 720x480, so it's not really a high priority, so far as I can tell.

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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by CodeZTM » Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:20 am

1 - Don't want to spend money on a Blu-Ray drive, nor do I wish to repurchase my anime in Blu-Ray format. Besides the fact that most of the anime I like isn't available in Blu-Ray.

2 - Skipped

3 - I've tried it before. To somewhat quote a great man, I see little to no difference in between 720p or 480p footage to justify the purchasing of the additional technology or making my rig sweat.

4 - As stated in 3, with little to no difference visually, I snag the lower res version.

5 - I think it will be several years before they begin adapting it for every common con. Especially because most people don't know how to edit properly in HD, and just upscale their 480p footage and make it look terrible. Plus, do you really want to send an MPEG2 of an HD file over the internet?

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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by macchinainterna » Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:44 am


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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by Taite » Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:51 am

1 - If I already own the dvds, I will not buy the blu-rays for it. If I don't own the anime, but I like it a lot, and it's available in blu-ray, then I'll get the blu-ray.

2 - Rip the blu-ray, save it as lossless to an external hard drive, edit the lossless. I edit both, but 1080p more commonly. All from blu-rays, as upscaled sources are disgusting. As of right now, I have 19 blu-ray dvds, and therefore 19 available to edit (all already ripped.)

3 - I don't like the editing process. My system most likely can not handle it, but I abuse it anyhow. It's worth it though, as I really like HD.

4 - Best quality available. 1080p > 720p.

5 - I don't know. I consider NDK one of "my cons" as I am not far away, but I've only entered it once and have never gone (though am looking forward to.) I'm not sure if they show 1080p/720p amvs if they receive them, or if they just downscale them.
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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by dj_ultima_the_great » Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:20 pm

1 - If you dont edit in HD, why are you not editing in HD? Is it because of the sources you use are not available in HD or is it because your system cannot handle it or it becomes an inconvenience at times?
I don't own anything that can play blu rays, so no point in buying them. Also, my laptop has overheating issues; it gets dangerously hot sometimes just when editing/rendering regular videos, so I'm pretty sure it would fry with an HD source.
2 - If you do edit in HD, what method do you use? Do you bait and switch or edit directly off the 720p or 1080p? Do you edit in both 720p and 1080p? Are you restricted to only 720p at the moment?
3 - How do you like editing in HD? Is the extra render time and larger file sizes worth it with your current system?
Let's say that I could successfully edit in HD, firstly. My lappy can handle playing the videos, so it would be nice to have them if I could make them. However, it's not a priority, and even when I'm able to switch over to a computer that could handle editing/rendering HD sources, I don't think I would care too much. Furthermore, I primarily edit videogame sources, so going above 480p with pretty much anything from before the "next-gen" era is just hurting video quality. Heck, some PS1 games aren't even in 240p.
4 - Do you watch AMVs in HD or grab the lower res or both?
For this site, I get whatever is on Local first, so that I can be reminded later that I already downloaded it. Then, if I know I'll like the source in HD (VG stuff, for example, like Castor's RE5 video), or I end up enjoying the video afterward, I'll get whatever is the highest quality available.
5 - How are conventions adapting HD into their AMV showings and is it a priority at your con?
The long and the short of it is that I totally support the trend of HD videos, so long as two concepts remain intact. One, editors shouldn't be pressured to use HD sources. As long as any source has had the proper processing and is at a reasonable resolution compared to the original from whence it came, nobody should be complaining. Two, the quality of the source should never outshine the quality of the editing. If just getting a source ready for editing is taking more attention (note: I said attention, not time) than the video itself, then some priorities need to be rearranged.

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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:46 pm

A lot of HD videos that I've seen floating around are just up-scaled from what I can tell.

I don't own many anime blurays (I think Ponyo is the only one - and it came with a DVD as well) So I find no point in editing in HD.

I also don't plan on buying anime blurays (unless they are a single movie, not a series) because they are just too expensive. I don't want to upgrade my computer either.

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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by Mastamind » Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:20 pm

If you have the resources to edit in the highest possible quality I don't see why not. It's always a good idea to use the highest available quality source as long as it's practical.

1 - I've edited in 720p without problems and am working on a 1080p project. The problems come up when editing 1080p footage because I don't have too much hard drive space and my system isn't nearly optimal for editing.

2 - I always edit directly with the full quality lossless files. I don't like using proxies because if I'm masking or creating media it won't be as sharp when I switch.

3 - What Taite said. I don't like doing it, but it's definitely worth it.

4 - I'll download the highest quality available, but I don't mind watching smaller resolutions :up:

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Re: HD AMV Questionaire

Post by aguelo » Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:54 pm

1 - If you dont edit in HD, why are you not editing in HD? Is it because of the sources you use are not available in HD or is it because your system cannot handle it or it becomes an inconvenience at times?
My system is a pan-dimensional abacus. It can barely withstand 720p.
2 - If you do edit in HD, what method do you use? Do you bait and switch or edit directly off the 720p or 1080p? Do you edit in both 720p and 1080p? Are you restricted to only 720p at the moment?
I re-encode into huffyuv (unless the source is uncompressed), so I can edit in 720p without risks of fire :ying:
3 - How do you like editing in HD? Is the extra render time and larger file sizes worth it with your current system?
Dunno, lol. Rendering always takes lots of time and space.
4 - Do you watch AMVs in HD or grab the lower res or both?
720p and MPC, so the balls of my pan-dimensional abacus don't get inert.
5 - How are conventions adapting HD into their AMV showings and is it a priority at your con?
I don't go to cons nor I enter videos, since I have nil AMVs done :lol:
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