The problem is that I am at a fork in the road right now. I’ve originally planned to have an alternate storyline focusing on my character rather than the main guy, however, that concept by itself would not sustain the entire song (almost 5 minutes long), so I’ve edited to the first half of the song in the form of an introduction to the character: who he is, what his situation is and so on. I plan to introduce the alternate story in the second half and carry it out till the end of the song.
Now here’s my question: would it be distracting to have a video start out as a story-free character profile and then switch to a linear telling of events, focusing on the character? I’ve never actually mixed the two before in a video so it kind of worries me that I might go through all the trouble and then end up with a disconnect between the two parts.
Well, I could always allude to the second part in segments throughout the first part, but I would love to hear your thoughts on how a character profile would be ideally constructed (btw, I’ve read Godix’s guide, but I felt I needed more info