So I've been having a crapton of ideas, but I've already started six or so of them, so these will probably never happen anyway...
I've always been thinking 'what if someone takes my idea?!?!' but everyone's already got their own backlog of ideas, so even if they do, that just means it gets done! I'm not a big fan of making requests (I've only done it once) and it never turns out the way you wanted it to...that's the main reason I edit...
tl;dr: What about the idea of "sharing/discussing amv ideas"? especially ones you know you're never going to do
I've been almost exclusively to tool for the past 6 months now so I have an idea to almost every song, or at least some sort of trippy visual to it... they're just SO LONG though, and its not like some catchy pop song you can just snip a little bit to
Eulogy - Madoka: Imagine if Puella Magi had highlander rules instead...
Sober - sayonara zetsoubou sensei: the damn song lists traits of just about every character, and I always picture the teacher being in despair about...well, yeah.
Prison sex - ANYTHING: Dat screams to be tapped.
Rosetta stoned - Madoka, Haruhi, lain: What if they're just crazy instead of being gods? Started doing this with Haruhi, but it just turns out too long, (with the intro its almost 15 minutes!) and there's no real "climax" to the song...
Lateralus - Homestuck: I know its not anime, I just picture the two going together perfectly /DEEP
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour "golden age" - Abenobashi: I bet the original video "plot" could be re-made in the style of Shin's safety dance video
Gwen/Moby "south side" - Kino's Journey: Or just about any episodic show where they go places
Movie Title Would be one of the best multi-anime videos out there, use the most blatantly ______ character for each part
Cuil theory: Another not so AMVish one, I want to make a video showing off, well, cuil theory except I can't think of a good song that would go along with transitioning through cuils.
Anyway, I think all my ideas are probably a bit too "1/2 to 1 cuil" but I'm not really that blatantly creative. As I said before, I won't be too heartbroken if anyone does/doesn't use any of this... I was just hoping to start an idea discussion, along with trying to cull my "I wanna" list
Idea sharing / discussing
General discussion of Anime Music Videos
- zibbazabba905
- Joined: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:18 pm
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Idea sharing / discussing
Post by zibbazabba905 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:19 pm
"Uhmmm... You know... it was at that point that I realized that maybe Thierry wasn't actually a film maker, and he was maybe just someone with mental problems who happened to have a camera. " -Banksy
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