we should make some Org propaganda

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Re: we should make some Org propaganda

Post by Phantasmagoriat » Sat May 12, 2012 5:47 pm

I'm on board with the ideas and all, but hold on.

This is what we need to discuss first:
"Do we or do we not want to do any of this now, or save it for when the new site is up?"

It would be like a bad first movie with a good sequel.
"You advertised good enough to make me see the first one, but it sucked.
I pretty much expect to see the same thing second time around, so why bother?"
This sort of thing does happen, even if the second movie is actually better.
And you don't want the unveiling to be the the sequel that nobody bothers watching.

First impressions are crucial, so it needs to be painfully clear that the site is under construction, or it might be better to not advertise at all...
Of course, both of those problems would be solved if we just got ourselves a good old "Under Construction" sign. IIRC that's what those are for.
That way, we don't draw 'critical' attention to ourselves, while still raising awareness of our existence.
Basically, we don't want people to judge us, but we do want them to know where to find us.
Plus it would raise anticipation a realistic amount, no matter how long you hang the sign up.
So, yeah, someone make an Under Construction sign. (not that I have any authority to give orders... >.>')
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Re: we should make some Org propaganda

Post by DJ_Izumi » Sat May 12, 2012 5:58 pm

This website has webdesign that dates back to when the Anime Turnpike was relevent and Google was literally operating out of a garage in California. You can't go advertising this site, at anime cons, to a primarily young fandom equipped with smart phones with instant access to YouTube and Facebook. There's no point in making any major attempt to draw people to The Org until there's an Org that they'd actually want to use.

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Re: we should make some Org propaganda

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sat May 12, 2012 6:20 pm

Phantasmagoriat wrote:This is what we need to discuss first:
"Do we or do we not want to do any of this now, or save it for when the new site is up?"
If you honestly think something like this would gain traction and have people involved in actually contributing to it in any meaningful way faster than it'll take to get the new site in place, then you're kidding yourself. For reasoning: See merch contest.
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Re: we should make some Org propaganda

Post by Phantasmagoriat » Sat May 12, 2012 6:53 pm

BasharOfTheAges wrote:
Phantasmagoriat wrote:This is what we need to discuss first:
"Do we or do we not want to do any of this now, or save it for when the new site is up?"
If you honestly think something like this would gain traction and have people involved in actually contributing to it in any meaningful way faster than it'll take to get the new site in place, then you're kidding yourself. For reasoning: See merch contest.
Well, okay, but regardless of whether it gains traction or not, what matters is what we do with any promo material that exists. What if Project OrgEditor, again, includes a round where contestants made promo videos? Do we use them, or not use them in any official capacity? Do we save them for the unveiling? Should we save all promo for later? As it is right now I don't think it would be wise to attract too much attention to the site, unless you have that Under Construction sign I was talking about to mitigate any judgement towards the site. If at least that much is done, I wouldn't feel too bad about directing people here in any way.
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Re: we should make some Org propaganda

Post by Otohiko » Sat May 12, 2012 7:23 pm

DJ_Izumi wrote:This website has webdesign that dates back to when the Anime Turnpike was relevent and Google was literally operating out of a garage in California. You can't go advertising this site, at anime cons, to a primarily young fandom equipped with smart phones with instant access to YouTube and Facebook. There's no point in making any major attempt to draw people to The Org until there's an Org that they'd actually want to use.
Well, I don't agree entirely - I think there's always a point to drawing people to the .org, and there's always people who will have no problem using the site as it is, but all in all... x2

I agree that no amount of propaganda will succeed until the site itself undergoes a big facelift.
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we should make some Org propaganda

Post by TEKnician » Sat May 12, 2012 9:49 pm

Transparent AMV org watermark on the bottom right of your vids.

Wait...I just realized how ridiculous that sounded.
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: we should make some Org propaganda

Post by I Fight For The Users » Sun May 13, 2012 3:28 am

"Do we or do we not want to do any of this now, or save it for when the new site is up?"
It's been up.

Effective cheerleading requires the initiated to know what's going on. As such, the most effective promotion you can do right now is spreading this link out to existing, active .org members, and making conversation in #grommet on irc.synirc.org.

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Re: we should make some Org propaganda

Post by gotegenks » Mon May 14, 2012 12:07 am

what if we had a little downloadable intro for people to put in front of videos, kinda like a studio bumper.

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Re: we should make some Org propaganda

Post by Phantasmagoriat » Mon May 14, 2012 11:40 am

I've thought about that before, though I would be more in favour of an outro than an intro. Less intrusive.
Unless the intro was short. In fact, I sort of like the simple logo intros used before watching a movie.
Gives you a moment to settle down. So yeah, I would support that.
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